New Civ concept: Papal States

Technically, Croats are still included in the Slav civ.

Lmao that would the dumbest civ bonus ever. Whole team can just sling one player and have him steamroll everything.

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It’s not even true. The church had clerical goods all over europe (monasteries for the most part) and collected directly from the people also in form of the mentioned letters of indulgence.

Only “in name only”.

Why? If a civ is designer around Monks and religious power, the UT could be related to them

I didn’t specify it because the don’t have a UU from the Castle. They lack it untile they don’t research the Imperial UT
The UU they have, and share with the allies, is the Bishop

Papal States weren’t known for the military force, so they may be average, and have an advantage only with Monks in proximity. That’s why I did not put anything on top. I gave them something more in Cavalry because the Roman Noble were renowned for the Knight. Siege is weak bacuse they were a defensive and conservative civilisation.

To compensate, they shined as a cultural center. So the access to technology was meant to symbolize that.

I thought about that as UU.
But the Swiss Guard,as the name says, were not trained in Rome but in the Helvetic Confederation.
So maybe they should be an UU of a Helvetic civ :slight_smile:

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As said before, I thought about that as an alternative upgrade for Pikeman (linke Winged Ussars for Pole) but it’s more like an Elvetic UU, not Roman

Don’t like it very Much

I though about that, not as a team bonus but as a self bonus, something like Free Coinage and Banking

You are right for the Slavs
Byzantines anyway were relevant in the fondation of the Papal States

The burgundians in the realms mod has uus from other civis so it might be ok to use that here too but they still have a uu tho.

Inspired by the last patch, I gave my concept a little rework in order to make it less gimmick.
It’s just a mere exercise I had for fun, not that I really expect a civ like this to appear in the actual game, especially now that the Roman civ has to be released.

Focus: Monks


  • Start the game with a part of the map already explored.
  • Monastery are avaible in the Feudal Age.
  • Monasteries support 10 population and provide a 5% buff in gathering, attack, healing and convertion speed to units in 5 range.
  • Villagers and Monks can garrison in Monasteries.
  • Free Coinage and Banking

Team Bonus
Bishop (upgrade of Monk) avaible in the Monastery in Imperial Age, has little resistance to anti-Monk attacks

Unique Tecnologies

  • Excommunication: enemy Monks have lower healing and conversion speed
  • Counter Reformation: Monasteries buff has +2 range, a Relic collected in a Monastery grants an additional 5% to that Monastery buff

Unique Unit
Cardinal (enanched version of Monk), has resistance to anti-Monk attacks

Trained at Monastery
Cost: 100 Gold
Training time: 51 seconds
Hit points: 40
Rate of Fire: 50
Conversion Range:
10 vs most units
0 vs buildings, Trebuchets, Battering Rams and Armored Elephants
Healing: 4
Melee armor: 1
Pierce armor: 1
Armor class: Monk (+6)
Speed: 0.7
Line of Sight: 11
Carry Relics
Convert units
Heal units

Trained at Castle
Cost: 20 Food, 100 Gold
Training time: 30 seconds
Hit points: 45
Rate of Fire: 50
Conversion Range:
10 vs most units
2 vs buildings, Trebuchets, Battering Rams and Armored Elephants
Healing: 5
Melee armor: 1
Pierce armor: 1
Armor class: Monk (+11)
Speed: 0.65
Line of Sight: 11
Carry Relics
Convert units
Heal units

Tech Tree

Champion and Helberdier avaible
Can research Squires and Arson, not Supplies and Gambesons

Archery Range
Crossbowman and Elite Skirmisher avaible
Can research Thumb Ring

Light Cavalry and Cavalier avaible
Can research Bloodlines and Husbandry

Siege Workshop
Capped Ram, Onager, Scorpion, Siege Tower and Bombard Cannon

Fire Ship, Demolition Ship, Galleon and Cannon Galleon
Cannot research Dry Dock and Shipwright

All tech avaible.

All tech avaible

Lacks Bombard Tower and Siege Engineers

Eco upgrades
All tech avaible except Crop Rotation and Stone Shaft Mining


AoE2: [Just 3 American civs and 3 African ones, 4 African ones if you count Saracens]

AoE2 players: you know what we need? More European civs.


Thanks God I specified:

Anyone can try to design the civ he wants. Nobody prevents you to design an African or American civ just for fun.


Are you counting the Portuguese among the African civs? I don’t know how you could have those numbers otherwise

It’s a mistake. Thank you for pointing out.

Edited my previous post.

We should have papacy ingame then we can have overlapping cities alongside overlapping civis.

On the civi design itself its a fun concept but way too much on monks not even a swiss guard.

Swiss guard castle UU and Swiss voice lines for military? :sweat_smile:

Only the swiss guy should speak swiss,generic units will still speak italian(local and levy troops).

I guess they’d have to change how voice lines work a bit.

But then again, Gbetos and female heroes use female villager voice lines (which does mean no attack lines.

No need its doable with the current engine old mods like chivalry has done it already.

Ah I see. I didn’t know that.