New Civ Concept : The Sogdians

There could also maybe be a Sahrawi civ

They are not split enough

What do you mean? As though Sogdians are not distinct enough from Persians to justify their separation? Or that civs like the Hindustanis need to be further broken down?

If you fragment Hindustanis further, you literally go back to Turks, Tatars, and Persians, overlaying against Gurjaras or even Bengalis.

No I mean Hindu and Persia are still way too encompassing of potential civs.

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Anyway, I think this could be added to your [Hub] Civilization Concepts.

Talk to @casusincorrabil about that, it’s their project, I just set it up.

“So could you please added it to the list first?

The [HUB] is a wiki, you can insert it on your own.
Otherwise you will have to wait unti I find time to do it, what will probably be this evening as I have to prepare a poll anyways.

added(20 characters)

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The Sogdian Cataphract newly added to the Bukhara campaign is described as a Sassanid UU.

I wonder if that’s a hint for Persians being split? :thinking:

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Its just a hero unit moved to a general unit.Pretty sure it was in HD also.

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I’m not sure about that because the Persians tend to represent the people of Modern-Day Iran. The family of ethnic groups that the Persians, Sogdians, and other related groups belong to are referred to as Iranian (the context of this isn’t referring to the people of Iran, who are commonly referred to as Iranians) or Iranic groups.

Not to mention, the Persians represent mainly the native people of the country, Iran.

Love the concept.
The Sogdian trade carts machanic is too complicated I think, simpler method is more straightfoward, like market sell price drop slower or carts cost no wood.