[Hub] Civilization Concepts

This is created to be a large hub of all the civilization concepts people have come up with in the community. This is @casusincorrabil’s project, I’m posting it because I can easily convert it into a wiki, as we agreed beforehand, allowing for editing beyond the usual time limit for a post, because wikis don’t have a limit on edit time. If you have any questions or anything, please treat this post as belonging to @casusincorrabil. Thank you.

Now for the civ hub (Everything below this paragraph wasn’t written by me). Note: because of limits on the number of mentions a post can have, the different geographical areas have been split down into replies below.


:paintbrush: - Thread contains artwork
:open_book: - Thread contains historic background
:horse_racing: - Thread contains scenario/campaign ideas
:gear: - Thread contains civ design
:exclamation: - The political motive or historic accuracy is questioned, read with reasonable doubt

:1st_place_medal: - Won the first place on [Poll] Best Civilisation Concept
:2nd_place_medal: - Got the second place on the Poll
:3rd_place_medal: - Got the third place on poll

@TheConqueror753 again, I’ve replaced the exclamation mark above, we now have several variants of the problematic things, which will need to be added into the lists below:

  • Clear political motivation in post or significant political issue like that (:bangbang:)
  • Questionable historical accuracy or inspiration (:interrobang:)
  • Minor political motivation in post, or something in the comments by the original poster (:exclamation:)
  • Other issue such as degrading civ ideas of others, or other civs as a whole (:triangular_flag_on_post:)

Please insert and edit the according civilization design threads. If there is an ongoing discussion about the civilization design or sub threads you can link these in the “Comments” column.

How to insert new civ concept proposals:

Go to the region, click the edit button. Look through the lines where your civ fits alphatbetical, make a new row and insert this line:

|[*civname*](*link*)|@*yournick*|*timeframe* AD|:paintbrush: :open_book: :horse_racing: :gear: :exclamation:||

Replace the star marked placeholders with the corresponding strings. Then remove the emoticon symbols your thread doesn’t fit. For example, remove the :paintbrush: if your thread doesn’t contain a healthy amount of artwork.
open_book stands for historic background, horse_racing for scenario/campaign ideas, gear for civ design and exclamation for… basically controversy.
Be honest with yourself, the emoticons are meant to be motivational, so you can gradually improve your design over time. Nothing is perfect from the getgo.



Civilisation Author Timeframe Content Comments
Bengalis @Hainaut183 750-1576 AD :open_book: :gear:
Chams @KarstHillFort77 200-1500 AD :paintbrush: :open_book: :horse_racing: :gear: :exclamation:
Dians @KarstHillFort77 300 BC - 1253 AD :paintbrush: :open_book: :gear:
Siamese @Apocalypso4826 ? AD :gear:
Siamese @PoshMoss4047953 ? AD :gear:
Tai @SHABOOM8608 1200-1600 AD :open_book: :horse_racing: :gear:
Tai @JCC3001 1200-1600 AD :paintbrush: :open_book: :horse_racing: :gear:
Tai @DynasticPlanet5 1200-1600 AD :gear:
Tamils @culgil1014 600-1700 AD :open_book: :horse_racing: :gear:
Tibetans @JCC3001 600-900 AD :paintbrush: :open_book: :horse_racing: :gear: :exclamation:
Tibetans @Apocalypso4826 600-900 AD :open_book: :gear:


Civilisation Author Timeframe Content Comments
Ghana @PlanetDragon25 AD :gear: :exclamation:
Ghanese @DynasticPlanet5 ? AD :gear:
Kongolese @Apocalypso4826 1300-1800 AD :gear:
Nubians @DynasticPlanet5 2300 BC - 1504 AD :gear:
Nubians @FurtherLime7936 ? AD :horse_racing: :gear:
Shona @Apocalypso4826 ? AD :paintbrush: :open_book: :gear:
Shona @DynasticPlanet5 900-1500 AD :gear:
Songhai @DynasticPlanet5 700-1600 AD :open_book: :gear:
Songhai @PCDragon3979 700-1600 AD :gear:
Swahili @CheshireWig3203 ? AD :open_book:
Swahili @Apocalypso4826 ? AD :gear:


Civilisation Author Timeframe Content Comments
Aragonese WedInk504838973 1000-1500 AD :open_book: :gear:
Aragonese WedInk504838973 1000-1500 AD :gear:
Armenians Apocalypso4826 1100-1400 AD :open_book: :gear:
Bassarab Player870583437 1300-? AD :open_book:
Bavarians MUTYLATOR5553 500-1900 AD :horse_racing: :gear:
Bogdan Player870583437 1300-1700 AD :open_book: :horse_racing:
Bohemians HanselDoullery 1400- AD :gear:
Croatians Hainaut183 900-1100 AD :gear:
Dutch BunkerFrog95151 900-1400 AD :gear:
Dutch GeneralAkkerman 900-1400 AD :gear:
Georgians PilotSpider3216 900-1400 AD :open_book: :gear:
Georgians Apocalypso4826 900-1400 AD :gear:
Moors bigbossbro08 700-1500 AD :gear:
Muscovites DynasticPlanet5 ? AD :gear:
Papal States Albeman3246 400-1800 AD :open_book: :gear:
Poles SauravT AD :gear:
Romanians Player870583437 1300-1700 AD :paintbrush: :open_book: :horse_racing: :gear:
Saxons MUTYLATOR5553 500-1900 AD :horse_racing: :gear:
Serbs UnpricedCar9 1100-1400 AD :paintbrush: :open_book: :gear:
Serbs CruelDegree2949 1100-1400 AD :paintbrush: :open_book: :horse_racing: :gear:
Swiss Zero17893 1200- AD :paintbrush: :open_book: :gear: :3rd_place_medal:
Swiss h0uskan 1200- AD :gear:
Swiss Seicing 1200- AD :gear:
Venetians DoctBaghi 700-1800 AD :paintbrush: :open_book: :horse_racing: :gear: :2nd_place_medal:
Venetians UlissePigro 700-1800 AD :gear:
Venetians IBMichele117 700-1800 AD :open_book: :horse_racing: :gear:
Vlachs Player870583437 1100-1500 AD :open_book: :horse_racing: :gear:
Vlachs Micriab123 1100-1500 AD :gear:
Vlachs UpmostRook9474 1100-1500 AD :open_book: :gear:
Vlachs SauravT ? AD :gear:
Wallachians Player870583437 1100-1500 AD :paintbrush: :open_book: :gear:
Wallachians Burgundian2000 1100-1500 AD :paintbrush: :horse_racing: :gear:

Central Eurasia + Arabia

Civilisation Author Timeframe Content Comments
Afghans @Chekardhar 600-1600 AD :gear:
Alans @DynasticPlanet5 90 BC - 1239 AD :gear:
Daylamites @AbledManatee867 200-1000 AD :gear:
Hephtalites @WateryCanoe400 500-1000 AD :paintbrush: :open_book: :horse_racing: :gear:
Kazakhs @Apocalypso4826 ? AD-1863 AD :gear: :open_book:
Sogdians @Seicing 484 AD -1388 AD :paintbrush: :open_book: :horse_racing: :gear: :1st_place_medal:

North America


South America

Civilisation Author Timeframe Content Comments
Chimu @DynasticPlanet5 800-1500 AD :open_book: :gear:
Chimu @PCDragon3979 800-1500 AD :gear:
Chimu @JCC3001 800-1500 AD :paintbrush: :open_book: :horse_racing: :gear:
Chimu @SirWiedreich AD :open_book: :gear:
Mapuches @naoSalvo6890 1200-1600 AD :open_book:
Muisca @Zero17893 1200-1500 AD :gear:
Muisca @SirWiedreich AD :open_book: :gear:
Tupis @BunkerFrog95151 -1500 AD :gear:
Wari @JCC3001 500-1500 AD :paintbrush: :open_book: :horse_racing: :gear:


Civilisation Author Timeframe Content Comments
Polynesians @Apocalypso4826 ? AD :gear:
Polynesians @SirWiedreich ? AD :open_book: :gear:
Micronesians @Apocalypso4826 ? AD :gear:
Visayans @StereoQuasar163 ? AD :paintbrush: :open_book: :gear:

Multi Civ Proposals

Civilisation Author Timeframe Content Comments
Andes ArrangedHeart77 500-1600 AD :paintbrush: :open_book: :horse_racing: :gear:
Asia KarstHillFort77 AD :open_book: :gear:
Lost Dynasties WateryCanoe400 AD :open_book:
MantisAOE Player870583437 AD :paintbrush: :gear:
Europe Goadalchur AD :gear:
Europe Player870583437 AD :open_book:
Caucasus CelticKeeper AD :paintbrush: :open_book:
North America ElizaKolmakov AD :open_book: :horse_racing: :gear:
Diverse Skadidesu AD :gear:
Eastern Europe MUTYLATOR5553 AD :open_book: :gear:
Georgians/Armenians MegasDukas AD :open_book:
Germans MUTYLATOR5553 AD :paintbrush: :open_book: :horse_racing: :gear: :exclamation:
Slavic DarthPyro4335 AD :gear: :exclamation:
Forgotten Hungirrad AD :open_book:
Africa Rorarimbo AD :gear:
India Parthnan AD
India Dafidius AD :paintbrush: :open_book: :horse_racing: :gear: :exclamation:
Europe DukeCountuu AD :gear:
Slavs MegasDukas AD :paintbrush: :open_book: :horse_racing: :gear:
Slavs MUTYLATOR5553 AD :paintbrush: :open_book: :horse_racing: :gear: :exclamation:
Asia Chandrika4321 AD :open_book:
Various StereoQuasar163 AD :paintbrush: :gear:
Armenians + Georgians UpmostRook9474 AD :open_book: :gear:
Khitans and Jurchens UpmostRook9474 ? AD :gear:
America EdgarSamuelON ? AD :paintbrush: :open_book:
Umbrella Split StereoQuasar163 ? AD :paintbrush: :open_book:
North America CheshireWig3203 ? AD :paintbrush: :open_book: :horse_racing:
Multi SirWiedreich AD :paintbrush: :open_book: :gear:
My Ego casusincorrabil AD :open_book: :gear:
Multi TungstenBoar + ? AD :gear:
Diverse TungstenBoar ? AD :gear:
A lot PryingIvy454910 + ? AD :paintbrush: :open_book: :horse_racing: :gear:

Out of AOE2 Timeframe

Civilisation Author Timeframe Content Comments
Romans @AdmiredCell8942 -500 AD :paintbrush: :gear:
Vandals @DynasticPlanet5 400-600 AD :open_book: :gear:
Xianbei @WateryCanoe400 -400-600 AD :gear:
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THX a lot, @TheConqueror753 !

If there is anything to discuss please contact me. I will regularly update and backup the pages.
Currently only civ proposals after 2020 are included, but I will put in the missing ones step by step.
Ofc everybody can put in and edit the wikis if needed.

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Uh tried to answer a comment and ended up editing the wiki

Yeah, it changes the button, you have to click the arrow, don’t worry, I can revert it. Nevermind @casusincorrabil already fixed it.

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That’s why I made a backup

There is edit history as well, in case you don’t have something backed up.

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Either way, AoE2 timeline includes the 5th century

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That’s not up to me to decide though, I just wrote down what I was told to, it’s @casusincorrabil’s call.

Yes this is kinda set “randomly” by me. I’m open to change this if requested by many people.
Fact is we have to set a aoe2 timeframe so we can exclude civ concepts like “romans” or “usa” or whatever. For me i set 600 cause that’s 100 years after the “middle ages” officially begun. And I wanted at least 100 years of overlap.

The AoE2 timeline has been 5th to 16th century since AoC so I dont see any reason to establish any arbitrary number

Also, what do you mean by 100 years of overlap? Overlap with what?

I have no official source for what the aoe2 timeframe is 11
But yeah we are here to discuss this.

I just wanted to make sure that the civ mentioned has at least 100 years of existence/relevance after 500. In my opinion it makes no sense to insert a civ like xianbei which has almost the same time of existance as the roman empire. It’s a medieval game, not an antique game.