New Civ Icon Idea

Square shield I haven’t made a template yet and am tired today so see when I have time to make this


Thank you very much!

I declare myself your fan! :smile:


I am a bit triggered each time I see people saying Aragonese or Habsburgs. These are not civs/peoples like other AoE2 civs, they are just crowns/dynasties. They correspondingly should be called Catalans (the crown dynasty being House of Aragon) and Swiss or Bohemians (for the House of Habsburg).

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*Austrians (20 characters)

You made Balkans in modern version not medieval, but ok…

An alternative for the Somali’s would be this one:

The Ajuran Empire was a bit longer lasting then the Adal Empire (>4 centuries vs <2), and has strong roots in several earlier sultanates and empires, like the Sultanate of Mogadishu and the Tunni Sultanate.

The Ajuran and Adal empires did exist at the same time, it’s not like they were different dynasties of the same country. The Adal Empire is probably the better option for at least a campaign if you want to focus on interactions with Ethiopia, as they sit further North.


What’s the difference between Bohemians and Austrians? :thinking:

This is great work wow! bookmarked as well for me.



Counterpoint to that is that Adal is in a lot of ways a successor to the Ifat Sultanate (in a lot more ways than Ajuraan is to Mogadishu) who started in the 12th century. Also Adal has a better recorded history I believe

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Hearts of Iron mod when?

Lol, nope, it is a custom Soviet Civ Icon :grin: I made using seicing’s template.

Yeah I know, just joking

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You are seriously???

Bohemians are Slavs, Austrians are Germans…

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Disgusting :face_vomiting:

Symbol of war criminals and bondage of millions peoples on the world…

Please clean the floor. You have made it dirty with your puking.

you’re funny товарищ… like never.

Tovarisch please have some Shashlik and Vodka.

Vodka, kiełbasa and pickled cucumber.

Comrade, how about some Halva?