by the way, after i change the indian civs, i’m going to start on african civs, but before that how does this sound?
i want to add a category of “good team synergies”
if you think of any please let me know!
the synergies don’t have to be equal by the way
In all fairness, the Mughals technically did exist during the end of the AoE2 timeframe, but they were such latecomers that it’s easier to just say the Delhis.
Having the bonus only apply to the Feudal Age before suddenly turning into complete garbage in Castle is just too abrupt and not worth it. If you get an edge with your Archers in Feudal, you should at least be allowed to ride that advantage in the Castle Age by having access to Crossbowmen that can outrange the enemy TC. Having to completely reinvest in your army as soon as the Castle Age starts severely slows you down.
I would probably just give them much more hit points than the Shotel Warrior, at the expense of slower creation times.
That’s not the same though because the Indians’ are actually saving food on each Villager they make, whereas the Rajputs here just have a little more leeway before getting housed, something irrelevant if you play them right (and it doesn’t really save wood in the long run like the Huns).
That would be much more useful. So useful, in fact, that it would make sense for their Paladins to lack a couple of upgrades.
The problem is that Pata are made at the Castle, so they take way longer to mass, even if they’re trash units.
That would actually make more sense because then they wouldn’t have to focus on building houses in the Dark Age, allowing them to keep up with other civs.
It would still only be worth it if the amount of food you got was several times the amount of gold you usually get per trip.
It helps because your ships and villagers are not gathering food when they’re busing bringing the fish back to the dock or mill. This is also a major reason deer and boar luring is so important.
Their trash selection should at least have a slight overall buff.
thank you for the feedback
i’ll add crossbows, and the bonus will only affect foot archers since the chariot is a good unit and doesn’t need a bonus
i put decent hit points, but i guess people lean to shotel warrior because of creation time, anyways, urumi were masters of martial arts, so slower creation time makes sense
i think in this case you are talking about Rajputs
ok, i’ll change the tech tree
how about having elite skirm? halbedier is gone so you can go with camels, and i hope i don’t have to change that
ok, i’ll change that
for relics it could be a passive bonus, but i understand the trade cart problem,
for relics how about we mimic Lithuanians, giving infantry more attack till a maximum?
for the trade carts how about they move faster?
i’ll also improve Sinhalese trash
anyways thank you, i’ll start editing the tech trees soon
That sounds perfect. Transitioning from the Archer line to the Chariot line seems like a natural progression.
I did, sorry.
Camels aren’t trash, they cost lots of gold. Elite Skirm is in the right direction, though.
The infantry attack bonus sounds like an inferior version of the Aztec and Burmese bonuses. It would only make sense if they started with some extra attack from the beginning that could then be increased even further.
Faster moving trade carts sounds good.
ok, thanks i’ll work on the tech trees
one thing i’ll clarify is the Pata (Rajput UU) may not be as good as halberdiers or camels, they do have an anti-cav bonus, an can be used in a pinch
another thing is we could keep the relic bonus as a passive one, trickling abit of food, as Sinhalese should be a strong civ already
anyways thank you, and the changes should arrive soon
i’m not sure but does the urumi description sound better?
also the Rajputs are going to lose arbalest to make up for getting skirmishers, as they would otherwise have a full archery range
i was thinking about the rajput elite skirmishers, i was playing with the idea of what if in trash wars you want to end things quickly, before things go out of hand, like turks but if they weren’t as bad with trash
and a Sinhalese player should get relics right, so they can pay the needed gold?
what do you think of these ideas?
This is an idea that came to me today,rather than giving the other indianish civis the BE why not give them the EA unit from the castle as a regional unit? Current indian civi has the camel uu and ea like that tamils can have the ea and chariot etc.
i considered that but i don’t want to change the current civs balance/interrupt any meta
i think i finished implementing the changes, if you could quickly review them to make sure i didn’t miss anything or misplace anything that would be nice but you don’t have to
i finished siamese
by the way i gave tamils crop rotation, i gave rajputs guilds, and i made it so rajput elephants don’t benifit from their bonus, which has now been changed to be your first stable is free
i gave rajputs siege ram and upgraded their Kila tech to add hitpoints to defensive buildings on top of what it used to do
i also updated the flail elephant’s description, it now has a backup ability in case the first one isn’t as good
now im moving on to africa
tell me if i should do afghans or bengals first, i’m personally biased towards afghans but i dont think the game needs either of those
i also took out the regenerate “slowly” part, as i want the bonus the be noticeable for the Tamil Elephants
i also made a backup chariot description, in case the ability was too powerful