New Civilisations to diversify old Civilisations

The castle bonus is not Lithuanian
I suggest you take a look at their bonuses again.





not with Poles?

see above


could be good but strange.


I’ll watch it while eating my dinner :slight_smile:

what would u make unique about them?





There is no Navy+Siege or Elephant+Gunpowder civs.

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List some civ bonuses.


I feel like doing some more. AoE2 doesn’t have enough Civilisations in the time 500-1000AD so generally the Feudal Age is leaking. (Look at the Campaigns, there is basically nothing between the Fall of the Roman Empire (Goths and Huns) and the time of the Crusades in Europe.


The Saxons where the biggest tribe in Northern Germany (not related to the modern Saxony) that where conquered by Charlemagne and they also settled in Britten, laying the foundation of what become England.
The Brits in the game are the post Norman invasion English that are culturally very different.
They are absolutely definitely not related to the Gothes.
Architecture is either Central or Western European. Both fit.

Unique Unit

Warrior Infantry that can build farms work on them. Can be trained in the Town Centre in Castle Age even without Castle being build. But they cost relatively much Food.

Unique Technologies

Castle Age +2 Attack and +0/2 Armour for all Infantry
Imperial Age Barracks units cost half population.

Civilisation Bonuses

  • Two Handed Swordsman available in Castle Age
  • Barracks units costs 25% less Food (No supplies available)
  • +2/4 Attack against Standard Buildings for Infantry in Castle/Imperial Age.
  • Unique Buildings Storage Pit combines Lumber Camps, Mining Camps and Blacksmith. (Maybe without Blacksmith)
  • Ships (Beside Fishing Ships) cost 20% less Wood (No Shipwright)

Available Technologies

All Blacksmith Technologies available.
No Thumb Ring and Bloodlines.
No Dry Dock or Shipwright.


Infantry focused civilisation. Has a unique Unit that can also work on farms and can be trained in the Town Centre, this allows to train them early in Castle Age without sacrificing economy. You have to decide if you train them or the Two Handed Swordsman in Castle Age.
Ships are good in early game but leak in late game. You have to control the seas early.


oo could be op or not depending on pop limit etc. I like it.

Good :+1:

Good :+1:

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Hahaha, he is lying in the first minute of the video. Portuguese and Italians were added by him and that region is totally covered.
“We went though Africa” Yes, with 3 African civs 11.
“We went through Central Asia” Bulgars, Lithuanians. Cuman campaign is about migrating to Hungary.

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All my civs have points in all of the below sections

  • Common theme :+1:
  • Historically met :+1:
  • Haven’t been back to Eastern Europe yet :+1:
  • History, what’s left? :+1:
  • Stories (are they interesting?) :+1:
  • Name recognition :+1:
  • Cool historical unit :+1:

Eastern europe is the last khans right?


If you want to be technical
But it was in general more of an Asiatic addition.

Bulgarians - European
Lithuanians - European
Cumand and Tatars - European/Asian


I’m going to hate myself for this
but those would be East, and since we just had West then Central makes most sense.

Usually I don’t split Central and East but I must in this instance :clown_face:


How about something very not European:


The Zapotec where a important power in Medieval Mexico and they got into conflict with the Aztecs but got never conquered by them. They also resisted the Spanish and did rise against the Colonizers multiple times.
The Architecture is Central American.

Unique Unit

Lightning Warrior Strong against Infantry and Cavalry but weak against Archers. (Will lose against Jaguar Warrior, Samurai or Cataphract)

Unique Technologies

Castle Age Buildings regenerate faster, siege units also regenerate HP.
Imperial Age Arbalester and Eagle Warrior cost -10 Gold. (maybe to weak but -20 Gold might be OP again)

Civilisation Bonuses

  • Villagers cost 50% more (75 Food) but are 25% more efficient at everything (collecting and building) and have +1/1 armour. Start with +100 Food.
  • Buildings slowly regenerate HP
  • Different Blacksmith upgrades. Melee Armour (Infantry, Cavalry and Archers), Piercing Armour (Infantry, Cavalry and Archers) the Attack upgrades are the same. (Maybe this rework could apply to the other Americans to so they don’t have Iron related upgrade names any more)

Team Bonus

Castles give a small Gold trickle

Available Technologies

They can train Eagle Warriors instead of Cavalry.
Their navy is bad.
Their Archers and Infantry have all upgrades including all Blacksmith ones.
Relatively bad siege units.


Their villagers help them to get a strong economy while keeping the population cost down. They will have less food available in early game because their villagers are more expensive while training at the same speed.
The fact that buildings regenerate HP does help them recover from attacks because all buildings don’t have to be repaired manually. That also saves resources because the regeneration is free. But the regeneration is so slow that it’s still recommended to repair buildings like Castles manually.
They also have to transition to trash later because their Imperial Age Unique Technology and their small Gold trickle from Castles.
Their Unique Unit the Lightning Warrior combines very well with Eagle Warriors because they cover each others weaknesses. Using Archers as support is still recommended.
The Changes for Blacksmith Upgrades allows them to react more to the enemy while making it easier to mix units. For Example ef the enemy focuses on Archers you can upgrade the Piercing Armour for all units while building a mix of Eagle Warriors and Skirmishers.


I dont know. Seems kind of strong. 25% better at everything villagers straight from the start?

It’s the same bonus as the Palymrans in AoE1. The villagers cost 50% more but are only 25% more efficient, that means you have to invest more food in early game without getting the same amount of food back. The exact numbers, like the starting food, have to be balanced by testing.

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Yes but the Palmyrans lack a lot of eco techs to offset their bonus, where as you give this civ a bonus that literally saves gold on the two units they are likely to make the most.

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That’s one way of balancing that in lategame. I didn’t say they have good Eco tech. But the precise balancing can only be made by testing.
I’m not sure if the gold saving tech is OP but it only saves a little gold. The Eagle Warriors of all other Civilisations have strong boni while this would be the only Meso civ that has no combat bonus for them.

Just by having 25% faster everything they are already amazing. Slavs are considered great and farm only 10% faster.
The two gold upgrades only give 30% faster mining and the second one is rarely researched.
Same with stone.
Wood can go up to 50% better. Im assuming you’re going to give them some eco techs so yeah thry probably have double bit axe st least so they end up 45% better wood cutting.

Otherwise your whole claim about having a strong eco falls flat

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The 50% higher villager costs hurts early game eco a lot. And when it comes to booming they are also slowed down by it. If they don’t get the best lategame eco upgrades that could equal that out.
The values 25% and 50% are also not fixed. Definitely requires testing.
In AoE3 the French version of the villager costs 20% more, have 16% more train time and work 25% better. But Economic boni in this game are much stronger for all civilisations.
Maybe the train time should also be increased a bit to balance the higher collection rate.

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