I always had the doubt if it would be better to release them as “Poland”, or as Poland-Lithuania.
As I understand it, both kingdoms were united since 1385 (Union of Krewo), but they only made it formal in 1569.
I think there was a concept of that in the forum, and it was interesting how it proposed that each landmark be from a different country, like choosing how much percentage of Poland and Lithuania you wanted in your final civ, hehe. Oh, I remembered, there were two:
1.- Poland-Lithuanian Commonwealth-new civ concept FARM, CAVALRY, COLLECTIVISM,
2.- Civ Concept: Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth
In any case, I would like to see the Polish Hussars for Imperial Age (IV). I imagine them as heavy cavalry with an unblockable charge attack, with more range or with an area attack, anything but it must be epic.
I guess with the release of the Poland-Lithuania DLC from AoE III DE, we will have more ideas for a concept to be made in AoE IV. The only bad thing is that there is still no official date for his departure, they only said that it would be at the end of 2023; “I’m guessing in August or September so that it doesn’t clash with the next AoE IV DLC in November, and I’m just theorizing”.