Civ Concept: Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth

Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

-Economy-Light Cavalry-Balance of Power-

Build the Royal Castle to age up (Like the House of Wisdom)
You pick politicians to age up like AoE3, but no instant stuff. Takes same time as Abbasids. This is also where you research your unique upgrades.
5,000 HP plus an additional 5,000 per age.

2nd Town Center Built will function like the First. Meaning Has bonus HP, functions as a landmark for a landmark victory, 20 garrison space, and shoots extra arrows. So basically you normally have 3 Landmarks all game long (4 with an age 4 upgrade).

Balance of Power Mechanic
7 levels starts in the Middle called Golden Liberty can move towards more Crown Power or towards more Szlachta power. This reflects the power structure of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, where the crown had to concede power to the nobility.
Being Crown leaning specializes at the Economy, Infantry and Light Cavalry while sacrificing your defensive bonus.
Being Szlachta leaning specializes at the Defenses and Cavalry in general while sacrificing your economic bonus.
Staying at the middle gives more bonuses to your Unique Units. While retaining all your bonuses.

Docks have +50% line of sight.

Unique Units

Wingged Hussars
Replaces Horseman
Cost 120f 20w
Same stats as Horseman, but more Hp and has Charge attack that does +10/12/14 bonus damage at 1.04 range

Obrona Potoczna
Age 3 Heavy Meleee Infantry, has low DPS but hight hp and slows enemy attack speed
Costs 90f 45g
22s train time
1.12 Speed
175/200 Hp
4/5 ranged and melee armor
12/14 Damage at 1.5 Attack speed
Units that got attacked by Obrona Potoczna attack 25% slower

Age 3 Heavy Cavalry that ignores armor
Costs 160f 80g
Same stats as a Knight but no Charge damage and -2 ranged armor
Attacks ignore enemy Armor

Unique Building

costs 175 wood 45 second build time
Replaces Barracks and Outposts
Functions as barracks but can garrison 5 units (can shoot while inside) and may be upgraded with an Outpost Emplacement

Unique Upgrades
All Upgraded at the Royal Castle

Age 3

Pacta Coventa
Requires Golden Liberty
Blockhouse +30% hp and influence range.

Szlachtic Priviledges
Requires Szlachta Leaning
Knights and Szlachta +3 melee armor

Requires Crown Leaning
Obrona Potoczna attack debuff increases from 25% to 35%

Age 4

Requires Golden Liberty
3nd Town Center Build will function like the First. Meaning Has bonus HP, functions as a landmark for a landmark victory, 20 garrison space, and shoots extra arrows.

Requires Szlachta Leaning
Wingged Hussar +3 ranged armor

Lechitic Legacy
Requires Crown Leaning
Increase Wingged Hussar charge damage

Increase Crown Authority
Crown Authority +1, does nothing if already at Absolute Crown Authority
May upgrade Multiple times
45 second research time

Decrease Crown Authority
Szlachta Authority +1, does nothing if already at Absolute Szlachta Authority
May upgrade Multiple times
45 second research time


Age 2

The Engineer
Does not move
Blockhouses -20% cost.

The Cavalry Marshal
Szlachta authority +1
Blockhouses now Function as Stables as well.

The Former Serf
Crown authority +1
Blockhouses functions as drop off points.

Age 3

The Inventor
Does not move
Royal Castle now functions as a university. Can research age 4 university techs at age 3. They are 20% cheaper at age 4.

The Voivode
Szlachta authority +1
Royal Castle and First 2 TC now equipped with all keep emplacements, have 5000 bonus HP and 5 bonus fire armor.

The Castellan
Crown authority +1
Royal Castle now functions as a TC. Villagers produced in Royal castle and first 2 TCs have -20% train time.

Age 4

The Quartermaster
Does not move
Unique units -15% cost if in Golden Liberty. Total of 30% with age 4 bonus.
Cavalry have -5% cost for every level of Szlachta authority.
Infantry have -5% cost for every level of Crown authority.

The War Minister
Szlachta authority +1
Cavalry have +5% HP for every level of Szlachta authority.
Infantry have +5% HP for every level of Crown authority.
Unique units have +15% HP if in Golden Liberty.

The Logistician
Crown authority +1
Infantry have +5% speed for every level of Crown authority.
Cavalry have +5% speed for every level of Szlachta authority.
Unique units have +15% speed if in Golden Liberty.

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I love how people propose all these ideas for new civs, I really hope devs take the time to read all this! great job! however, we must focus on claiming things that are more needed I think (see other posts where this is explained deeply). because the most frustrating thing will be when the new civs are NONE of the ones the players have proposed in all this time