New content coming for Aoe4

Mystery. And a bit strange. China had zero interaction with Delhi Sultanate, also China sure did not control the Silk Road - Persians and later Turks controlled it (for a short time Mongols +Turks). Historical China was smaller.

So definitely no ‘campaign’ hint I guess.


1.New campaign 2. New naval machanism 3. Greek fire(Byzantine)


I came up with a very very important thing, look at the map that is depicted in this figure, I don’t know much about history, but it could center something with the Byzantines etc.

I live in Italy and as soon as I saw Italy I had a doubt, I don’t think the ships center with Arabia, and I don’t think the Roman Empire has this piece of Italy in the years of age.

Immagine 2022-08-13 031211

now i’m really excited to see the next update, i hope that’s what i imagine

I think it’s not random guys
look this is the photo of the previous patch

i think this is a part of france


come to this forum page to talk about it New civ is coming

guys now I’m really really happy, the firefighters are to depict the Byzantine ships,
this is the Greek fire


That they like a low camera angle and will be adding some control over camera angle to the game?


This is definitely a civilization hint

Yes, aussie drongo mentioned the same thing and it makes sense in case they rework the water… besides the fact that the Byzantines occupied southern Italy and all of North Africa…

Also those of Relic mentioned that they were working on the Chola and Japanese icons were leaked with Japanese units such as the naginata…

Ja, höchstwahrscheinlich sind es 2 Civs wie in den letzten dlcs der DE…

The devs were also quoted once that they were going to make a proper Indian civ, so the Chola would fit that statement.

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Yes, those sure enter yes or yes…

Source of Japanese unit/icon leaks? I never heard about this. You wouldn’t be referring to the fan mock-up somebody made earlier this year would you?

Also Chola are not guaranteed. My bets are for Vijayanagara and their precursors because they were rivals to Delhi/Islamic Sultanate and have not been explored previously in AoE.

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Spain I do not think, but Castile and Italy would be encompassed within the Holy Roman Empire…

Yes, and that they launch it now in October before AoM DE…

I support the motion with total violence…Ps: I still have it installed, but I don’t play since I finished the campaigns in April…

Sorry to be sarcastic. I love AoE, but I’m not looking forward to a Chola archer, crossbow, handcannon, horseman, lancer and maybe half a unique unit just thrown in there.

But given how AoE4 military is designed, I guess that is what it will be. Waiting to be pleasantly surprised.


Yes I remember hearing about the Japanese unit/icon leaks but I couldent find anything except that fan mock-up

If there was an actual leak I’m not expecting anyone to link to it as that might be deemed naughty but can anyone confirm they saw that leak and it definitely was not the fan mock up?

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That indeed would be cool, but they already didn’t do it with the Landsknecht, who was also known to be more of a “multiweapon” unit. I would be curious how they would implement it, but I doubt that they would ever do that.

Imagine a unit that could mount and dismount any time.
Wait I don’t have to imagine I can just play AoE3.

Imagine ranged units that automatically switch to melee when attacked by melee units. And also have to option to manually go into melee mode.
Wait I don’t have to imagine I can just play AoE3.


Streltsy does that. Albeit not manually toggleable.
And since armor and damage types directly affect balance triangle, it would throw a lot of things out of the window.
Spearmen for example would have an easier time against bowmen once they get in melee range, I would wager. Same with Horsemen in melee range of bowmen, bowmen would flip the numbers because horsemen do not have melee armor in the beginning. Imagine how hard it would be to deal with longbowmen then, because the unfavorable matchup, being spearmen in hand to hand combat can easily be kited.

But overall I like the idea from a concept point of view. I just think all the different unit multipliers is what makes AoE3 feel so cluttered with information at times. At least to me it’s overwhelming.

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I agree with you 100 percent. The existing civs are extremely uninspiring. It’s super sad seeing players discussing future civs and debating all these themes and units while we all sorta know that in reality it’s likely just going to be the same stuff over and over again with maybe four new units.



Different games different designs, ranged units did switch to melee weapons before in AoE4 when attacked, but I believe for balance reasons it was removed, except for streltsy. Also having one or two units that can do something makes it a bit more unique. Like the decision to make mangudai the only ones that can shoot their bows and move.

I love AoE3 as well, but I don’t have the need for them to make AoE4 into 2 or 3.

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