New DLC and no new civs is great!

Finally the devs seems to listen: We already have too many civs to really keep track of. So in the new patch we dont get any new civs, but we got a lot of other great content! Lots of new scenarios seems great! Hopefully this is the start of the next era of DLCs. DLCs not focused on new civs, but on other great stuff!


Not the pricing though.
Most of the scenarios aren’t even new (+they’re already free on the mod browser), Filthydephia deserves the money more than MS since it’s a cashgrab.


You guys are tiring.


couldnt disagree more. new civs keep the game fresh and interesting in my opinion. furthermore in previous DLC’s we got mostly 3 full campaigns + new cics for the same price. the new DLC seems kinda cheap to me, even more when you conisder that its recycled material.


Yes, maybe if they give a discount, that’s where the DLC works…

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I don’t mind a DLC without civs but most of this upcoming DLC’s scenarios are available as custom campaign mods. They’re once again trying to sell something with very minimal addition. That’s terrible and I hope it never happens. At the very least they should do 3 full length campaigns not derived from existing custom campaigns. As far as civ addition DLC get two or three new full length campaigns for the people looking to play something new.
And I don’t think there’s any issue with civ tracking for ranked players, except a very few ones, most of the civs are still either an archer or a cavalry civ. There’s nothing complicated to master or keep track of.



yes if it was 5$ … (20 chars)


I hope they will release the missing campaigns in the future. After all, they said more was coming.
I notice there is now contents for Vikings and Japanese, finally a scenario for Slavs ; but there is nothing new for Chinese.
I hope they will get more love, as well as we get new ported campaigns for ROR.


Yeah, they grabbed all the custom campaigns (except the Kings of Cambodia and Kings of Africa) from the mod search engine and now they are selling them for 15 USD…don’t be surprised if they later do the same with the campaigns that were not ported from 2 HD to 2 DE…

It doesn’t have any new civs and yet it is the biggest cashgrab in the franchise’s history.

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I never understood the idea of “we have too many civs”. How is having more civs ever affect negatively your gameplay? If anything, it makes the game more fun, longer lasting, and deeper, and fresh with new mechanics


Don’t bother trying to understand these people man. They are the same mob who want every unit line to look the same, and want the trees/buildings/units to be reduced to blocks and polygons as it will help them with multiplayer nonsense.


The reasoning behind this is that more civs mean you need to learn more mechanics and counters. I don’t play to win, but to enjoy the game, so I don’t really care about this.


13 dollars should have came with at least a mounted samurai. They make so many dumb event mods for free but couldn’t be bother to do something extra for paid dlcs. I want to see more architectures and scenario assets (new triggers too) which could make these already made scenarios more fleshed out.


You don’t have civs, you won’t pay for architecture and not bothered by new units, skins or mechanics… So precisely what do you want to pay for?

Look, I made two full campaigns (7 and 8 scenarios each) and no new civs, architectures or units so, by this logic, where are my money?

Civs, architectures, skins etc are the only things that the official game can still exclusively add, otherwise it’s just a mod with Microsoft written on it which you’re paying for.

Nothing new since people often buy a shirt because it has a logo on it even if it’s low quality and cost double.

But in this case there’s also the SpongeBob meme thing which makes it feel even more like a scam.

At this point just make the game open source…


no, we don’t have enough civs. Africa and Asia could 1000% still earn a few important ones.

Of course I’m not saying anything against SP DLC, new campaigns are nothing wrong. Even though I’m not really a fan of the new DLC, selling community-created content for a purchasable DLC isn’t the right way.


two parts to this:
objective: it makes it harder to get into ranked/competitive play. You need to learn more civ bonuses, civ matchups, tech trees, unique units if you want to play well. it heightens the bar for entry.
I also enjoy knowing how a civ matchup plays out and knowing where my windows of opportunity are and where the opponent’s are. I don’t know this with the newer civs

subjective: many people (me included) think that many of the newer civs are gimmicky/unfun. I don’t like techs like flemish revolution. I don’t like charged attacks, armor piercing, magic shields etc. I don’t like playing as them, I don’t like playing against them, I don’t like watching pros play with them. (worst case is a civ like georgians who are a complete one-trick pony, I literally skip games with them in tournaments)
So while some of us might not welcome new “good” civs, we are worried about the low quality continuing.
But I understand that if you enjoyed these recent civs this doesn’t apply to you

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As one who has crafted civs for… decades, we get the same “you’re spamming story” heck I was cranking out concept after concept 20 years ago on AokHeaven and they called it spam like what!?

Nowadays civ crafters still aren’t seen as much. To all the civ crafters trying to do it right dont let the haters drive you off a cliff!! Shame on you for your evil hatred!

That said I dont like the direction the devs went away from keep it simple


why should I want to keep paying for this game? I already purchased it. this isn’t a live service game. They don’t need to keep getting money from its players, aoe2 is still in the top sellers list on steam

that said. I’d happily pay 15 eur for 4-5 new campaigns. I’d also consider buying architecture sets or unit skins, but not sure about that