New DLC and no new civs is great!

Well, don’t go playing AoM or AoE 3 then or else you’ll get a stroke…

Yes, Kanem, Nubians and Zimbabwe for Africa and Siam, Tibet, Jurchens for Asia…


Well if you don’t want the game to keep adding stuff it’s even more simple, just do not buy anything to support it and try to convince people the game should stop (apart from campaigns and assets I guess which you can anyway already get for free through mods).

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please, you must realize how dishonest this argument is. I still need to play against these new civs in ranked. they still appear in the tournaments I watch and changes like the rework of persians are not optional.

Please don’t write stuff like this, we are both smarter than this

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So what do you propose? That we all do like you want?

I guess a solution could be to make possible to select the game version you want to play with (like they made aoe2 with only age of kings civs) and then people who uses the same version can play in multi.


This seems like an odd reaction to me. I don’t think the people who don’t want new civs are particularly loud about it, and they seem to be in the minority. Maybe I am just not looking in the right places. On this forum, at least, I think it’s quite rare to see anyone say they don’t want more civs. (And I say this as someone who doesn’t think more civs should be added.)

Also, every DLC for DE has been either heavily influenced by a mod, or based on player requests and suggestions – sometimes both – so it seems odd to suggest that the devs didn’t seem to listen until now.


no, compromises can be had:
-A better version or RoR where new civs can only play in their own mode is one option
-as you suggested, a ranked queue for just AoK/or just vanilla DE civs
-just having new civs released less frequently and at a higher quality (since the release of DE we have had a new civ every 5 months on average. that’s 40+ new civ matchups to learn each time)
-have more options for feedback of new content: flemish revolution seems to be universally hated, yet it is still in the game. similar for shrivamsha riders. present what you are going to release and don’t add stuff if the response is overwhelmingly negative

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We still only have 3 eagle civs


You make some good points, the only thing I would insist on as a custom creator and not much into multiplayer is new assets, units, hence even new civs to play with otherwise modding and custom scenarios are gonna die because of lack of material and novelty.
I think 2 or 3 good civs a year plus their campaigns is enough, a mix of doi and dots kinda.
If you don’t want regional skins, new civs, architectures etc I think it would not be hard to implement an option to just disable what you don’t want to see in competitive and eventually to not buy those DLCs (or even go back to older patches).
I still think the game shouldn’t stop because of this but just try to move further while giving hardcore competitive players the “less varied” mode of the game they’re asking for.


Don’t agree with the first point, but do with the second.

More civs is fine. But I prefer quality over quantity. Sicilians, Bengalis, Dravidians, Armenians civ design seems to be incomplete.

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As much as I like playing new civs, especially now they are increasingly different from legacy ones, I’d rather play new campaigns with the existing civs. Devs could even launch a couple DLCs about, say, Brits, Celts and Vikings, and those would be home runs.

Funny how much of this incoming DLC is reworked content. More than new civs, new stories are a much richer source of content.

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There are still a ton of simple bonuses they haven’t explored yet, there’s literally no need for all these gimmicks for the new civs.

For example, rams could have 10 or 15 capacity, trade carts cost no wood, free market techs for different civs, Elite skirm upgrade costs no wood, free Masonry and Architecture, free Hoardings, free Arson, free Squires, free Ballistics but still requires university, different monk techs could be free for different civs,


There could be elephant cannon unit (Siam), a upgrade to the siege tower that can shoot back, slow but heavy cannon (Turks), a gallease (Venice), tradecart that can defend itself, towers that shoot bullet projectile, grenadier (Chinese), axeman infantry and etc. Also would be cool if the Spanish got pitchforks.


It is 15% off right now.

Couldn’t disagree more. There are many more ways they could make the game fresh and interesting than releasing even more civs, imo.

Pausing civ creations for a while (and hopefully a long while) to work on other stuff – and not just on campaigns or scenarios – would be very refreshing

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I wonder, which are the 5 all new scenarios among the 19 included?

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I wonder if they will listen about the cost now.

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Vote with your money. Or else they will listen but they will do nothing for it.

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As I said, maybe I’m just not looking in the right places. On this forum, I’m only aware of one person who is at all vocal about it, and I’ve only seen them post about it when it’s actually relevant to the topic. I think most people who don’t want more civs just vote “none” in new civ polls and don’t say anything about it. Maybe in other places that I don’t follow so closely, like Reddit or YouTube, there are more people who are vocal about it.

I mean when it’s cheaper when boreal summer comes…

The two from the 5th century (fall of Rome), Robert, Otto and Feith… the rest are already known maps by Ramsey…

Never better said…it hurts companies to have their pockets touched…