New DLC and no new civs is great!

it works if the game is already popular in that country. AOE2 is probably in no region more popular than Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Holland.
Please proof me wrong!

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Representation pandering never works. Like this topic can extend beyond pretending to give 2 poop’s about people hundreds of years dead and unrelated to you.

After all, trying to sell specifically to appease certain demographics doesnt work if its a skin color or sexual orientation why would a culture you act nothing like they used to be any different?

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Realtalk, my opinion:
If the people of “We do not need new content or civs because the game is already too complicated for me” persist, AOE2 will slowly die.

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You havent seen my civ crafting library. I think you don’t understand what Im saying. Im saying civs for the sake of fun design are great. Civs to pander and bilk a specific audience is scummy play on the other hand

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I cannot see how there is much left to squeeze out of Europe. Not just design-wise, but also importance. Almost all the bigger players have been included by this point, meanwhile some potential civs that have had a huge influence on history from other parts of the world are completely absent.


Im the biggest Vandal fan I know but thats because no civ exemplifies demo ships as a main naval weapon better than they did.

It has nothing to do with being German or based in Tunisia, its everything that their history prompts as a potential in ways you cant with other Germans. You cant logic camels onto most of them

I dont think so. The Anglos (from Anglen) and the original British always had fights in the parts, and the division lasts until today. But the Anglos/Saxons are the strongest fraction in Great Britain. They are not in the Game!

So at least, we need the Anglos and the Saxons.


when saxons are in, there would be great opportunity for Martin Luther campaigns. I mean we have Vasco da Blabla, but the reformation had a world wide influence which was magnitudes stronger.

I’m aware of my countries’ history thank you. And no, I don’t think they need to be added, either of them. We have civs that cover them already.

A priest is not a good character for a war game


which civs cover the Anglos and the Saxons already?

Are you sure that priests / monks do totally not fit into AOE2?

I think monks fit very will. A Martin Luther type hero would be nice: e.g. he can convert several enemy units at once (as his teachings did) or the tech “Reformation” enables monks to convert several units at once (has to come at a huge cost of course, in terms of resources, conversion time, maybe additional nerfs)

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Not to play devils advocate because i kinda agree but a scenario based around mass converting your way to victory can be tons of fun as the first game babylon campaign has yet to be reached in potential in this game and that might be because specifically the town centers fight back.

That said

Tell us how you’re really just a nice person and definitely not sounding like you have scruples with Portuguese for some reason even though its not even half the same country it is portrayed in this game any more nor are any of them.

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Britons and Teutons. And no, not every individual duch’y should be its own civ.

As units, they are fine. But a campaign around a guy that didn’t control a polity or army would be just weird. And most of all, a slap in the face to all the interesting people in history that did have an army.


I doubt that you know the history of your own counry with this statement.

Do you know who the Anglen, the Saxons and the LĂŒten are and what distinguishes them from the British? This has nothing to do with duch’ys or else. These are totally different tribes that entered Britain through peace and war, and established the very language you and I are writing right now (anglish). What does Essex, w e s # # # (the forum doesnt like that name :smiley: ) mean?

And I am doubting that you know what the civs in the game are supposed to represent as a whole.

You can’t add every tribe or duch’y into the game, that’s madness. There are far too many, with too little differences for the gameplay mechanics to distinguish. In-game Britons cover several smaller groups, and some civs even cover people that were never fully unified (e.g. Mayans). Just as Teutons cover smaller ones, Persians do, Hindustanis do etc etc.

There are civs that covered far great amounts of land, people, are in otherwise blank parts of the map and influenced a large amount of history which are not in the game.


I swear I’m not saying this to promote myself but you would love my campaigns given what you just said, specially Dihya and the battle of Wogastisburg.
Some pretty anti nationalism in there but without being cheesy “lets all get together”. It’s rather like all sides are shitty sides kind of existentialist attitude.

And for the rest of the discussion I mean, really Anglo-Saxons don’t qualify as a civ? A duchy, are you kidding me? Multiple kingdoms from 500 to 1000 AD? You guys are just hopeless when it comes to history Vs ideology ahah


Because I love history, and the history of the world is the history of war. I also like the gameplay, and appreciate the opportunity to conquer a virtual nation, even if I don’t like real-life conquest.

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so whens the next dlc with 3 civs? cant wait!


Interesting. Bringing it one step closer to making an AoE version of ‘Defender of the Crown’ possible. I like it. I wish there was a single player AoE battle map mode, with a map akin to Defender of the Crown’s, where you fight for terriritories and try to conquer the whole of England, circa 1149.

Would help single-player skirmishes have more substance than simplistic one-and-done islands of gameplay

That type of thing is the only reason I’d be game for more civs/factions and what not. This idea could probably be duplicsted to other parts of AoE’s ancient or medieval world, too (i.e., not just Saxons v. Norman Kings to fight for England, but maybe there are other battles for land in other regions of the world with other civs or factions that battle maps could be built for)

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i like your idea as whole, including the single player skirmish.

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In reality, the Conquerors was to add conquerors and conquered: they included Spanish and Aztecs on the one hand (to represent the Reconquista with El Cid and the conquest of Tenochtitlan by Cortes with Moctezuma, serving as a foreshadowing of AoE 3)
 the Huns with Attila to connect with the last Roman mission of Rise of Rome (which in 1 DE is just the battle of the Catalaunian Fields but on the Roman side) and the Japanese and Koreans to encourage sales in East Asia to boost the competitiveness of the AoE 2

Yes, although Kongo is very much on the limit of AoE 2 (1390-1568), but if it fits, it fits well

Yes, we must be more globalist
after the Second World War, nationalism and its extreme variant, chauvinism, became obsolete
the world was united into different regional groups: the European countries, the European Union, the American countries, the OAS, the African countries, the African Union and the Asian countries, the BRICS, the CIS and the ASEAN

Yes, more or less that’s how it was

Having the Britons, I don’t know whether to add the Angles, but I do agree with the Saxons

We have up to Bayinnaung, Hideyoshi and Yi-Sun-sin (going up to the end of the 16th century), so no problem there

And all the times they appear in the campaigns?..

  • In the Definitive Edition version of The Digvijaya, there were several Priests around the Naga Wonder. Since Dynasties of India they have been removed.
  • An allied “Blind Lame Priest” is present in The Old World scenario, close to the northern Aragonese camp.
  • A Priest is present among some Goats northwest of Cannanore in the Estado da India scenario, in the HD Edition version of the scenario.
  • Several “Blind Lame Priests” block the passage east inside Pegu, in The Royal Peacock.
  • A Priest named Kozma starts alongside Ivaylo in the Echoes of Heroes scenario. Another Priest can be obtained in the western corner of the map.
  • An allied Priest renamed to Shaman is present next to the Shrine in the northern Cuman camp, in The Battle at the Kalka River.
  • In Family Affairs, Priests can be recruited from Pagan Shrines, either by Algirdas’ forces or local Lithuanians if Pagan Shrines are built inside their villages.
  • The Bogomils have several Priests in Bohemond and the Emperor, scattered across Byzantine lands. They will join Bohemond upon being seen.

Anglos:Britons (for the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms)

Saxons: Britons (for the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms), Teutons (for being Germanic peoples), Vikings (for occupying Denmark), Burgundians (for occupying Holland), Lithuanians (for the Baltic peoples) and Slavs (for the Kievan Rus)

The oldest known settlement area of the Saxons is Nordalbingien (Northern Albingia), a territory roughly corresponding to modern Holstein. Their modern descendants in Lower Saxony and Westphalia and other states of Germany are considered ethnically Germanic; the Free State of Saxony is not inhabited by ethnic Saxons; the State of Saxony-Anhalt is only in its northwestern part; those in the eastern Netherlands are considered ethnically Dutch; those found in northwest Belgium (Flemish Region) are considered ethnically Flemish; those found in northern France are considered ethnically French; and those found in southern England are ethnically English.

The island of Britannia was part of the Roman Empire between 50 and 410 AD. When the Romans lost control of the territory, the Saxons attacked. At the end of the sixth century, three Germanic peoples—the Angles, the Jutes, and the Saxons—inhabited the island and progressively divided the lands they conquered into several kingdoms. The Saxons ruled the kingdoms of Essex, Sussex and ####### in what is now southern England. The term Anglo-Saxon came to describe the descendants of these three Germanic groups of invaders.

Due to the Hanseatic trade routes and emigrations during the Middle Ages, the Saxons mixed with and were also influenced by other peoples and cultures, both with the Scandinavian and Baltic peoples, and with the West Slavic peoples (Polavians and Pomeranians).

Yes, you have all the times they appear in the campaigns

That’s a good one
it would be like the mass conversion from AoE 4

Yes, The Holy Man is a mythical AoE mission, they even made a remake of it in AoEO

Somehow they are going to find that
 they could do it as a central character of the first wars of religion in Europe (1524-1552) in a campaign or great scenario like in VaV of Charles V

The religious wars in Europe occurred from 1524 to approximately 1697, with the beginning of the Protestant Reformation in Western Europe and northern Europe. Although sometimes unrelated, all wars were strongly influenced by the religious changes that occurred during this period and the conflict and rivalry to which they gave rise.

Among the individual conflicts that can be identified in this topic are:

Conflicts directly related to the Protestant Reformation between the 1520s and 1540s:

The German Peasants’ War (1524-1525);
Kappel’s Wars in Switzerland (1529 and 1531);
The MĂŒnster Anabaptist Rebellion (1534-1535); and
The Schmalkaldischer Wars (1546-1552) in the Holy Roman Empire

And these are in AoE 3 from KotM or will appear in the Baltic DLC:

The Eighty Years’ War (1568-1648) in the United Provinces of the Netherlands
The religious wars of France (1562-1598)
Desmond’s rebellions (1569-1583) in Munster (Ireland)
The Cologne War (1583-1588)
The Nine Years’ War (1593-1603) in Ireland
The Thirty Years’ War (1618-1648), which affected the Holy Roman Empire, including conflicts in Austria and Bohemia, France, Denmark, and Sweden
The Huguenot rebellions in the Kingdom of France (1620-1629)
The Wars of the Three Kingdoms (1639-1651), which affected England, Ireland and Scotland
The Scottish Reformation and the civil wars;
The Anglican Reformation and the Civil War; and
The Confederate Wars of Ireland and Cromwell’s conquest of Ireland
The Second Norse War (1655-1660) (as the Deluge)
The Nine Years’ War (1688-1697)

Don’t worry, you’re both right

In September or December
before or after AoM Retold and the dlcs of AoE 3 and 4

Well AoE 3 has single player skirmishes, there they are called “historical maps” and you can play with any European civ defending Amsterdam or Vienna or fighting in large battlefields such as the Italian Wars, the Napoleonic Wars or the Crimean War