New DLC and no new civs is great!

Conquerors expansion sold very well,also why would conqueror expansion be a nationalist dlc as it had civis from around the world.

Probably because he doesn’t like civs from this DLC xD

The example from my understanding was that it wasnt. It was just 5 almost random civs plucked from around yhe world and the one civ that did try that, Koreans didnt appeal to the one place it w trying to hit. Meanwhile the RoR tried to add Vietnamese and it didnt add that market.


I just think nationalist is not the right “insult” in this case. I mean if anything it’s people proposing for something like Congo or Persia as a whole civ being “nationalists” (not necessarily in a bad way, even if personally I never cared about any group or ideology in general and I’m hardly a nationalist of anything).

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Most people want Congo because a jungle civ that could have learned how to use gunpowder through trade but where horses were impossible to use sounds like a fun unexplored civ concept

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And other people may want other civs because they have a different idea of what is interesting.
Who’s excluding who now?

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Nationalists are dumb. They could never go beyond their limited world view that starts with their own nation and ends with their own nation. They don’t care what exists beyond that. They cannot listen hate towards their nation and are ready to die for their nation. They would spew hate towards everything outside their own nation directly or indirectly. They forever remain limited with a limited scope of understanding the world built upon their prejudices.


Nothing about me

It’s strange because I’ve been called that many times xDDD

I’m like an anti-nationalist. I hate basically all nations equally, including my own country. Indeed, I am disillusioned and cynical about every single people group in the world, due to my belief that humans are inherently evil. I try to be optimistic often, but it is an illogical viewpoint because all observation proves otherwise.

but does it make the cureent tech tree interesting without wasting time on new regional units?

I mean Ive been civ crafting for

 a lomg time. Back in the day I had some European civs too before Cysion got to be lucky and know coding.

Im on the side of versatile tech trees. Where do oyu stand?

To prove my innocence and try and avoid becoming enemies and hopefully friends, let me find my old civ concepts for you

The pain of existence?


More or less, yes. All of history is a demonstration of how humanity is evil.

So why are you playing a history-based game where you command an army?

Can you two get a room!? We’re trying to stay on topic while you bicker. I pick no sides. Come off your high horses and egos.

Lets get back on topic like adults

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topic is: We need to keep a 25 year old game attractive and new. This is NOT done by not adding new interesting content. AOE2 will disappear when we say: “its fine now, dont add new content!!”

To keep AOE2 alive, there needs to be a constant (yearly) influx of new content. New units, new techs, new buildings, new ages?, new styles and yes, new civs!


Ich kann dir sagen, dass meiner Meinung nach deine VölkervorschlĂ€ge nicht gerade dazu fĂŒhren werden, dass das Spiel lĂ€ngerfristig leben wird, Herr/Frau Bibellesen.

Just saying.

It was the Koreans addition. They were famously added to try and sell the pack to Korea due to their emerging gaming scene at the time.

Didn’t work.

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I love Sandy Petersen’s reaction to that news.

As paraphrased by @Hjoerleif on Reddit.

"Microsoft: Add Koreans.

Sandy: What? Why?!

Microsoft: Starcraft has huge amounts of customers in Korea.

Sandy: But there is no Korean civilization in Starcraft

Microsoft: Just do it.

Sandy: OK

Rinse and repeat for Lac Viet for Aoe1.


Herr bitte. Now times denglish:
I thinke already. TeutschlÀnd is one the biggest AOE2 markets and would thus one great on-swing be-work-en.

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Did you not read the bits about how making a DLC/add-on for a specific country does not produce extra sales there?

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