New DLC and no new civs is great!

I played all of philtydelphia and the two from the 5th century are not new, they probably are the Vandals and the defence of Roman Britain.
So if I had to guess the new ones are feith, Robert, Otto, Charlemagne and # # # # n a g a


Itā€™s a pity that this DLC wonā€™t add new civs - there are so many potential civs for every scenarioā€¦ division of the Vikings umbrella civ (Swedes and Danes as new civs + Norwegians as heirs of the Vikings civ) and also the Vandals civ & Saxons civ.


Charlemagne is probably not one of the fice sknce its probably a remake of the Saxon Revolt scenario from The Conquerors


yeah, this rate as we have had it has driven me away from ranked. I just donā€™t have the time to keep up with new civs at this rate

I think regional skins/architectures would have been great to have as individual DLC. those who woul have wanted them could have paid for them. If they had been nice I would have bought them


I think cosmetics are not enough to justify a DLC and if not campaigns or civs thereā€™s not much else you can add to the game so letā€™s agree to disagree.


As I said thwre were new civ haters back in the early 2000s. If I could just get into the aokheaven archives I could prove it.

Hell I was once a large and constant civ poster on reddit. Even one of the mods was a hater.

I must repeat there have always been anti new civ haters even when we had 18

Why bother with these rude people other than the fact they donā€™t understand our visions

OR that even back in the early 2000s we could design civs just fine with no gimmick mechanics


so microsoft where is my tibet civ and east asia DLC?


You can make it yourself and then upload to mod and they will sell it in the next DLC.


amateur hour. we all know battlepass is coming

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Will they really? Realms and Hegemony mod have existed even before the first rerelease and it will never get its day. Modders and civ crafters even others who arent me if you were thinking it was only meā€¦ whats the point any more?

This DLC does not care global market. And I dont expect they will care Chinese market in next DLC.

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That is not an answer to anything I said but kkay

Careful, they can start doing what the AoE4 did: Add variant civilizations to the game.

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@AlphaCreator727 He likes the idea of variant civs if it can get him more german civs.

I canā€™t imagine ā€œvariantā€ civilizations until AoE 2. Civilizations in AoE 2 have too few unique things to be able to come up with something like this. AoE 2 is not like AoE 3 and AoE 2, where you can come up with something like this.

It would probably be limited to the name of the civ and the rulers, the wonder and the coat of arms - nothing that would make sense as new paid content.

Havenā€™t you noticed that these are suggestions for AoE 3 and not AoE 2? This doesnā€™t matter in AoE 2.

But Iā€™m not surprised that you did that. Just to pick on me.

Did I say something wrong?

No. But it made no sense in this case.

Additionally, you sent links to ideas for AoE 3 in the topic about AoE 2, as if it were some kind of argument? xD

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I think Iā€™m wasting my time if thatā€™s what you mean but Iā€™m too passionated right now to let it go.

No new civs is great. Singleplayer focused dlc is great.

It being mostly philly campaigns I can already play with bells and whistles added is less great.
The price is less great.
Promising campaigns and delivering scenarios is really not great.

I could have handled touched up philly scenarios for likeā€¦8 bucks max.
I could have handled the price if it was 2 fully fledged campaigns.
I could have begrudgingly handled the price if the scenarios were brand new.
I canā€™t abide by the combination of bad choices we got.

Its a lazy, cheap, and dishonest DLC with an ugly Ai poster. Its on par with the free co-op and AOE1 campaign updates yet sold for money.

PERSONALLY what Id love to see is a DLC that expands what the scenario editor can do. Make it Warcraft 3 tier.