New DLC and no new civs is great!

No they would just rip off your idea. I seen it happen to Star Wars modpack back in the day, now the DOI and RoR now.

Yes, I think the sameā€¦ the more you review and you see that fewer and fewer scenarios are originalā€¦

Next time xdā€¦

Things as they are xdā€¦

Oh noā€¦ May God find us confessedā€¦

Yes, in fact all the civs we have received since The Conquerors are variants of the original civsā€¦

it worked perfectly right? really refreshing

It would have worked, if they made new scenarios and didnā€™t lie to our faces about the DLCā€™s contentsā€¦


Something is missing to add spice. Regional unit skins (should be an option to toggle as it impacts visibility) for example so that not all civs have mostly european-looking regular units.


Or unique skins for units affected by civilization bonuses, and also another unique skin when affected by a unique tech.


Yes! Very refreshing. Like the ocean breeze on a summer day, wouldnā€™t you say?

The main point of my post was civs arenā€™t the only way to make the game refreshing and interesting. In fact, new civs usually donā€™t do anything for me in the slightest.

Would I, personally, have re-released a bunch of scenarios as DLC for the alternative to new civs? No, because I never play campaigns. But that intrigues and interests me a fair amount more than it does new civsā€¦ since new civs is probably rock bottom on my wish list. (At least until we get a fair amount of substantive single-player, non-ranked DLCs or content for a while.)

As the OP noted: ā€œHopefully this is the start of the next era of DLCs. DLCs not focused on new civs, but on other great stuff!ā€ Iā€™m ready for that to happen.

Just because this DLC attempt possibly didnā€™t work out so well, it doesnā€™t mean the only other option is to immediately go back to only making new civs. There are a billion great things that new DLC could bring; new civs and a re-release of scenarios arenā€™t the only things.

Time will tell if the review bombers who never actually played this DLC content or are mad about the price get balanced out by those who actually do sit down to play through a bunch of it

How were we lied to exactly? Youā€™re saying you bought the DLC due to false representations? If so, I assume you returned it, right?

Iā€™m guessing you never bought it because you knew full well what was in the DLC and just didnā€™t want it. So if there were any ā€œliesā€, you had time to react pre-purchase, accordingly. Or even post-purchase due to refund-ability

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Agreed. A China, Korea, Japan campaign pack dlc is practically begging to be made. Has DOTD interconnectedness potential. Honestly itā€™s surprising IMO they didnā€™t try that first.


I wanted to be positive and I am giving this DLC a chance. I am mostly SP player.
I played Konstantin XI. I liked it, even if I lost at the last moment.
I played Genseric. I thought it was Okay, but I donā€™t feel replaying it for the achievement. So many hassle, constantly lacking foodā€¦
Then I tried Vortigern. I found it so little engaging, idk why.
Are the new scenarios all giants with micro management and a timer?
As a consequence, I go back to TR2 remastered.

This is true but I see that as a positive, you get to try out new builds, figure out new ways of making use of your civ bonuses. This can be overwhelming if it happens very often but new civs donā€™t come every month. Its like 3 new civs per year which is quite reasonable imo.

flemish is anti-aoe2 by nature but other than that charge/dodge mechanics or armor piercing/ignoring are just a different way of doing the same thing - high dps or being hard to kill. Iā€™m not saying they are a good thing for the game but it doesnā€™t change the game by much either.

thats just a balance issue. what about now after the patch?

this is actually not possible. some pros who like to play with generic old school units and some casters hype up new units A LOT, many of them just follow and nod along. Sometimes units like urumi swordsmen might seem broken on paper or on lower elo games, content like mikeempires videos but might actually be subpar. What Iā€™m trying to say is unless the civs and units have remained active on ranked for a while its hard for most people to evaluate how good or strong they are. The raw community response might not actually correlate to whether its a good addition to the game or not.

They have added too many European reskin civs, and say ā€œOK, there is too many civs in this gameā€, despite many major civs on other continents are still abscent, thatā€™s great!


(O): Too many European civs
(X): Too many civs

Aoe=Age of Empires ā‰  Age of Europe


As partial as I am to Europe, I must agree that going somewhere else for future civs is a wise move. Hopefully, the next DLC is based in Africa, as I want there to be more civs using the African architecture set.


Africa can have atleast three different architecture styles but they arenā€™t making anything. :pensive:


East Asians may have the most variety cultures at that moment, or even at nowadays.
Architecture styles could be at least divided into Tarim Basin, Mainland China, Northeast China, Tibet, Korea, Japan, East Mongolia, West Mongolia, Vietnam, Yunnan.


Wonders of the civilizations clearly indicates the architectural variety.

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In theory, every civ could have a different architecture set ā€“ and those whose architecture survives or is well-documented could have several.

I know more about the architecture of England than elsewhere ā€“ but even within such a small country, there was a lot of regional variety in terms of materials used, roofing methods, timber-framing styles, etc. The scope for different architecture for some civs ā€“ especially those with large populations and territories like Chinese ā€“ must be vast.


I didnā€™t count minor differences, what I list is totally different in styles, like pictures below:

Tarim Basin(similar to Middle Asia)
Mainland China(standalone)
Northeast China(similar to Mainland China)
West Mongolia(similar to Middle Asia)
East Mongolia(similar to Tibet)
Korea(similar to Northeast China)


Absolutely beautiful!

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Can we at least get the Potala palace for the scenario editor.