NEW DLC confirmed for 2025

Now, i really Hope to see really graphic improvents with new animations and 4k textures.


I don’t know if I should laugh or cry that they’re announcing a pause button as a gift, it should’ve been there from the start


Im glad that theres finally going to be a new DLC.


My janissaries they will be ok i hope :sob:
I hope they fixed the pause bug because lots of angry kid will use that im sure.For people dont know when pause and quit your enemy waits your pause to end.When someone quit pause needs to end too.

It’s always been like this with AOE4. No taunts, cheats, pause button, color picker, etc. Basic RTS features that have been around for over 25 years. When it’s added, it’s lauded as some incredible development and not as a glaring omission over the last 3 years. The multiplayer pause is particularly insulting, as for the last 3 years they kept an elitist position, saying there wouldn’t be a multiplayer pause because players should “commit to the game.” Now it’s changed and it’s magically a major selling point for the update.

The new DLC will probably be another batch of half-baked cheap “variants” and a couple actual civs.


Please have a CO-OP mode, Please have a CO-OP mode, Please have a CO-OP mode


So it’s a bad thing they’re adding it? Or it’s a good thing that they’re adding it?

You ask twenty people what “should’ve been in the game” and you’ll get twenty different answers.

Really is disappointing that continued support gets treated like this, honestly. We’re what, nine seasons in? Plus however many monthly patches? The game reviewed well on release, has decent concurrent numbers, and we still get people trying this kind of nonsense. I’m sorry, but I’m just tired of it.

You got a quote for this? It’s been a relatively popular request, but @KG19991380 can be seen here saying the developers haven’t recognised the demand, as late as 2023. A year on and the developers have now made a statement about it?


Best Gift Ever ! LoL

It was in a video interview with Adam Isgreen around when AOE4 was released. I’m sure someone has a link to it somewhere, but it was years ago, and I don’t have the time nor energy to track it down.

It’s been a popular request for years, yes. It should have been in the game since day one.


I trust you that it happened, but this doesn’t strike me as them having said for years that there won’t be a multiplayer pause.

Games frequently change post-launch as teams evaluate community feedback now that the product is “in the wild”.

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I think Isgreen rather talked about Zoom levels?

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What would you like to see?

Personally, as i often said:

  1. Graphic improvents with 4k textures for all models, DLSS support, wheater effects and a Better representation of weapons and clothes.They should add a new “graphic settings” like "Ultra graphic (available only for High specs). In this case you leave players the choice to able It or not;

  2. Epic and narrative campaigns. I Hope for Spanish and Vikings;

  3. new animations for combat (a bit more real impacts);

  4. new gameplay mode like Dynamic campaigns or “world Conquest”.

I think developers should focusing on Single players contents because these are the most demande ones.


well during 2023 i saw nothing of worth about developers looking into multiplayer pause, not sure where @stephensundin found the quote, wouldn’t mind the link, but somehow i wouldn’t be suprised if that attitude was the case, it would add up with existing patterns, how many basic RTS features took months or even years to make it in? quite a list


Features from top of my head, not sure if there were more features initially missing:

  • Global queue (was first seen during the beta prior to Season 1)
  • Random Civ choice
  • Patrol
  • Colour picker
  • Editor
  • Cheats + Taunts (added with the 2022 Anniversary update)

Features from past games still missing:

  • Single Player pause (aka Active Pause)
  • Save & Restore MP games
  • Random map selection (+ in case of AoE 4 random biome)

you forgot proper hotkey system, that took like 9 months


Oh yeah, I remember. Also some fixed hotkeys like camera rotation with ALT until it became rebindable

People often say “basic RTS features” when they’re talking about things they’re used to in AoE specifically.

Look at any game on launch. All of them get better. You can say IV was lacklustre, you have every right to that opinion, but all games improve after launch. Saying “X should’ve been in” just comes across as discrediting the ongoing work they’re putting in to make it better.

They could’ve just abandoned it, eh? If their attitude was truly that poor.


its nice if the game actually improves vs prior entries instead of regressing


Different argument there, though (and tends to ignore the things IV does better or has introduced - as well as forgetting the state of older games on release).

Yes, the game was released with several good new features. And it evolved a lot in the things that needed to improve. The developers listen to the community’s feedback, which is excellent.

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