New effect for the Huns' UT Ateism

Well, there is certainly no urge to change that, but I thought the same as many of you: make it religion-thematic, and a disadvantage for enemies.

Funny I had the same idea.
First, we could rename the tech “Tengrism”, as it was their religion. Though “Paganism” might be more in the spirit of it. And my idea was for it to increase either everone’s or just enemies’ price of all monastery techs, or just of Faith and Heresy.

Haha sure, but then the tech has the advantage of pushing enemies to research technologies they might not even need and to spend some resources for nothing, while the Hun player could just not research the tech. I thing just that kind of anticipation could be interesting. Like suppose in a team game you have a powerful units civilisation lucky enough to have heresy, and one of your opponents is e.g. Aztecs, in the team of Huns. You would have to rush to afford heresy, which is already a very expansive upgrade, while Huns are still in Caste Age!

Inversely, the Hun player might just research that tech for nothing if the foes where careful enough to research the techs as soon as possible. Also, Burmese and Lithuanians would have an advantage here, while this new Hun tech could weaken the Aztec monks.

I like this idea too! Like all units? Or just cavalry? And cavalry archers?

Hum relics are already disregarded, and not so powerful, I wouldn’t do that.

It’s a lot situational, a bit like now, I means i was thinking of a tech that they could use a bit more often.

Huns don’t need a buff to be honest, though it’s a shame they coupled a unique technology with campaign content (that nobody really cares about).

As for the idea of conversion resistance… Huns already get Faith in the monastery and the only reason they’d ever want to research Faith is to prevent their knight line from being converted (I mean… what else?) so applying the same thing specifically for their knight line is OP because Atheism costs half as much as Faith. Also, should those effects be stackable?

If anything I’d simply overhaul the UT altogether. If there’s one thing the Huns suffer from is a pretty stale late game due to lack of a lot of end game units and technologies. Onagers, Arbalesters, Ring Archer Armor and Plate Mail Armor come to mind.

What I’d do is give them a technology, called something like “Modernization” that costs a hefty amount (let’s say 2k food 2k gold) which:

  1. Unlocks the Onager tech.
  2. Unlocks the Ring Archer Armor tech.
  3. Causes Cavalry Archers to cost more (let’s say 5% cheaper instead of 20% in Imperial age).

This would basically allow them to gain a small footing in late team game situations when there’s a lot of trade involved. They pay a hefty sum to become somewhat more pop efficient.

Maybe it could be something like a 20% discount on their rams?

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Mmm I don’t know, having a UT that can unlock standard tech could break the purpose of denying the techs in the first place.

The idea was to help them in early imp, with a cheap and fast researching “faith” to help their cavaliers.

Another idea would be to add something like +5/10 wood to the enemy farms when researched, I thought about it because there is saying from where I’m from, *“Dove passa Attila, non cresce più l’erba” *, which means where Attila goes, the grass does not grow back, that is way I thought about this negative bonus.

Could be, it’s their only decent siege other than trebs.

+10 wood on farms is actually quite huge and I’m not a great fan of the idea of enemy techs affecting my own eco

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I said it before, atheism should be changed for something useful in real games.

Atheism options:

1.-Mounted units gain 200% conversion resistance, that would increase the time enough to counter monks, despite the random insta conversions.

2.-No building or units can be converted.

3.-For each unit/building converted you will get back half the resources cost of the unit/builing lost.

4.-If the enemy has all the relics or a wonder all units gain +1 attack or 10 hp.

Atheism should keep the name and bonus oriented into that, since they were against the pope and the beliefs.


200% conversion resistance is more than Faith gives. Maybe if Atheism actually made it so you can’t make monasteries, monks or generate relic gold (from existing relics in monasteries) that’d be somewhat acceptable.

It’s actually quite good. It means the Tarkan is the most spammable cav UU, and you can raid like Mayan eagles do, except you can also bust stone walls no problem.

Well, since the achievement requires you to destroy the wonders before they are constructed (ie.preventing the countdown from appearing) even where the tech is supposed to be useful it’s optional.

Well that’s the problem: you could use it to counter an enemy wonder by researching it and let a teammate with better defenses build their own but since it affects everyone it just denies an advantage to your team as well. They could at least make it so that your own wonders aren’t affected, so that you could use the tech that way but in compensation you only have crappy Hunnic defenses to defend your wonder.

I would like to remind everyone that Chinese also get a discount, which while lower isn’t locked behind waiting for a tech, and thus is better against annoying “vills in the corner” guys

But then why would it affect Mongols and Cuman?

This sounds like a big buff to Huns they don’t need.

They are critical in 1v1 so I guess such a tech would allow Huns to deny a relic advantage to the opponent by making them worse ie. if you have 1 relic and they have 4 you would definitely have a good use for the tech, and it would be a crazy buff to force the enemy into a trash war.

I guess they would? It’s already the case for the Teuton bonus. But since the Teuton bonus already maxes the conversion resistance Atheism would just be a paying version of that which isn’t very inspired imo.

But it makes 0 sense. Their people just disbanded and integrated into other cultures so they never had an occasion to “modernize”

Since anyway there is a hard cap to max conversion time, it would replace Faith all thogether.

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Yeah obviously “Modernization” is not historically accurate… nor are most aspects of this game :slight_smile:

Sure, but it’s still quite a huge stretch. It’s something they never did, it’s like giving, dunno an “America’s discovery” tech to Mongols or something. Only thing THAT far fetched is Xolotl warriors on Aztecs (since Incas did attempt at some point to use horses to fight back iirc, you would jsut have to reskin and rename the unit to make it somewhat legit)

I didn’t mean that it’s useless, just that it isn’t gamebreacking.

As for the conversion resistance let’s see how it work.
Basically, every time a monk tries to convert an units, it make a series of attempts to convert it that take the same time each. Each attempt have an increasing chance that the conversion is successful. The teutons bonus and faith (and spanish inquisition tech is the countrary) work by increasing the time take for each attempt.
So there is actually a lot of room for maneuver, and idea could be to make UT that make the first 2/3 attempts always fails.

Another funny idea, would be for the tech to have an effect that after 2 minutes from the successful conversion, there is a 50% chance that the unit return back in the possession of the original player. It could be super fun to use, but I fear difficult to implement.

What about option:

Enemy monks faith regeneration is 2x slower?

Mmm it basically remove the effects of illumination (for the civs that have it), it could work.
I mean not necessarily 2x slower, but it’s a good idea.

What about cavalry units snipe monks in 1 hit? I mean, I like other suggestions, but the overlap with monastery techs. Other option could be “units can’t be converted” but this could be OP

That would definitely too much.

Mmm I’m not convinced, they would still have time before the cavalry close the gap to convert, also it is easily nullified by using some pikes.

We have also to consider that the further the games go on in imp, the less monks are used vs cavalry, in comparison to castle age, because of the more cavalry the enemy is able to spam and the increasing difficulty to micro them.
So as long as the game goes on, monks are more used against Siege and other slow and powerful units, like elephants, or to heal your units.

Aztecs relics generate +33% salt


Aztec monastery techs generate +33% salt* x]