New Poll - Choose among the 3 most requested Civilizations

Yes,everything is possible…

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Yes,medieval in the sense of aoe 2,their infantry units would be the condottiero and the Genoese crossbowman (as are the Italians of the AoE 2 The Forgotten) and as cavalry they would have the elmeti and as artillery would have the lil bombard…then at the economic level they would be like in Napolenic Era…

But those are simply mercenary versions of other civs units (the spanish lancer and ottoman bombard).

So unless for the Italians have another role, I don’t see why they should be their UU.

The condo though was just the common name that indicates the leader of a mercenary group, not a military units.

I used the name too, since fans recognize it, but if possible, it would be better to use something else.

Italy had a few aspects, but it is true that Elmeti and Li’ bombard are from scrapped italian units.

the other aspect was the economy where similar to germany they would have multiple villagers, IMO this was what killed the faction, 2 or 3 villager types were 1 cant build and 1 cant gather simply adds too many issues from a gameplay POV that probably just made the faction extremely boring/annoying to play.

fun fact the Organ gun that Portuguese had also was suppose to be Italian originally, but was repurposed, likely because portugal needed another UU.

Yes,that’s why…but just as it happened with the hackapell and the Swedish hackapellit,the same can happen with the mercenaries of Italian origin…besides that other way you could call what the condottiero is…

The name and the model yes, but what was the purpose and special property of those units?


The architect would be virtually useless in the I age. Yeah maybe you would gain about 30 seconds (a house and a market) more of work time on food for 1 vill, but that’s it.

In the next ages it would be a bit more useful, especially to save explorer time on TPs, but if your architect/s die, you are incapacitated to build anything until you get a new one.

It’s too gimmick, it gives you little and it expose you to a huge risk at the same time.

A condottiero wasn’t a soldier. The condottieri armies were mercenary armies called with the name of their leader. A condottiero, is a military leader in Italian.

Their armies were simply made of whatever was the composition at the time. Mostly they used xbows, pikes, early gunpowder weapons, infantry, cavalry, spears, swords, what was needed.

This is what I found in the wiki, at the link given by @Opdepov

I quote from the wiki:


  • An Italian civilization was planned, with Florence as its Home City.
  • It featured subclasses based on city-states such as Genoa, Venezia, and Milano with their own unique bonuses and units.[3]
  • Italian units were mostly “medieval” compared to other civilizations, much like the Ottomans and Spanish.
  • The Italians would’ve been the supremacy equivalent (along with the Spanish) of the Knights of St. John, much like how the John Black Mercenaries are based on the Germans, and the United States is based on the British.
    Planned units:
  • Architect unit, a type of a unique Settler.
  • Merchant unit, a second type of a unique Settler.
  • Elmeti as their Heavy Cavalry unit, replacing the generic unnamed Heavy Cavalry.
  • General “Bombard Cannon” artillery units would’ve appeared, likely instead of Falconets and Mortars. These would later become the Li’l Bombard in The WarChiefs.
  • Likely have used Hoop Throwers instead of Grenadiers.
  • Considering that Genoa was intended to appear as a subclass, it’s likely a unique Crossbowman called the Genoese Crossbowman would’ve been featured. A similar unit would later appear as an Italian unit in Age of Empires II HD: The Forgotten.
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Well then let’s make the condottiero a kind of Italian daimyo…

Exactly,that’s the idea that Ensemble Studios had in mind and it would also be a way to get Malta into multiplayer…the city-states would serve to age up by granting you technologies and units kind like the Union states for the USA and African alliances for Africans…the other that remains is that they can only age up with politicians like all other European civs,including Sweden and Germany…

More or less, but they were mercenary armies working for the one that payed more.

Most likely the other way around… Malta was a way to “save” some aspects of the Italian civ, since usually campaigns are the last thing designed.

Anyway, while I get that it’s a pity that the hoop throwers were used, it wasn’t an Italian unit at all. In fact, since the knights of Malta were actually a feudal tributary of the kingdom of Spain, they should have them. Although, I suppose that the pope too could exert some kind of powe too.

It actually just state that city states were designed as a sub class, but we don’t know how.

For what we know, they could work like an Asian embassy, or like something else…

Also, the elmeti were actually based on a unit sub class that then didn’t make it into the game. Basically they were a special hussars, but the ones of Aoe3, more like the ones of AoE2.

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I would like Morroco to be added too. But the other 2 civs are not boring lol.

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Much better if they just add these 3 civs

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i mean id personally want more than those 3 civs :joy:


I picked Persia but out of the three that civ would probably be the most work it would need all its units and buildings built from scratch including wonders if it is classed as an ‘Asian’ civ.

Italians… would they be another Merc focused civ? I feel like they would be and we’ve just had Swedes with a merc focus as well as Germans. Hard to get excited about them because of that.

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so atm the poll has 26 votes, and the rankings have changed to the following:

  1. Perisans with a score of 4.42

  2. Italians with a score of 4.12

  3. Moroccans with a score 3.5

  4. Poles with a score of 3.46

  5. Danes with a score of 3.27

  6. Siam and Mapuche both with a score of 3.19


Yeah, despite Morocco having more votes on the first question, both Persians and Italians have better individual ratings.

there are a lot of interesting stuff to make out if one looks behind just the pure score.

as an example Prussia has 9 “5” stars rating which rates them towards the top in that regard but almost all the other ratings they got where 1 or 2 which gives them a total rating of 2.75, which obviously indicates that the faction is controversial - some people really want it but more dont.

Canada and Australia both seems like the biggest losers, not surprising since they where both British dominions even by the end of the periode.

Egypt and Congo both have exceptionally equal distribution on their ratings ranging from 4 to 7 in all ratings. Mayans also follow a somewhat similar pattern tho with almost as many 1 stars as 4+5 stars.

Hungary has 8 positive votes, same with Greece, making them the most popular “old world revolution option present” in fact Greece and Bulgaria are fairly similar in a lot of ways (both 10 1 votes and 8 positive votes) but Greece edges them out a little, guessing because there is no Greek unit or revolution in game at all. this is just speculation tho as no one has seemingly states why they vote on those types of factions and i would love to hear what you would expect if you are one of the people who voted “5”.

in the new world the 2 most popular “new world nations” are brazil and Mexico, not too surprisingly i guess since those are very large and important nations today and the most comparable to the USA.

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