Assuming it’s correct a fresh dlc with three new civs is coming our way (cf. Yet another SteamDB DLC - #20 by Szaladon), at least three extra UUs will be needed. Lords of the West and The last Khans both brought mainly melee units, so ranged units should now be favorite in my opinion.
These are my suggestions :
- Leitis of the archers : cavalry archer with low base attack that ignores pierce armour
The Germanic Teutonic knight used to reign against all non-elephant melee units until the leitis came. It’s high time his Germanic cousin the huskarl gets the same treatment. The huskarl’s reign against all archer units should get an exception.
The huskarl’s strength leighs on two main factors: incredibly high pierce armour and massive bonus damage against archers. (Not to mention very cheap goldwise compared to archers).
If the leitis-of-the-archers ignores pierce armour, one of the huskarl’s strengths is gone. Remains its other one.
The huskarl is (nowadays) a fast unit. With squires, he’s even faster than rattan archers! Thus the leitis-of-the-archers needs to be a cavalry archer, to guarantee to be able to beat the huskarl, at least with hit-and-run (especially relevant in Castle Age, before the flood comes).
I would propose 3 as base attack non-elite, 4 as elite. This means that in Castle Age it’s not always worth it to use this UU, but in imperial age always. (Same idea as other UUs that only start to really shine in imp., like the longbowman, woad raider or berserk).
-Castle Age:
_The longsword has 1+2 pierce armour, the knight 2+2 and the skirmisher 4+2.
_The UU camel archer with 7+2 attack does 6, 5 and 3 damage per shot.
_The leitis-of-the-archers would do w. 3+2 attack 5, 5 and 5 damage per shot.
-Imperial Age:
_The champion has 1+4 pierce armour, the paladin 3+4 and the skirmisher 4+4.
_The UU camel archer with 8+4 attack does 7, 5 and 4 damage per shot.
_The leitis-of-the-archers would now do w. 4+4 attack 8, 8 and 8 damage!
This archer won’t be OP, as – besides countering the huskarl – he only really shines in imp. and even then he has to be cautious that the huskarls and heavy cav. don’t close the distance, as it could prove very nasty for him. Even if he performs exceptionnally well against skirmishers (like the conquistador), it still isn’t a fight he’ll want to take as it’s a gold unit vs. a trash unit which happens to also be the co-cheapest soldier in the game.
Against buildings the leitis-of-the-archers wouldn’t be much worse than usual, as most archers only do one damage anyway.
- Obsidian arrows-like foot archer
The Mayan cheap arbalester from simple archery ranges can’t destroy castles anymore. But why couldn’t a castle UU and therefore really hard-to-mass archer don’t do the same ? It’s already hard to replace a deathball of archers, but replace one composed of castle-only units is even harder.
The arambai has been nerfed, at least as far as his damage output against buildings goes. So there really is a niche again for a pierce damage-dealing unit that can actually deal with buildings.
Also: Make mastapieces with a Saracen ally great again!
This archer won’t be OP, as one still needs a lot of them massed to deal effectively with buildings like castles. The mangudaï will still arguably be a better UU overall – thus proves this new archer could be balanced within its civilization’s tech tree. Last but not least, if there is a Saracen ally in TGs, the opponents will – or at least should! – know what’s coming!
(Not to mention community game or even tournament viewers will be able to enjoy the mastapiece if it succeeds !).
- Siege UUs are really rare – but not unprecedented either
There already is in some campaign missions and the scenario editor the flamethrower. Why not buff it up like the flaming camel to a UU ?