Non-biased Auto-Queue poll

I know mate. Just saying that it felt “offensive” for some people.
Now the same people are trying to change results with bad reasoning

Oh please. Don’t be ridiculous.
I don’t really mind if most people vote against an idea I defend but saying I’m trying to “change results” because I made a non-biased poll is just going too far. Get over yourself.

But cheer up! Most “pros” here already voted and won. AQ probably won’t be implemented.

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Yeah yeah, I wasn’t accusing you, just passing and saying ahahah.

Btw, I can remember the 3 person who are in favor of it. That only is a good statement

The “no” choice is misleading. I want auto-queue for the things that have already been implemented, but your “no” choice makes it sounds like I don’t want any auto-queue in the game at all.

Your “No” answer should have instead said, “No, I wouldn’t like these auto-queue options in the game.” And maybe a 2nd “No” option saying, “No, I don’t want these or anymore auto-queue options in the game.”

It is in the context. My question is about UNIT Auto-queue.

Just read.

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I meant it in a sarcastic way, there’s that.

This is not about pros or noobs my friend, the majority matters.

You don’t? Yet you try to make fun by using “pro”

73% “No” so far. Dont wanna overrate such a poll. But its something :slight_smile:

Considering who frequents the forum, I surprised to see how many people are in favor of it.

Change is never going to come easy to a player base that has gotten good with the current meta. They will always resist it, but that doesn’t mean it’s not good or helpful. People who were not comfortable with the current required Micro-Chores of Age of Empires 2 probably don’t frequent the forum, but those are the people this change would be aimed at. And there are a lot of them in the world.


Aha. Good to have you hear to tell us what is good and bad. What you (erm sorry the people all over the world) want.

A civilized debate over things is one thing. Something constructive can come out of it, it can help you understand other perspectives better, it can lead to new ideas.

Randomly repeating that youre right, cause… you know better? is not.

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I am talking about the demographics. I think it’s no surprise that the demographics are what they are.

If you find something wrong with my explanation, I am happy to hear it, but I think the developers are aware of the demographics, and take that into account when looking at these polls.

It’s probably why we got auto scouting, despite the very vocal opposition to it.

It’s probably why we got farm, fish traps and shift queueing.

The developers are still hoping to grow the gaming population, and attractive new players, and things that reduce the micro-chores of the game in favor of actually playing the game, is fully appreciated.

This isn’t a vote. The winner doesn’t decide the future. Only the developers do. And I am sure they are looking at a lot of different sources before making decisions.


personally, i think this is a topic WORTH arguing, because we ( referring to people who love RTS genre, and played other RTS games too ) already saw AQ in practice in other games, for example " rise of nations " and " cossacks 3 " and " empire earth ". so altho im against it and find it an extremely boring mechanic in a RTS game, i would say its definitely worth discussing about it because lots of people see the RTS differently and love AQ feature
BUT, there is a big BUT, your timing for bringing up this request couldnt be worse. auto scouting just got introduced into the game, MANY people are still against it and they believe ( right or wrong ) it will effect the core of the gameplay. and suddenly you and some other people drop the AQ bomb. well of course the MANY people who are still against auto scouting ONLY FOR INITIAL SCOUT will go on defensive mode and fight you! personally i really dont mind the auto scouting feature since its only for the initial scout and manual scouting is far more better, but when i saw AQ suggestions like 4-5 days after the new patch i was like " yea ok enough with the changes, its too much "
i would really prefer to see this suggestion like 2-3 months later when the auto scout thing is settled in the community. i would guarantee you, people wouldnt be this much aggressive towards this suggestion


With auto queue adn autoscout, what would you do in dark age? point the CU gather point to resources? OMGGGG too much apm. Please auto select resource also please


I would lure boar, set up lumber camps, scout manually, build houses, plan farms, set up walls, find and push deer, build a dock/mill or maybe barracks (not all in that order).

I don’t see anything that I would do differently.


This poll should be made by devs in game so the entire playerbase gets to have a voice. This forum doesn’t include most people.


( after getting the same results in the “inside game” poll )
This poll should be made by devs in a neutral RTS forum so the entire playerbase of RTS games gets to have a voice. this game doesnt include most of the RTS fans

i was obviously kidding. but i think YES devs can make a poll, but there is no need to put it inside the game, cause the people who cast a vote on such things should be the people who actually care enough about the game’s development to atleast check the official forums which most of the update ideas comes from

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This thread doesn’t have nothing to do with Auto-Scout(which I’m against too).
Dark age has the problem of being… well… dark age. Between scouting, luring boars correctly and not getting housed… there isn’t much to do. Just press H and Q every time you hear the sound.

Do you really think autoqueue is going to make everyone a better player? To me, it seems like we’re going to be in the same situation of having to cycle through tcs and military buildings early on to see if the economy balance is good enough to have non-stop production, (unless you’re playing some Hoang or Edie) but it’s just doing it with a way different game mechanic which seems like a pointless change for a game that has been played for so many years like this.

In my opinion this game is hard, yes, but also it’s why is so good, because there’s always room to improve, so many things to do better (at the same time) Just keep practicing and you’ll eventually be able to produce vills while microing mangonels :slight_smile:

In dark age you have to micro vills in wood and berries in order to optimize economy, do a proper scouting to decide the build order, lure deers if you want an additional eco boost, wall the right sides, chose the right forest, deselect injured vills to keep them in stragler trees or farms, do quick wallings before your enemy militias or m@a reaches your base, check weak spots both yours and your opponent’s, lame (if you want), avoid laming (if youre about to be lamed), send the right amount of vills to each resource needed for your strategy and so on.

Definely much more than pressing HQ and luring boars.

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Thank goodness that the vast majority hates AQ almost as much as me.