Not displaying proper number of players in Skirmish Match

Game Version: v.100.17.18697.0
Build Number: 477449R
Platform: Steam
Operating System: Windows 10

Booted up the game after playing with no issues yesterday. Went into skirmish and there were no players at all. The box was blank. I rebooted the game and had the same problem. Selected number of players and selected 2 and they showed up. Launched the game with 2 players except their were now 3 players.

I can only upload one picture, but upon entering the game there are now three players with one copying my major god selection and one copying my name.
It seems like sometimes it shows one less player on the setup screen than is actually in the game.
After messing around with the number of players it sometimes shows the proper number on the setup screen, but always seems to add an extra player to whatever amount was displayed.

This also seems to be accompanied by visual errors in game like not having a button to age up in the town center and no images for minor gods when using the hotkey to try and advance the age.

Repro Steps:
Not sure, but I have closed and relaunched the game and it has happened every time.


I have the exact same issue I did not see your topic when searching before, see: Cannot age up & player missing in skirmish lobby

With regards to the minor gods not showing, you can also not click them to force the age up. So the game is in an unplayable stage.
here is an image to compliment your’s regarding the lobby:

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I want to add that I can host multiplayer games with AI with no issue, so that is a workaround for now. Might be interesting for you as well IcyFish

Didn’t think of that. Thanks. That seems to work for now.