One overlooked clue for the Tibetans in the coming DLC

We got many hints about units, tech trees and campaign updates, but there is one more.
Tibet is the roof of the world with a high elevation compared to its surroundings.

And look what is in the patch notes:

  • Added new elevation height options up to 16 (from 7).

The strange thing about AoE2 is that large elevations are usually shown by using cliffs which are just a flat 2D object with no real elevation.

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From the information available at present, it is almost certain that there will be no Tibetans in the list of new civs. Letā€™s put this knot aside.

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The greatest clue is that warrior priest were added in mount royals as foreshadowing.

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We can see a Buddhism art in command panel. Where is this civ that can use Fire Archer? It can be Tibetans. (or it can be Siamese or so)

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Would South East Asian architecture be more fitting then East Asian for Tibet?

Good question. From what I can see, it would be South Asian houses, more Chinese Castle and a specific monastery

Tibet will probably have pretty bad foot archers

Hum, the fire archer seems from Siamese or other South East Asian civs, not from Tibetans. The panel art is South East Asian civs theme.

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People are obsessed here it seems. Guy revealing otherwise ainā€™t getting any likes for his finds because it doesnā€™t confirm to what they want to see.

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Chinese troll bot account if I ever seen oneā€¦

What do you mean?

20 characters

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If it is Siamese, I wish it was the elephant cannons.

What info are you talking about?

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No evidence in favour of Tibetans doesnā€™t equal evidence against them!
The hints we gotten are not enough for us to know the 5 civilisations that will be added.

I mean which specific piece of evidence is against Tibetans?

There are three definite civs: Jurchen, Khitan, and Tanguts.

In two unknown civis, according to the UI interface of the ā€œFire Archerā€ image, one civ must have Southeast Asian elements. As long as we think rationally, Tibetans definitely does not belong to Southeast Asian civ (and Tibetansā€™s UU is definitely not Fire Archer);

According to the ā€˜Technology Treeā€™ image, there are no gunpowder units, but there are Hei Guang Cavalry. Tibetans cannot have the Hei Guang Cavalry unit, and this civ cannot be the new civ with Southeast Asian elements.

So no matter what kind of civ these two are, at least it can be clearly stated that they are not Tibetans.

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Khitans in the campaign could be Tanguts.
The techtree that was shown could be Khitans. No confirmation that it shoes the Hei Guang Cavalry.

The South East Asian architecture set could be a red herring and not an intended hint.
Also Tibetans could have South East Asian architecture. East Asian one would look pretty wrong for them.

Also there could be things added to existing civilisations that have not been mentioned in the changelog because the changelog is incomplete.

The Hei Guang Cavalry or Fire Archer could also be a campaign exclusive units.

What if fire archer and Hei Guang are both Dali units?