One overlooked clue for the Tibetans in the coming DLC

Firstly, it is highly unlikely that Hei Guang Cavalry is a unit from Dali. And there is the most important evidence, according to techtree, that this civ has powerful naval units, neither Dali nor Tibetans can have a strong navy.

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I have a hunch the Hei Guang is either a regional, or its a scenerio-editor only unit for the V&V scenerio.

I am pretty sure i’ve mentioned this before in response to you, so i’m sorry if i’m repeating myself, but honestly if Khitans aren’t being added I think that the best civ for the Khitans in the Genghis Khan scenerio would be to leave it as Mongols given that its representing the Khitans during the “occupation” of the Mongolian Kushluk, For that reason them changing the civ makes me pretty darn confident Khitans are being added.

I’m not disagreeing with you but it’s not confirmed yet.

Tanguts and Jurchens are like 90% confirmed but the Khitans only like 70-80%.

Ahistorical/fantasy. Elephant musketeers would be better.

Don’t make efforts to explain them. They are trolling you.

Some content creators don’t even think it will be 5 new civilizations in the incoming DLC.
Some believe that it will be 3 new civilizations and the re-work of Chinese and Koreans.

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They clearly said 5 new civilisations. Not reworked ones.
If they only give us 3 now they would get the biggest wave of hate from the AoE2 community ever.
Not sure how they could ever recover from that.

At this point if they actually only planned 3 they would have to delay the DLC and add 2 more to not completely upset everyone.

But knowing how bad their PR is this might actually be true. They really know how to upset the community for no good reason.


Totally agree. You can justify 5 civilizations from the amount of new units in the teasers.

Why do you think so?

Because that’s literally just straight-up lying, as well as false advertising.

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Haven’t they lied before?

Yes, and every time, they’ve gotten caught and either forced to backpedal or sweep it under the rug due to intensely negative backlash. I don’t think they can get away with it again for something that’s been hyped so much and for so long.

Isn’t the cancelled AOE 3 DLC of Poland and Denmark enough evidence?

So what mandates this one to be biggest hate? I mean they are delivering so much already for free as an update.

Some guys are just assuming Tibetans without any evidence and whether the two new civs are updates to Chinese-Koreans or something new. Can you guys hate on someone just because they didn’t deliver your presumptions?

Remember entire year roadmap was a lie at one point.

This time we already have so much to look forward to with all that has been announced.

So what is the reason for this time to be biggest wave of hate? Also let the OP to answer. If you guys have nothing to add.

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I mean, if at the end of their blog post they had said they would add only 3 new civs, everybody would have still been hyped, and arguably 3 new civs + campaigns + unique castles and elite uu is still the biggest addition to the game since DE. It’s not like they needed to blatantly lie to promote this dlc. I don’t think they would have done this for benefits such as “wow 5% more people talked about the dlc online, but most people will be deceived when the trailer is out”.


They’ve literally done that with the aoe3 dlc

If they want to drop aoe3 support, they don’t care much about the backclash. But if they still want to sell content for aoe2, it’s likely not good for them to deceive customers.

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Because it would be the worst thing they have ever done to the AoE2 community.

You mean this?

“Something different and unknown” → Xbox release
“Ancient Friends” → Return of Rome
“Dynasties of India like DLC” → The new East Asian DLC

It looks like they originally planned this DLC to come out in 2023 but then they had to move the developers over to AoMR. This also explains why the DLC has so much content despite them only having half a year since the release of AoMR.

I wouldn’t call that a lie though. It’s only a lie if it was never intended to happen like that.
Planning things a year in advance isn’t easy. That’s why they usually don’t like to release roadmaps.

And you have seen how unpopular that was.
Cancelling the AoE3 DLC was not a lie. They thought they would make it but then changed their mind. The DLC was never even in development. Unlike the upcoming AoE2 DLC that seems to be almost finished.
They 100% know how many civilisations will be in it. It’s pretty obvious that they can’t quickly add 2 civilisations within a month. So if they say 5 despite only making 3 it would be a clear and obvious lie.

Cancelling plans is bad. Openly lying is worse.

This is the lie. We were told for a year that we would get a DLC and they never ever started developing it in the first place.

Yes, but in the end they got away with it

They could say that from a certain point of view the Chinese and Koreans are now so heavily modified that they are almost new civs.
They already applied this kind of rethoric to the “campaign DLC” that turned out to be a handful of recycled workshop scenarios.

Man if they wanted to disguise their 3 civs + 2 reworks, they wouldn’t list the rework and explicitly present them as updates to tech trees and units, and they wouldn’t use terms such as brand which kinda means something that wasn’t in the game before.

It’s not about devs being honest, it’s about them not being complete idiots.

They also stated from the start that most scenario were modded, they lied about the added-value of the dlc but not about the amount of scenarios

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