In my opinion it’s not a lie if they actually planned to make the DLC.
It would be a lie if they planned to cancel it from the beginning which I think is very unlikely.
They don’t plan to make more AoE3 content so no one can boycott future DLC.
People can very easily boycott the AoE2 DLC if it doesn’t contain the promised content.
They can also leave negative reviews. I’m pretty sure the negativity in the community about V&V cost them same sales. I personally know people that didn’t buy any DLC because they heard about how bad V&V is.
When people read “Broken promises” or “Lies” they keep that in back of their mind and are more cautious about buying DLC. Most people aren’t deep enough into the community to figure out the details.
Most people buy 10+ games/DLC per year so they don’t look to deeply into each of them. When they see AoE2DE on a steam sale and then remember reading about broken promises they will think twice before hitting that buy button.
As I said. That was pretty unpopular. But a campaign is just a series of scenarios and if the scenarios are not in a series it’s not that much of a difference.
The next expansion for Age II: DE will include FIVE brand NEW Civs, all playable in Ranked Multiplayer. Yes, you read that correctly. Five!
This is a very clear and direct statement that there will be 5 brand NEW Civs.
Chinese and Koreans are clearly not brand NEW.
No way they can spin this to mean 3 new civs plus 2 reworked ones.
This would definitely lead to the most negative community reaction ever.
Ok, I was merely talking hypotethetically and I personally doubt they would do what I said. But on the other hand their sincerity track record is not precisely clean, so I am not going to rule out any scenario yet.
They recognized that they mostly did that to lure in aoe3 players to watch their stream and they literally had nothing done. Call it a lie, call it manipulation. The intention was at the very least deceptive.
There is a major difference. A campaign is supposed to have a coherent narrative across scenarios, similar patterns (like playing the same civs). If you do a bunch of independent unrelated scenarios the concept of a “campaign” is diluted.
Please, read the original words at the end of the original post:

Chinese and Koreans, even if they were changed so much that they seem like new civilizations, are not part of the new expansion, but are part of the base game.
The Indian Dynasties description says it includes 3 new expansions. The Indians rework (Hindustanis) does not count because it is part of the base game. The same applies to the new expansion.
We shouldn’t rule that out. But if it’s the case we should be ready to respond accordingly.
We would need to boycott the DLC for sure. Not sure what else would be a good thing to do. Randomly insulting the developers would not be the right thing. It’s the PR team that does an awful job.
It was certainly a bad thing. But not every bad thing has to be a lie, right?
I know it’s not the same. But it’s a similar value in the end.
I would say that the value of a scenario within a campaign is not higher then the value of an independent scenario.
Independent scenarios are often bigger in scope too. Most Historical Battles are better on their own then most campaign scenarios in my opinion.
But 3 civs is always less value then 5 civs, right?
Gotta be 5 very boring civs for 3 civs to be better value.
Let’s say it’s a matter of interpretation, cause I’m sure that when the DLC was delayed they already knew they were not going to release it. But yeah, since they don’t communicate at all, we can not say much. By the way, they also had said they were working on improving the communication and I haven’t seen that “work”, but whatever. I can’t read their minds, so I will never know if they were aware that everything they said was false or not.
Why would they announce a delay it they already planned to cancel it?
Doesn’t make much sense.
We also need to remember that they are multiple people with different opinions. It’s not a monolith of people all having the same opinion.
There were likely long internal discussions on that topic and many people were likely very passionately arguing in favour of continuing the support of AoE3DE.
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The RTS festival on Steam ended like a couple of days before the official cancelation. Was it merely a coincidence?
It’s possible, but there’s quite a bit of the Mongolia and northern China areas where subspecies of Argali exist too.
Also, this is a map of their modern range. Their historical range is likely to have been much wider, and less patchy.
Make more sense than previous ones.