Ornlu's 45 ideas to balance all 45 civs


There are many good points to be fair

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Surprisingly, I liked the video and thanks @FurtherLime7936 . He tried shuffling some of the existing bonuses around different civs. It felt like a cleanup of the civs after 45 and before reaching 50 similar to person fixing their finances before retirement.

Here is the Summary and general changes suggested by ornlu and my opinion on them:

  1. Militia line - Too weak
  2. Fire ship - Too strong

Mytake - Everybody knows this. But at this point Militia-line having speed of spears or archers/skirms having their speed lowered would be the only fixes I can imagine especially with the skirm heavy meta now. Fireship speed can be toned down.


  • Armenians - ohh! boy - - Remove extra projectile of galley line and dromon. Blast radius of Cilician fleet.
    MyTake - Yup! removing the bonus arrow makes sense if they get range advantage late game.

  • Aztecs - Carry capacity bonus changes from +3 → +5
    MyTake - Required now

  • Bengalis - Remove ratha trample damage and give it to elite version.
    MyTake - Bengalis were poorly designed. FC → Ratha is the only thing keeping them viable in the game on open maps. They should have inherited Indians villager discount which would have helped with their elephants and scout rush. It also synergises with their Mahayna tech.
    Spawn 2 Vills per TC per age → Vills are 10/15/20/25 cheaper each age
    Ratha needs to be nerfed to its original stats similar to knight. But with minus 20 gold cost.

  • Berbers- Change Kasba effect
    MyTake - No change needed

  • Bohemians - Remove Siege Engineers from tech tree to balance Houfnice. Its speedy and has range.
    Mytake - FC → hussite wagon is more porblematic. Nerf speed of Hussite wagon to 0.6 tps. Increase cost of wagenburg tactics to 400 food and 400 gold.

  • Britons - Make archery range work faster as before without changing team bonus
    Mytake - Agree. Yomen can make their archery ranges work 25% faster along with +1 range. The +2 attack of towers has already been taken away by Georgians. This change will make the effect unique again

  • Burmese - Elite battle elephant 50% cheaper
    Mytake - Burmese don’t stack up against archer civs well. Elephant archer can allevate their archer problems. Civ bonus and Howdah applies to EAs could be a start. So many things need to be fixed.

  • Burgundians - Change Flemish rev and nerf gunpowder attack
    Mytake - Agree

  • Bulgarians - Stone mining upgrades are free and removed from Bohemians
    MyTake - They need an eco-bonus for early game and not for one trick pony krepost drops
    New bonus- Stable upgrades cost -50% food just like blacksmith

  • Chinese - lose extra LOS of TC

  • Celts - 20% infantry faster

  • Cuman - Cuman merceneries, Second TC and Ram in feudal need re-work

  • Dravidians - fish traps near docks and +15 carry capacity makes fishbooming hard and urumi spped buff.
    MyTake - There’s so many things wrong with the civ design and how devs try to fix the flaws. No answer to knights into Siege was a porblem in castle age but bbc in imp was given then 33% cheaper siege was given. Medical corps has always been useess. If 200 wood was not enogh, then @UpmostRook9474 idea of 10x wood per vill per age was enough to fix the problem and that idea was floating around for an year before 33% siege disount was given. Funnily Ornlu mentions this problem with ethiopions. The civ has unusable elephants due to weak economy.
    Receive 200 wood, 33% siege wood discount → receive 10 x wood the number of vills on arriving each age
    Medical corps → Mahouts
    new bonus - Elte elephant archer and Siege elephant upgrade are free (Elite elephant upgrades free)

  • Ethhiopions - Scale 100 food and 100 gold bonus with each age or free halb upgrade
    My Take - Ethiopions need dual powespike each age
    Free pikeman is not enough, maybe heavy scorpion upgrade free.

  • Franks - Remove forage bonus; Make castles 25% cheaper again
    Mytake - No changes needed

  • Gujjaras - Nerf shrivamsha speed in castle age to equal scot cavalry

  • Mytake - 0 pierce armour, 80 food and 7 attack for shrivamsha should fix the unit in caste age

  • Georgians - oh! boy — start with a free mule cart but -50wood.
    MyTake -Drastic changes are needed
    Start with a free mule-cart → Mulecart are built and repaired 100% faster
    Mounted units regenerate 5/10/15 hit points per minute in the Feudal/Castle/Imperial Age → Buildings regenerate 5/10/15 hit points per minute in the Feudal/Castle/Imperial Age

  • Khmer - Raise battle elephant speed bonus to 20% and remove husbandry, hussar upgrade
    Mytake - Khmer needs to be made into an all-out elephant civ with a few changes
    Scorpions have +1 range → Elephant units have +2 LOS
    Battle Elephants move 10% faster → Battle Elephants move 20% faster.
    Remove the 5% slower workrate of farms, Bloodlines, husbandry and hussar
    from tech tree
    This will give the civ an elephant spam capable playstyle

  • Hindustanis - Increase the cost of Shatagni
    MyTake - Hindustanis are based on delhi sultanate and they rose up though their ingenious miitary planning as well as conquest using light cavalry, cavalry archers and the mughals did the same with gunpowder tech. Delhi was a backwater kingdom and Indian empires used to rise from Bihar. Delhi did not have good economy before Delhi sultanate rose up from there and almost conquered whole of India which is represented by the ‘Grand trunk road’ gold tech. The vill discount does not make much sense and in fact Bengal was a far more populous.
    Vills are 8/13/18/23 cheaper-> Cavalry armour upgrades are free

  • Incas - reduce slingers default attack by 1 and add it to andean sling

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Here my list (not necessarily better):

  • Armenians: gain siege engineers
  • Aztecs: villagers +1 carry capacity (to +4)
  • Bengalis: decrease (elite) Rathas hp to 90/100 (from 105/115)
  • Berbers: (elite) camel archers +1 range, -3 damage, +4 anti cav archers damage
  • Bohemians: lose siege engineers
  • Britons: lose +1 archer range in imperial (only +1 in castle age)
  • Bulgarians: konnik cost 40f/75g (from 60f/70g)
  • Burgundians: replace mperial UT: stable units +2 damage
  • Burmese: add new civ bonus: monks +1 range
  • Byzantines: nerf imperial UT: trample damage only affects infantry
  • Celts: increase infantry speed from 15% to 20% (woad raider base speed unchanged, they go faster)
  • Chinese: replace “non age up techs cost 0/5/10/15% less” with “non age up techs cost -10% starting castle age”
  • Cumans: replace imperial UT: cav archers +2 range
  • Dravidians: Urumi swordmen +1 PA
  • Ethiopians: lose ring archer armor
  • Franks: replace civ bonus +20% cavalry hp starting feudal age with +20hp starting castle age
  • Georgians: lose civ bonus “cavarly regenerate hp”
  • Goths: remove “villagers +5 damage vs hunt”
  • Gurjaras: (elite) chakrams -1 range
  • Hindustanis: nerf imperial UT: hand cannoners +1 range (down from +2)
  • Huns: lose starting horse on nomad maps
  • Incas: gain architecture
  • Italians: move “gunpowder units cost -20%” to imperial UT and “trade carts cost -50%” to civ bonus.
  • Japanese: replace civ bonus “cav archers deal +2 damage vs non skirm archers” with “range units deal +2 damage vs cav archers”
  • Khmer: lose siege engineers
  • Koreans: replace civ bonus “ship cost -20% wood, non siege range units cost -50% wood” with “all units cost -25% wood”
  • Lituanians: change civ bonus: knight/letis get +1 damage per relic owned by the team (up from player only), up to a maximum of +2 (down from +4)
  • Malays: lose husbandry
  • Magyars: nerf imperial tech: cav archers get +1 damage (no +1 range)
  • Malians: get gambesons
  • Mayans: lose ring archers armor
  • Mongols: nerf (elite) mangudai: -1 range
  • Persians: savars - 1 PA and -1 damage
  • Poles: update civ bonus: villagers regenerate 20 hp/min starting castle age instead of 0/10/15/20 hp/min.
  • Portuguese: rework Feitoria: costs 250w 250s buildings in a 10 tile radius yield 10% more ressources
  • Romans: nerf civ bonus: scorpions cost -33% gold instead of -60%
  • Saracens: move “transport ship x2 hp and +5 capacity” to team bonus and “archer line +3 damage vs buildings” to civ bonus.
  • Scicilians: new team bonus: farm upgrades also give additional food to existing farms
  • Slavs: gain trademill crane
  • Spanish: move “+25% gold trade” to civ bonus and “villagers build 30% faster” to team bonus
  • Tatars: partians tactics not free anymore
  • Teutons: nerf civ bonus: farms cost 40w instead of 36w
  • Turks: chemistry can be researched instantly but is not free anymore (and 50% cheaper)
  • Vietnamese: nerf +20% hp civ bonus: do not affect cav archers anymore.
  • Vikings: update castle tech: infantry units deal +base damage against cavalry (Longswords +9, Champions +13, condotieri +10, etc
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I like Phosphoru’s idea, give MAA a bonus against walls.

Boo! BOOO!

At least the current bonus makes sense for Japanese. This is just

Gurjaras aren’t even doing well atm.


They lost that thanks to DM, why do you want to give it back?


That is also a good idea. Instead of +2, of Men@Arms get +4. It’ll be able to fullfil that role I think. Further upgrades can also add +2 essentially arson swordsmen in feudal age
Normally Ornlu lists and takes don’t make much sense because he always assumes the civ is fully boombed in imp and compares stuff. But this one was a bit more thourough

The big takeaway from his video is that most civs don’t need to be changed, it’s just some units being to strong or too weak.

Cavalry Archers, Skirmishers and Light Cavalry being too strong and Swordsman being too weak.

Which in some ways is because of the current state of pathing. When pathing is bad it’s easier to use units that don’t need to touch the enemy (ranged units) or fast units that can compensate for the bad pathing (cavalry). Cavalry Archers just combine both.
Skirmishes counter Archers and Cavalry Archer so they are strong. Archers aren’t that strong because their main counter (Skirmishers) are not negatively affected by the bad pathing.

We need a complete video from Ornlu about the units and about those civs than need more than one change

Classic Ornlu making a 30-minute video for something that would be better as a forum post.

I generally don’t take his balance judgements very seriously. He usually focusses on late-game high-resource situations, when he says “the meta” he really means “how the top 15ish players play”, and he completely ignores any kind of win rate or ranking stats.

Here, for example, he suggests buffing Huns (improving their cavalry archer discount) because they’ve been “powercrept”. Actually, Huns are currently ranked 3rd by win rate with a higher win rate at higher levels, despite (I think) having mostly received nerfs since they were first introduced. Meanwhile he suggests nerfing Vietnamese because they’re “overtuned”, even though they’ve been underperforming for years at most levels of play.



I don’t really care about historical accuracy, and I don’t see how it would make japanase too strong, or too weak, or not interesting anymore.
I like the idea to motivate japanese to go more often xbows and less often cav archers in t

Gurjaras aren’t even doing well atm
They are not doing bad, they are not doing great, they are around average overall in 1v1, and have a very annoying 1 unit deathball.

I am aware not every change will please everyone, I am aware some will be too much and some too little. But if these 3 remarks are the main things making raise an eyebrow, then the list is way better balanced and less controversial than expected.

Sorry, I am not a DM player. Are Slavs that good with trademill crane ? Is DM currently balanced ?

Yeah, I like most Ornlu content, but I strongly disagree that “Aztecs, Britons, Bulgarians, Burmese, Celts, Ethiopians, Franks, Huns, Slavs, Spanish, Tatars, Teutons” is an accurate list the overcrept civs.

As in, Tatars are not even that good a civ, why nerf them?

Then why give any civ any bonus? Just randomly distribute them! Give Celts an Elephant bonus! Romans a gunpowder one!

Then if they are average, leave them alone and concentrate on ones who are not.

Actually I commented on these because they are some of the civs I play most, and they jumped out at me.


You dont need to build more than one house with slavs before 6 barracks/srtables and can pop out military units to rush or defend, does it sounds good? :smiley:
DM is as balanced as it can be. Some civs super good, some super bad and others in between

My version of balance list:


Not all 45 civs but some of them.


  • Have access to Paladins.
  • Receive Siege Engineers and Siege Rams.
  • Remove additional projectiles of ships.
  • The bonus Relic should not affect the Relic Victory.


  • Remove Siege Engineers, and Elite Hussite Wagons get +1 range in exchange.
    Or, make Bombard Cannons and Houfnices unaffected by Wagenburg Tactics.
  • (Elite) Cannon Galleons are unaffected by Wagenburg Tactics.
  • Either free gold mining upgrades or free stone mining upgrades, not both.


  • Receive Ring Archer Armor.
  • University technologies do not cost wood.


  • Lose the gunpowder attack bonus.
  • Replace the Flemish Revolution with “Culverins”: gunpowder units gain +25% attack.
  • After the Imperial Age is researched, a “REVOLT!” button is available at the same place in TCs. It has a cost based on the number of villagers, enables Flemish Militia at TCs, turns all villagers into Flemish Militias like what the Revolution currently does, and additionally increases the work efficiency of TCs. This button can be disabled in the room settings.


  • Revealing Relics is a civ bonus instead of a team bonus.
  • New team bonus, like Knights and Battle Elephants +2 attack against standard buildings.


  • Lose Heavy Camel Riders.
  • Start games with 1 free goat if losing the extra LoS of TCs.


  • Cuman Mercenaries now makes the free Kipchaks garrisoned in Castles rather than waiting for training.
  • Cuman Mercenaries also gives Cavalry Archers +1 range. (Not for allies.)


  • Receive 10 wood for every villager instead of fixed 200 wood whenever a new Age is reached.
  • Lose the wood discount for siege weapons.
  • Receive Elite Battle Elephant and Husbandry.


  • Hunnic Horse shouldn’t be able to convert livestock.


  • Lose Siege Engineers, and Elite Ballista Elephants get +1 range in exchange.
  • Elephants move +10%/+20% faster in the Castle/Imperial Age instead of fixed +10%.


  • The extra HP bonus for Scout Cavalry and Steppe Lancers is from the Imperial Age.


  • Monastery units do not cost -20% gold.


  • Free Elite Skirmisher upgrade.


  • Farm upgrades not only provide additional food but also affects existing Farms.
  • Mounted units receive 33% less bonus damage, while foot units receive 50% less bonus damage.
  • Hauberk costs 600 food and 500 gold, reduced from 700 food and 600 gold.


  • Swap the two UTs and reduce the cost of Bogsveigar.
  • Have access to Siege Onagers.

Personal preferences

Unnecessary changes or lower priority changes, AFTER the necessary changes.

It's a long list!


Quoted from Add something new to the current tech tree.


  • The Town Watch-line upgrades cost only food.
  • Town Patrol can also provide TCs +1 attack
  • “Town Defense” is introduced in the Imperial Age, requires Town Patrol, and provides TCs +2 attack (or more).


  • “Military Drums” is introduced in the Feudal Age, providing infantry units +10% speed at a cost of about 100 food.
  • Squires requires Military Drums, and only provides the Militia-line units +10% speed at a cost of about 100 food and 50 gold.
  • “Fencing School” (or “Swordsmanship School”) is introduced in the Imperial Age, providing the Militia-line units +1 attack, and allowing the Militia-line upgrades to be researched almost instantly.


  • “Saddletrees” is introduced in the Feudal Age, providing mounted units +10 HP at a cost of about 75 food and 25 gold.
  • Bloodlines is moved to the Castle Age, requires Saddletrees, only provides mounted units +10 HP, and gets cheaper by about 75 food and 25 gold.
  • “Jousting” is introduced in the Imperial Age, requires the Paladin upgrade, and provides Paladins +20 HP at a cost of about 300 food and 100 gold.
  • The base HP of Paladins is adjusted to 140 by default, and the Paladin upgrade can get cheaper by about 300 food and 100 gold.
  • “Mahouts” is introduced in the Imperial Age, requires Husbandry, and provides Elephant units (or only Battle Elephants) gain +10% speed or more.


  • “Catapults” is introduced in the Imperial Age, allows the Mangonel-line units and Trebuchets to destroy trees and berry bushes with the splash damage for every civ at a cheap cost of about 100 food and 100 wood.
  • Dromons require Catapults for access.
  • Siege Engineers requires Catapults, and costs cheaper by about 100 food and 100 wood.

Archery Ranges

  • “Shooting Targets” is introduced in the Feudal Age, simply providing 100% accuracy almost instantly for every civ at a very cheap cost of 50 wood.
  • Thumb Ring requires Shooting Targets, only provides faster firing instead, and gets cheaper by 50 wood.
  • “Javelins” is introduced in the Feudal Age, unlocking the bonus attacks of skirmisher units against spearman units.


  • The Fletching-line upgrades don’t affect ships.


  • The Careening and Dry Dock get cheaper and only provide +5 and +10 capacity respectively instead.
  • “Bulkhead Compartment” is introduced in the Castle Age, providing ships +1 pierce armor.
  • “Compass” is introduced in the Imperial Age, providing ships +15% speed.
  • “Naval Archery” → “Springald Crew” (or “Oared Vessel Tactics”) → “Gunports” (or “Sailing Ship Tactics”) line is introduced to provide ranged ships upgrades for the range and attack.


  • Jaguar Warriors cost +5 food, and have speed as fast as Eagle Warriors.
  • Have “Butterfly Warrior” a unique upgrade replacing the Longsword, and the elite replacing the Two-Handed Sword and Champion.


  • Receive not only Paladins but also Plate Barding Armor.
  • Receive not only Siege Engineers and Siege Rams but also Siege Onagers.
  • Use Lumber and Mining Camps rather than Mule Carts, with still +40% effects of the techs there.
  • Lose the earlier accessible infantry bonus in exchange for cavalry taking less population space.
  • Replace Cilician Fleet with “Cilician Engineers”: Scorpions and War Galleys +1 range; Mangonels and Dromons have additional projectiles.
  • Receive Shipwright if Cilician Engineers won’t give War Galleys additional range.
  • Fereters give cavalry good regeneration instead of +30 HP to infantry.


  • Have access to fully upgraded Heavy Cavalry Archers and Warrior Priests.
  • Lose the cavalry regeneration bonus in exchange for Monks restore faith faster.
  • Aznauri provides +30 HP to Militia-line units and Warrior Priests instead.
  • Have the Svan Tower become a unique upgrade replacing the Keep upgrade.
  • A new Castle Age UT, like “Eristavi”, maybe to give their Knights a bonus against cavalry as long as they have no camels.


  • Not only have Barrack technologies -50% cheaper but also one of the below:
    • Allow the Man-at-Arm/Longsword/Two-Handed Sword upgrades to be researched one age earlier.
      (Brought from the current Armenians. Stronger but only benefit the Militia-line.)
    • Have the Forging-line upgrades double the effects.
      (Lose Blast Furnace. Weaker but benefit other units.)
  • Remove Medical Corps, while the elephant regeneration becomes a civ bonus.
  • New Castle age UT “Kaikola Corps”: Battle Elephants and siege weapons cost -40% gold.
  • Urumi Swordsman rework:
    • The charging bar can also be used to dodge projectiles.
    • Still deals a blast damage but no increased attack when attacking with fully charged.
    • The basic speed and attack may be increased.


  • Elephant units now only receive 25% less bonus damage.
  • Mahayana also make trade units and fishing ships take up -10% population space, and also gives elephants resistance to conversion.
  • Receive Thumb Ring, but lose Arbalesters.
  • The effect of Paiks is changed to have Battle Elephants and melee Ratha attack +20%.
  • Lose the bonus that Cavalry units +2 attack vs Skirmishers, while melee Ratha have +2 attack vs Skirmishers in its basis stats.

Burmese, Khmer & Malay

  • Replace Cavalry Archers with Elephant Archers. No Elite upgrade for Malay.
  • For Burmese, not only Battle Elephants but also Elephant Archers have +1/+1 armor and affected by Howdah.
  • For Khmer, not only Battle Elephants but also Elephant Archers move faster.
  • For Malay, not only Battle Elephants but also Elephant Archers have the discount.


  • Receive Arrowslits.
  • Upgrade Docks to Harbors when Arrowslits is researched.
  • Replace Thalassocracy with “Datuks”: TCs and Harbors have +2 attack; Knights have +4 attack.
  • As long as they represent the Javanese, perhaps they can also have access to the Thirisadai.


  • Replace Crossbowmen and Arbalesters with Longbowmen and Elite Longbowmen, and adjust their stats for their new position.
  • Remove the range bonus. The extra range should be part of the basis range of Longbowmen, so it’s 6 for Longbowmen and 7 for Elite Longbowmen.
  • The effect of Yeomen is changed to provide +2 range to Longbowmen and Towers.
  • New UU “Billman”, a kind of anti-cavalry infantry, in Castles.


  • Lose the additional infantry speed bonus in exchange for Squires; The Military Drums-line upgrades provide +50% effect, and Military Drums might be free.
  • Stronghold also make TCs fire faster, not only Castles and Towers.
  • Stronghold no longer gives Castles a square healing area but villagers can drop resources at Towers and Castles.
  • Maybe the civ could be renamed to “Gaels”:
    • The Woad Raider could be renamed and reskinned to “Kern” who raids with its speed.
    • The Champion could be replaced with “Gallowglass” as a unique upgrade who can be relied upon as a strong defense for holding a position like how they fought in history, e.g. having a mode can allow it to slows down in exchange for the higher armors, or having an ability to build towers.
    • Maybe Furor Celtica can be renamed to “Great Warpipes” since warriors were rallied into battle and were encouraged each other to deeds of valor by blowing warpipes?


  • Receive Plate Barding Armor, and lose Cavaliers.
  • Receive basic Stone Walls, and lose Architecture and even Masonry.
  • Receive Redemption, and lose Bombard Cannons.


  • Receive the Steppe Lancer line.


  • Rename Silk Road, to maybe “Merchant Republics”, or “Lombard Banking”.
  • Merchant Republics also spawn 1 “Merchant” who takes no population and generates gold as if it was a humanoid Relic.
  • Merchant Republics now has its effects for the entire team.
  • Have “Galleass” a unique upgrade replacing the Galleon or (Elite) Cannon Galleon.


  • Lose Husbandry.
  • Receive Bombard Cannons.
  • Replace Kataparuto with “Bushido”: Samurais receive -3 damage from ranged UUs; and Samurais, Cavalry Archers and Knights have +10% speed and get Heresy effect.
  • Rename Yasama, to maybe “Yagura”, in order to avoid being confused with Arrowslits in the Japanese localization.
  • Yagura may also give additional arrows to Castles.


  • Lose Hussars in exchange for Blast Furnace and Plate Barding Armor.
  • War Wagon rework.
    • Renamed to “Hwacha Wagon”.
    • The armor class changed to cavalry + siege unit.
    • The projectiles changed from 1 bolt to 4 arrows. The main arrow has 3 attack, and the additional arrow has 2 attack, so the total is still 9.
    • The range changed to 6.
    • Affected by Shinkichon too.
  • The effect of Eupseong is changed to give defensive buildings +2 attack.


  • Nomads affects all buildings, so the population space won’t be reduced when a TC or a Castle destroyed.
  • Nomads also make Packed TC Wagon trainable at Castles.


  • Have access to Missionaries.
  • Caravel rework:
    • Fire cannonballs rather than bolts, but still in a straight line and with same prajectile speed.
    • The cannonballs won’t deal damage in the line, but deal blast damage with a radius.
  • Replace Organ Guns with something having similar gameplays, like “Swivel Gun”.
    • Seige unit, or infantry + Seige unit.
    • Look like the Cannoneer in AoE3, using a swivel gun instead and firing grapeshots.
  • Rename Carrack to something focusing on their explorations and adventures oversea, like “Age of Exploration” for example.
  • Age of Exploration also has effects for the land, for example, allows Feitoria to be built in the Castle Age (but generate less at the time) and allows Feitoria to train Swivel Guns and maybe fire bullets for defense.


  • Bimaristan also gives Monasteries a square healing area.


  • Donjons can be built but cannot fire in the Dark Age, and Barracks cost -50%; Spearmen is untrainable at Donjons.
  • First Crusade is changed to simply make this Castle spawn 20 Serjeants and allow Serjeants to build Donjons in a shorter time than villagers do.
  • Petards (and maybe Siege Towers and Rams) can be trained at Donjons.
  • A really personal idea that may not be popular:
    • Serjeants replace Militia-line units in Barracks, and “Vavasours” replace Serjeants in Castles.
      The Vavasour is infantry or cavalry, can build Donjons too and inspire nearby Serjeants like how Centurions work.


  • Receive Crossbowmen, and lose Thumb Ring.
  • Cannonballs for Cannon Galleons are no longer faster, but free Elite Cannon Galleon upgrade.


  • Farms cost -33% instead of -40%.
  • Have “Landsknecht” a unique upgrade replacing the Two-Handed Swordsman and Champion.


  • Maybe rename Chieftains to “Heathen Army” for reflecting the looting capability better.
  • Have “Shieldman”, or “Ulfhedinn”, “Jofurr”, a unique upgrades replacing the Longsword, and the elite replacing the Two-Handed Sword and Champion.
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Should the revolt button be reusable? Would be interesting.

I think they will get bigger rework soon anyway.

Getting them immediately when you build a Castle would certainly be more convenient.

You mean on Age up or whenever they train a villager?

How about make the HP bonus their Castle Age UT and then make Normads a civ bonus.
This way we get rid of the most useless UT and nerf the early Castle Age power spike.

On top of their existing Gold bonus?

I wish Romans had good Skirmishers. It would make a lot of sense historically and would be more interesting then another Knight civ.

I assume it cannot be reusable. If it can, the effect of faster TC efficiency cannot receive again.

That is what I mean. Build a Castle, and the Kipchaks are automatically garrisoned there when built up, so that they can add the arrows of the Castle even if the player forget or hasn’t notice them.
For existing Castles, the Kipchaks would be garrisoned into Castles when the tech is researched. If a Castle is full, they would be spawned outside.

As I stated, whenever a new Age is reached.

That is just a Hun bonus but a simply worse one since they still have to build first.
I’d like to give Nomads more special effects, like making Packed TC Wagons trainable at Castles allows they can build more TCs without villagers.

That means the gold discount do not affect Monastery units.

The free Elite Skirmisher upgrade is helpful and historically makes sense. However, that could be broken in late games if the civ has better trash.

Take it as a refinement

  • Add ‘Plate Barding Armour’
  • Swap ‘Arbalester’ whit ‘Heavy Cavalry Archer’.
  • and I would honestly give ‘Fereters’ to another civilisation


  • Only gold, so we can finally give the Bohemians ‘Hoardings’, although all castles have it graphically.

The discount on siege weapons, aka Mangonel, was given to try to have a chance in the Castle Age because they have no knights and no redemption.

  • I would swap ‘Nomads’ and the civility bonus on the Scouts/Steppe Lancers. Also because it would be the only civilisation with a bonus on the Steppe Lancers without having to pay, unlike the Cumans, Tartars and if added also the Bulgarians & co.

In that case, one could also slightly increase the cost of the scorpions.

It wasn’t completely obvious from the way your sentence was written, that’s why I asked.
Would directly giving them 10 Wood for each villager trained be an option? That would mean you can convert food into wood in the very late game though, but you can already do that with the market.
But I think the wood scarcity on water maps is not fun anyway and should be fixed in general so that change would not be OP.

Yes. But there are some advantages like you can wall with houses and you can place them as scouts. You can spot enemies walking past them without the risk of losing population.

tbh movable TCs are a cool feature in general and it should just be a generic tech that is available all Nomadic civs in the game.
By being a generic tech it would prevent TC rush from being an OP Dark Age strategy.

Oh sorry read that wrong. Missed the “no”.

I would trade that for removing the Knight line or just Cavalier or Bloodlines. But definitely remove the Knight Line from their UT.
Knight is certainly not a trash unit though.

Yes, in addition to what Ornlu says. And I would add that the infantry bonus could then be given to a true infantry civilisation. Because at this point it would be really erroneous and meaningless.