Out of Sync on every game

Hello. Im experimeting massive out of sync issues. I really ask for help cuz i cant experience the game completely. I even bought game 2 times. One on Steam and another one on XBOX. It still happens.

Steam game name: Gamez003
XBOX game: Gamez003
I add more than 20 out of syn games.
Out of sync occurs after heroic age mostly. Some times on the start. When OOS pass theres a screen tearing and then error occurs. I dont know how titan and wonder age looks like cuz everygame out of syncs before that. When i play the saved game, OOS happens again in seconds or minutes.
No mods.
My antivirus is Norton.
I dont use VPN



First of all , try disabling Norton. Or add an exception for the game
2. Do you use any mods ?
3. You OOS on both machines ?
4. Have you tried verifying the installation files ?

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Thanks for reply! Havent got any help ATM.

1.I disabled Norton and put an exepcion to it and it stil happens.
2. No mods.
3. I use one machine but bought the game twice in XBOX app and Steam App.
4. Yes. Repaired. Reinstalled.

I have seen a lot of post about this in redditā€¦


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Do you play with / against the AI ?
Do you have multiple drives?

  1. Its currently known that AI causes replays to go out of sync, so this could be a potential issue
  2. The games engine was created in 1998, where multiple drives where not really a thing, so it could help to have the game installe don your main drive, where oyur OS ( operating system ) is located
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Thanks you!

  1. I only play rankeds against Human players.
  2. This PC only has 1 drive.
  3. I also tried another network for another net provider.
  4. It keeps happening after patch.

The OOS ocurr ON GAME not on replays. I dont care about replays, i care about the game i cant play.

Nothing is working.

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Brief summary of the problem:

You are not alone.

Im experimenting massive OOS in EVERY game after heroic. 90% of my games are ruined for out of sync. I really cant have a good game expirience since after heroic 100% out of syncs.

Information about my situation:

  1. No mods.
  2. No VPN.
  3. Norton 360 disabled and excluded game folder.
  4. Changed internet provider (i have 2 different).
  5. Bought game twice in XBOX for PC and Steam and it happens in both of them (i only have one PC but bought the game on the PC XBOX platform).
  6. It happens 100% after heroic age. I cant play any game further.
  7. It only happens on multiplayer. 1 vs 1 ranked. 2 vs 2 or 3 vs 3.
  8. Already repaired the game. Reinstalled.
  9. Already runned with admin rights and disabling full window opt.
  10. Already updated all my drivers.
  11. Already turned off all game overlays.
  12. The OOS is on game, not on replays.
  13. After the OOS the game saves and when u get back on game (after recovering) it OOS again fast (10 sec or 1 min).
  14. I only have one SSD driver.
  15. I have more than 30 saved games cuz out of Sync. On the onedrive link.
  16. I have my Dx diag. On the onedrive link.
  17. I dont know what are the game logs, but on one drive link you can see the files of the game.
  18. Already reinstalled C++.
  19. Happens after the 31 / 08 / 2024 update.
  20. Game cache also fixed.
  21. I have another PC with 1080TI and it dosnt happens in it. Main PC have 4070ti Super. Its not net issue, its a incompatibility with hardware.
  22. I reseted my main PC from new and it still happens.

One drive link: Microsoft OneDrive

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Fixed it finanaly! Had to install Windows 10ā€¦


This is happening to me all the time too on the Xbox Series X.

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Linking other related tread to give visibility and hopefully get this solved faster: Game crash with ā€œSync errorā€ when playing with friends - Age of Mythology: Retold / Report a Bug - Age of Empires Forum

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Not sure if this is the case for everyone, but for me the cause of the issue was Windows 11 24H2.

When I played with friends, we would get the out of sync error almost every game, yet when they played without me, no issues. Since I was the only one running this version of Windows, I figured Iā€™d try to play on 23H2. Lo and Behold, no issues on 23H2.

It appears that if anyone in the match is running on 24H2, the OOS error is very likely to occur.


Can you confirm you are still running smooth with this fix? I found that my game ran better after fixing Windows Time settings (syncing date & time per old AoE forums), but then i still hit sync issues around 25 mins in. Seems just to happen later now sometimes in the 15-25 minute range for me. Let us all know if this fix is still working and Iā€™ll try a clean windows install (assuming my brand new laptop isnā€™t locked to 24h2ā€¦)

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Yes, no errors so far on 23H2. I just played two matches of more than 1 hour each with my friends just fine.

If you have the option to rollback to 23H2, do it.


Golden! Iā€™m taking this feedback to my support ticket with the devs. Unfortunately it looks like thereā€™s no rollback option despite factory resetting my laptop within the last 7 days, so probably my build came with 24h2 preinstalled, or some other feature blocking downgrading using any of the known ways to do so on Win11. Hoping they do something about this soon, since this evidence makes the issue much easier to replicate and pin down. Thanks for the first helpful suggestion besides switching to Windows 10 lol


The devs have confirmed this is part of their multiplayer sync issue under their ā€œknown issuesā€ list, despite it only being mentioned generally on the relevant page. Unfortunately the latest patch aimed to resolve some of this apparently is still not functioning.


Yeah (and just thinking of the posts they removed even though nothing was wrong with them)

Itā€™s so odd such a success doesnā€™t work online well since day 1.

Crashes, same or more than the last iteration (which at least, was playable or managable).

Thereā€™s like ā€˜3ā€™ people here. I wonder what the 10,000 people (that clearly are not bots) they had playing the game claimed or had there were doing. Just idling with game open? Playing the singleplayer campaign with the inferior voice acting?

Itā€™s actually so different there that itā€™s ā€œworth itā€ to just go get the original or EE edition.

Since itā€™s all broken and also there are other errors than this, it makes so much sense theyā€™d all be still trying it.

I mean yes, I know why itā€™s there, and this ā€œissueā€ can be fixed tooā€¦

but itā€™s ironic that itā€™s all so broken.

This sort of thing ā€˜neverā€™ happened in original ESO and definitely never happened in EE which still offers a solid way of playing the original game.

Of course yes they do moderate/regulate these areas more closely. But youā€™d think it is reflected that the ā€œwhole entire onlineā€ is not working, more crashes than before, and other issues, is more than just like ā€œ3 postsā€ and ā€œa few peopleā€ lol.

They have previously said in a post they completely deleted how ā€œthe original ones always had things like thisā€ but I would say if you really allowed that discussion then itā€™d be really unfavorable for themā€¦

What a great release though, one of the best games ever re-released in all of release times.

And again pointing out the oddity that out of the 10,000 ā€œreal peopleā€ thereā€™s like 3 people who came to like report that it literally crashes or matchmaking doesnā€™t work or it desyncs, or itā€™s functioning worse than the previous version currently does, and so on.

Itā€™s clearly only 3 to 10 people that have that problem. If my post is removed, that makes like 2 to 9. Problem solved. Just censor the problem.

Itā€™d be nice if you had a ā€œnicely organizedā€ post that demonstrates why some things were bad or not, but since that looked a bit bad anything like that had to be all removed by the censorship police.

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Can confirm. Happens very often after the recent update. About 90% matches are unfinished due to desync error

I play this game with 2 other friend so 3 in total against 3 ai players. We all have windows 11 23H2 en game crashes everytime. If the one with the best graphic card decreases the graphic settings the crashes come later or we are able to reconnect and sometimes finish the game. Hopefully there will be a fix for this.

After Age of Mythology: Retold Update 17.30764 all my OoS issues were fixed and I can play without issues on Windows 11 23H2. This saved the game for me as it was really frustrating. If you still have issues there may be some specific different causes still not addressed.

I have never had out of sync problems, even though some of my friends had all the time, after last update/patch, iā€™m experiencing this problem, some friends that had it before, now doesnt desync anymore, but others like me that didnt have any of this problems, are now desync-ing a lot, which is really frustrating, getting a queue of 5-10min so someone crashes due to this problem on 60% of our matches it not fine.

It`s really a shame, no wonder so many players drop the game, already is an niched game and genre, and then u have so many technical,permorfance and stability issues, makes lots of players just changing games.

Maybe its a budget problem for more people, or more capble ones, im not saying its easy to fix problems in this engine or whatever, i don`t have this kind of knowledge, but one thin i do know, this is how games die, or become unprofitable.

A game that take years to be well optimized and have not this technical issues, will take a huge blow on number of players.

I do really hope this can be fixed, for the good of the game, and because i do love it and have friends that also do. but i am already dividing atention with others games.

PS: Most of this impact TG games, but on solo queue also happens.
If you are a TG player, you often have matches over because of it, and this issue in later stages of the
match, just means your are on player less, which most times its game over for one side.