Overdue Poll: Most wanted Native American civ?

Many of them are overly similar to the ones already in the game, with a few exceptions. The only ones that wouldn’t be under an existing umbrella culture are the Haida, Tupi, and Mapuche.

Plus, we just really need some Inuit representation here, especially with the far northern maps available.

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Yeah same here.
Weird Anishinaabe or Algonquin were not even listed (yes I did however still vote Ojibwe) :joy:

Inuit would be ok.

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In the artic territories map, there is a little man made altar or sculpture, i really don’t know how irtis called but it is obviously man made and it looks “inuit”, so maybe they have something down the road

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I think this civ would be perfect for South America. They could appear alongside Tupi and Mapuche.

Incas - West SA
Tupi - East SA
Mapuche - South SA
Muisca - North SA

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Well I put in Odawa/Ojibwe instead of Anishinaabe because Anishinaabe is a big linguistic group. The Ojibwe wouldn’t necessarily hang out with the Algonquins. I put in Odawa/Ojibwe instead of “Council of the Three Fires” because I didn’t think people would know what I was talking about and the Potawatomi wasn’t nearly as a big a deal as the other two.

Basically, I wrote it in a way that I thought would maximize votes for Odawa/Ojibwe.


Ottawans could be a cool name.

Apache and Pueblo would be my choices.

We have Native civs for South America, Mexico, great plains and eastern half so adding Apache would cover everything besides Canada.

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Do you think the Incas themselves cover all of South America?


No, but they are the most well known.

All this talk of adding a plethora of more civs is folly. It’s not happening.

Yeah, we need at least the Mapuches, perhaps the Guaranis too.
I would not go farther, though, since Tupis, Caribs, Muisca and several other SA tribes really did not pose much resistance, and would be super hard to design to viability, without just being a copy of another civ.

Another 1 or 2 is not a plethora.


North America - Aztecs, Haudenosaunee, Lakota + USA
South America - Incas

Indeed, an even amount of civs…

Not Natives, not European. For all their faults, they are actually their own classification of Successor civ.

It is more Central American, and Incas already play a lot like them, because that is what South American warfare looked like.

We don’t need new civs from North America (unless Canada). We still miss South American civs.

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Nah, bro. I still want the Comanches or Apaches, that the new Big Buttons seem to imply.

It is out there now, and they look too cool not to get them.



Is a plethora
People now want post colonial nations.

This isn’t AoEII. This game will never be popular enough to justify it and with AoEIV coming out soon all focus will be on that. This isn’t even taking civ design compared to AoEII and III into account.

Dude, you forgot the Siamese!

And yes, the game needs all of these, except Koreans.

Shame. That game has more players!


Now lets be realistic.

But the fact is, they’re located in North America. Plotting the USA on the map we have another North American civ.

You’re right. If you consider the Aztecs as a representation of Central America then Mayan civ can be added to AoE 3.

Tupi, Mapuche, Muisca and Mayans - Latin America DLC

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Indeed but it is fun to dream. Honestly I’d love to see even one more native civ but I especially wouldn’t mind a few more minor natives. But Part of me knows that the African expansion will be the end of AOE3DE.