Patch for Build 15.30007

it would be unfair to past nerfs to stop nerfing now

(i do think the gladiator combat cap is good fwiw)

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At least I havenā€™t heard of the requirement before. I donā€™t actually mind the new card, but itā€™s somewhat disappointing to see that a new card has a better term when the problem of Morutaruā€™s name is still there.

Other terms can be candidates for the name of the artillery improvement card for Japanese, such as:

  • Taihou (大ē ²): Literally means cannons / artillery.
  • Ishibiya (ēŸ³ē«ēŸ¢): refers to a cannon / handcannon that fires spherical projectiles, to distinguish it from bo-hiya (Flaming Arrows in the game) which fires arrow-shaped projectiles.
  • Kunikuzushi (å›½å“©ć—): The name of the two famous Ishibiya cannons imported from the Portuguese in 1587, which are breech loading swivel guns.
  • Hiya-taihou (ē«ēŸ¢å¤§ē ²): refers to a mortar-like cannon firing bo-hiya.
  • Hiya-zutsu (ē«ēŸ¢ē­’): refers to a wide-bore gun / handcannon firing bo-hiya.
  • Ōdeppō (大鉄ē ²): A general name for large-caliber gun weapons. Depending on the context, it can be used interchangeably with artillery terms such as taihou, odzutsu or ishibiya.

Rip arrow knights. 20 characters


anachronistic siege is a meme for aoe japan

Japan never used integrated mortar technology, they atleast encountered it.

aoe is also the game where the aoe 2 japanā€™s unique tech is

This is a bit weirdā€¦ we already have florentine football and itā€™s not game changing having faster villsā€¦

This too itā€™s weirdā€¦ a card thatā€™s add just 5%? Just buff schiavoni steel and add a 5% team effect.

Or have a card that add 5% and something else tooā€¦

I would have preferred to have more resources from the retroactive effect, as it incourage to have it in the deck even for just late shipments.

A buff is a buff, but I donā€™t see myself choosing maritime republics over capitalism or advanced politicians.

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I think its like german one, X% and an extra 5% for italian players


Itā€™s really an unfunny meme that makes them look like poorly researched Japanese history and culture.
If you mention ā€œMorutaruā€ to the Japanese, they will understand it as building material, not as weapon.

The Japanese only refer to the building material mortars as morutaru in a homophonic translation. As for the weapon mortars, they use the sense-for-sense translation method and do not call it morutaru, since they already seemed to have the concept of mortars. They call this type of weapon KyÅ«hō (č‡¼ē ²) and later Hakugekihō (čæ«ę’ƒē ²), which is as same as how Chinese and probably Koreans call them.

I have been actively advocating for the name changes of Kataparuto and Morutaru in the forums of both games.

Rework Malta pls

MALTA REWORK (How I think that it should be) - Age of Empires III: DE / III - Discussion - Age of Empires Forum

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Perhaps next patch there is another Aztec meme rework

  • Arrow Knight: 2 pop > 3 pop. Ranged resist reduced by 5%.
  • Coyote Runner: 1 pop > 2 pop. added heavy infantry tag.
  • Otontin Slinger: reworked as Musketeer unit instead of cheaper xbow.
  • Warrior Priest: receive the effect of CIR in Age3
  • Town Center: receive an aura that give Heavy infantry tag to Villager and Herdables
  • Skull Knight: can be trained at dock, share build limit with Tlaloc Canoe

Just to show how Aztec was heavily reliant on heavy Infantry


Mmm okā€¦

Thatā€™s probably to give Italy good dragoons, although, is it what they needed? I donā€™t knowā€¦

Giving heavy infantry tag to arrow knight is the dumbest change iā€™ve ever seen. Yes, Azzy units are op, but whatā€™s the reasoning behind this change? AK now has a penalty against heavy cavs and at the same time it is a heavy inf which exists to counter heavy cavs omg please kill me. Moreover, civs having long-range anti hi units can kill ak easier but civs like brit has nearly no benefit from this change wtf?

Just reduce range resistence of AK to 10% from 40%, everything will be fine.


Chinaco: Reverted the multiplier reduction against hand cavalry to 1.25x (from 1.2).

This is an error, it should remain 1,2 vs hand cav.

Salteador: Hitpoints increased to 115 (from 110) and range to 19 (from 17).

The hp increase was about fucking time it arrived, the range one could have been handled way better, i would expand a bit later when discussing the awful change to observers card.

Ambuscade (II): Card removed, but effect merged into the Observers card.

Good riddance, it was a useless card anyway.

Observers (II): No longer increases Salteador range by +2, LOS and speed, but now features the Ambuscade effect of improving Salteadors when near natural resources.

Well, what to say, you got rid of useless card (ambuscade) and managed to make another card as useless, you could have kept observer as it was but increase base range of salts to 18 and if you really liked the ambuscade effect just to add to observer, or even guerrilla tactics card and it would have been fine, but nah, better ruin a card moreā€¦ The removal of the 5% speed bonus is gonna hurt a lot and stuff that probably wasnā€™t even thought aboutā€¦ Extremely disappoiting change thisā€¦

Guerilla Tactics (III): Icon updated.

I already stated that this card could have been improved with the useless ambuscade effect, since it also got the ambuscade icon now, also the border for guerrilla tactics is yellow instead of blue, minor bug that just wanted to point out

The other mexico changes are pretty meh, not even worth to write here, but there is a worthy change for italians that is worth to be mentionedā€¦

Carabinieri (III, Statuto Albertino) Now also replaces existing Dragoons on the map with Carabinieri.

The reason because it is worth to be mentioned is because it is completely disconnected to the feedback given regarding the card, it should give you access to carabinieri so you can make them but nah, better keep the disappointing original effect in place i guess

the unit already have higher speed then normal skirms, higher attack and now only 5 less HP, losing an optional 5% speed is nothing.

The fulani got nerfed to the same speed and is basically still outperforming

Arrow Knight change is so stupidā€¦

So AK now has heavy infantry tag (like Musketeer) but it is countered by heavy cavalry.

Aztecs already has 4 units countered by Skirmishers (Puma, JPK, ERK and Skull Knight). Now AK join the team which makes 5/7 Aztec units being countered by a Skirmisher type unit.

You can even argue it is actually 6/7 because Otontin Slinger is really bad in skirmisher wars. This change does not make sense.


I agree, the arrow knight change should be reverted. As much as aztecs dominate, this is the wrong way to nerf.

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Fulani can get to 20 range in age 2, salts cannot get range 20 until age 4 and the guard upgrade, fulani cost less res than salts, fulani have 120 hp, salts just now got 115, fulani does 1 more damage than salts since it does 9 damage for 1,5 ROF while salts do 17 for 3 ROFā€¦
Fulani is still better than salts, and yes, fulani was overperforming absurdly before and got tuned down and still are great ā€œskirmsā€, the speed for salts was extremely useful to not be kited by other age 2 skirms, now the range upgrade mean they can at least trade semi efficiently against other ā€œskirmā€ age 2, as long they arenā€™t upgraded that isā€¦
The thing is not that since fulani were overpeforming then salts with the same speed will do the same, it is that salts were underperoming badly, they were even considered the worst age 2 skirm in the game by some, i wasnā€™t so harsh, but they for sure werenā€™t good in age 2, they were more a crossbow replacement than an actual skirmā€¦
The nerfs to salts since the release werenā€™t warranted in the slightest, but eh, at least they triend to amend for that with imrpoving some cards, and the result was ok-ish, now they just remove that patchwork too


The best thing is that they always have been. Aztecs couldnt win vs Skirmishers effectively since they cost 2 pop and are more expensive.

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No just delete it already. But for real now, itā€™s not really reasonable for them to have this, in the early game it might not be important however the moment you have a few upgrades (techs+cards) they are just op.

Itā€™s mind boggling how good they get with all these countless upgrades, please just take this one thing away to make them a little bit countable by heavy cav.

Edit: and the new card for china is in my opinion going in the wrong direction, making it a team card as already mentioned before can be really terrifying with some civs.

Please if you really want to give china the option of buffing the movement speed of their infantry units do it via the arsenal tech ā€œmilitary drummerā€.

As I mentioned already in other posts please give them at least the upgrades ā€œpaper cadrigeā€ and ā€œflintlockā€ via the card western reforms (make at least the 2 mentioned techs available in the village, there are also other techs that are well needed i.e. the tech that buffs the movement speed of artillery).

If there is really need to buff the movement speed, then there is also the possibility to give them ā€œmilitary drummerā€. As western reforms is an Age IV card there is no need to fear that china will be stronger in 1v1, but for team china itā€™s exactly what it needs.

Side note: make western reforms cost 300 coin or something like that, to further push it into the lategame investment category. Why? Because then, I can promise you this card will be almost never send in 1vs1 games.

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yeah but the point is that its an option, its often not used, now there is just a 1 range difference and the salt doesnt even need a card to get that range

and also note that the salt have 30 range armour to the fulani 20 so they have less range HP even with 5 HP less.

the 1 range difference isnt going to be a huge problem espeically since they already have a built in speed advantage

like its basically a better gurkha now and gurkha also cant get 20 range until industrial


this is effectively a buff for the unit since it doesnt need a card to perform on par with other age 2 skirm units. Not needing to send a card and waste a slot in a deck is massive

they were bad before cause they had very bad stat characteristic for the cost, the range being the biggest, effectively you needed a card to even fight. now that is not required which is massive.

edit: if you also want to upgrade it you can still go with the age up that grant access to Jesuit for more attack

edit edit: basically now at base in age 2 they are outranged only by Dutch early skirms which have 2 less attack and 5 more HP, Fulani which needs a card and have more damage but less range armour and Longbows which are longbows.

They are kind of in a decent position of anything. The only left maybe is somehow change the useless card into something marginally useful


Not saying that it isnā€™t nice buff, especially the HP one, but i would have preferred the range change was handled in a different way, the observer card was fine, the base range wasnā€™tā€¦ You also mentioned that they are extremely similar to gurkha, and that is also something i donā€™t really like, but didnā€™t mentioned because i wasnā€™t thinking of it as importantā€¦
IMHO if the base range was 18 in age 2 it would have been fine, with the option to get +2 range from a card and some speed buff, it would have helped keeping him uniqueā€¦ Range 18 in age 2 is enough to be able to trade with other skirms replacement without being too much

I agree that now they are in a better spot, but the range changes, and the cards ones, could have been handled way better without making a fine card into a useless one while keeping the identity of salts intact