Persian Empire

Persian gulf was under control of the Portuguese but persians under the Abbas the great managed to expel them from all islands and ports . Even now you can find many Portuguese castles in south parts of persia (Iran) but they are converted to museums now.

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Problem with Persians, is that they gave the Zamburak to the Indians already, which should have actually been a Siege unit for Persians.

They would actually be missing an iconic unit, of the time.

On the other hand, it would be a cool opportunity to introduce Afghani Jezzails as a Mercenary unit, and a few Central Asian and Levant maps.

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Yes my friend if you check this map you will see PERSIA & SIAM are best candidates for new asian DLC civs for aoe 3 de :


I think they are actually the only expanding Asian empires of the time, that are currently missing.

All other powers in Asia were regressing, or grew stagnant in the period.


Afsharid persia :

Ruller : Nader shah

Home city : Mashhad

Royal guard unit : Jazayerchi

Military and uniforms :

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