Persians Are Coming This DLC? (DLC Civilizations Discussion)

That technicality makes the Dutch, British and the French also pirate civs :grin:


Sounds like a skill issue

More of a loving European warfare and finding anything about North and South America uninteresting.

I want Europe to be completed with these 2 power houses and then I want to see Persians with Moroccans as a part of Islamic Civ DLC. I think that these 2 civs can get a hybrid style between Asian and European civs so it might be easier to produce like that.


I would prefer that MENA Civilizations were unique and had a completely new civ category of their own. They are not typically Asian or typically African - they have their own distinctive identity.


I don’t say they are bad, I say we’ve had more than enough of them and getting additional ones which probably will have more or less the same mechanics would be very boring.


This is where I trust the developers. Even with patches they made Europeans more interesting like Russians and I am sure that they can do some nice stuff with new civs too although they are most probably Europeans.


Tbh the most interesting civilization that was ever introduced to AOE III since the beginning was and still is Mexico, super unique so many different mechanics and build orders that you can do and it’s technically a 1 + 1 civilization since you can get the Mayans as well which everyone has memory with. So I hope the new civs will be something more or less the same and will be unique, unlike typical EU civs which have the same buildings and units more or less.


I agree. Mexico are fun and really unique, though I’d say they have a much bigger learning curve than the standard civs.

With that in mind, I’d love to see another Fed State civ that has something else exciting in lieu of multiple Revs, or Immigrant (less exciting) stuff the US has. Ideally this would be Brazil for a bit of South American and Portuguese-speaking representation.

Personally, I would like to see them introduce another Fed State in the same way - as a singular civ DLC as I think the ‘big’ DLC packs traditionally bundle a few things together including civs with an overarching theme of sorts.

Well sorry to say but if you want Europe to be “completed”, you can wait.

The “powerhouses” are in no rush.

Plenty of Europe content already. I need something fresh, if I may say so.


Play a game in an other era then.

Sorry can’t do, the era had plenty of powers that are not European.

We already have some of them in game, if you haven’t noticed.


It was an accurate suggestion and i will leave it at that since you are rather rude so far in this thread.

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Bye…Alpine dlc is coming…xd

On 23 January 1719,[25] after the lands had been purchased, Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor, decreed that Vaduz and Schellenberg were united and elevated the newly formed territory to the dignity of Fürstentum (‘principality’) with the name “Liechtenstein” in honour of “[his] true servant, Anton Florian of Liechtenstein”. On this date, Liechtenstein became a sovereign member state of the Holy Roman Empire.[25]

By the early 19th century, as a result of the Napoleonic Wars in Europe, the Holy Roman Empire came under the effective control of France, following the crushing defeat at Austerlitz by Napoleon in 1805. In 1806, Emperor Francis II abdicated and dissolved the Holy Roman Empire, ending more than 960 years of feudal government. Napoleon reorganized much of the Empire into the Confederation of the Rhine. This political restructuring had broad consequences for Liechtenstein: the historical imperial, legal, and political institutions had been dissolved. The state ceased to owe an obligation to any feudal lord beyond its borders.[25]

Modern publications generally attribute Liechtenstein’s sovereignty to these events. Its prince ceased to owe an obligation to any suzerain. From 25 July 1806, when the Confederation of the Rhine was founded, the Prince of Liechtenstein was a member, in fact, a vassal, of its hegemon, styled protector, the French Emperor Napoleon I, until the dissolution of the confederation on 19 October 1813.

Soon afterward, Liechtenstein joined the German Confederation (20 June 1815 – 23 August 1866), which was presided over by the Emperor of Austria.

In 1818, Prince Johann I granted the territory a limited constitution. In that same year Prince Aloys became the first member of the House of Liechtenstein to set foot in the principality that bore their name. The next visit would not occur until 1842.

Developments during the 19th century included:

  • 1842: the first factory for making ceramics was opened.
  • 1861: the Savings and Loans Bank was founded along with the first cotton-weaving mill.
  • 1866: the German Confederation was dissolved.
  • 1868: the Liechtenstein Army was disbanded for financial reasons.
  • 1872: a railway line between Switzerland and the Austro-Hungarian Empire was constructed through Liechtenstein.
  • 1886: two bridges over the Rhine to Switzerland were built.

20th century

Until the end of World War I, Liechtenstein was closely tied first to the Austrian Empire and later to Austria-Hungary; the ruling princes continued to derive much of their wealth from estates in the Habsburg territories, and spent much of their time at their two palaces in Vienna. Johann II appointed Carl von In der Maur, an Austrian aristocrat, to serve as the Governor of Liechtenstein. The economic devastation caused by World War I forced the country to conclude a customs and monetary union with its other neighbour Switzerland.

They are German based civs…

But they are civs based on skirmish civs…


Besides the fact that South America only has the Incas…you are missing the Tupi (aka South America Haud) and Mapuches (aka South America Lakota) as native civs and Brazil (South America Empire) and Argentina (South America Federal Republic) to match the thing…

It’s good, but it leaves Oman aside, which was an empire…

Of course, we all know that Poland is going to be a Germany 2.0 (because of the Winged Hussars and Folwarks) and Denmark is going to be a Sweden 2.0 but more focused on the naval side…

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Dreaming is okay but I am being realistic. I do not think that Omani or such unpopular niche choices are realistic.

And Poland, Denmark will not be any civs v2.0, that’s is a joke argument :grin:


Initially both planned as a revolution based on a leak so that may still be a case and we might have them as new revolutions.

It could just as easily mean they were going to be revs but they scrapped that after getting the green light to add both as civs.

I’d really like Poland, and I think Norway/Denmark could be great too, but I think Poland/Persia would probably make more people happy.

Obviously a lot of people might be like “why’s this other civ in here”, but giving more of the player base a civ they want is probably better than giving half the player base two civs they want.


Yeah, I say the same. Maybe people should just expect this civs and if we get Persia we could just have a nice suprise

Persia/Oman could work well as a civ with some similar template? Just asking

But was it a civilization or having been an empire justifies it as being an in-game civ? Not so sure.

Yes, by all metrics it is. It is part of both the Arab civilization and the Swahili civilization and ruled a colonial empire.

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Some of them are. Stuff like John Black’s mercenaries being based on Germany is ok, but the Falcon Company an Malta are clearly referencing civs that weren’t available in skirmish.