Player immediatly abuses the new TG matchmaking

I just checked the rating growth of the smurf partner of the current top rated players. They are gaining more than 30-60 elo per game. So the increased k-factor for the initial games is still there. But then he is also doing matches where he doesn’t queue with his high-elo partner and resigns in 1 minute to get his elo back down again. He intentionally lost 5 of his 10 placement matches. Smurfs have methods of maintaining their low elo anyways.

If we use Mercy9545’s suggestion from the other thread which was suggested by gnarfk above

With a reasonable ∆ factor of 500 for their calculations, the team elo for a 3400 player and a 1000 player would be 2925. They would very quickly face opponents of their own level rather than 2200s.

Even without this, preventing creating parties with wild range of ratings could be a good first step as suggested by some people here. Even if preventing such parties looks too extreme of a measure we could incorporate it in team elo calculations by considering your elo to be the max(your actual elo, best partymate elo - 500). In this case the party of people above would be considered as having a 3400 and a 2900 rated players and hence their team elo would be 3150.