How would the elo be inflated at the top with the new system it should be an equal exchange of elo. Do you mean people getting to play at a position they didn’t earn. If thats the case couldnt they only make it a little far because either your team mate improves or you improve because you cant stomp 2v1 forever.
Well like i said. if u have for example 3k elo and one of ur 3k buddys makes a new account with 1k elo…u probably get matched vs teams with 2k elo. The chance that u win should be around 99%^^ THe 3k Player shouldnt get points anymore for a win…or maximum 1. but with the current system u should still get a decent amount?
Top 100 will be a Meme with this system…and it will hurt players who have to face that all the time.
elo is not meant for games where one player can have infinite accounts
the correct system would treat a team’s skill level as a probability distribution
it starts out with high variance, and then as more games are observed it narrows
in the absence of observations, it should factor in things like 1v1 performance data, data from other accounts from the same computer, and data from other players in the party
the whole concept of starting new accounts as a 1000-elo player is naive. they should be players of unknown skill. forming a party with players in the top 1000 is a high-probability indicator that they are actually skilled smurfs and not 1000-elo beginners
Just wondering: can you name some games with a good rating system in your opinion?
So unfortunate that @$$holes plague the community. The older system had technical flaws… This one is better technically but allows people to exploit it.
This aint even a bannable offense.
No. The old system caused inflation which meant players actually had to play a LOT of games to reach true elo. For me it was reason to stop playing TGs entirely, after having 11-1 score, I was still at 1500 tg elo playing against noobs
Rocket League’s rating system works okay. It treats a team as being rated at the rating of the highest rated player. It can still be abused in various ways by alt accounts, but you can’t push a player’s rating up to a crazy value.
For example, suppose you have two players who have genuine ratings of 1500 and 2000. The 2000 player creates a new account to boost the 1500 player’s rating, so the 2000 player has a lower rating at first, they play at 1500 rating, and of course they win, because 1500 + 2000 beats 2 x 1500. But the 1500 player’s rating can only be pushed up as high as the highest rating they can win at, suppose that is 1900, so the 1500 player does get boosted to 1900, but that’s the limit. If the 2000 player creates an infinite number of new accounts, it will never boost the 1500 player any higher than 1900, because that is the level they’ll match at, and at which they have a 50% win rate. Still not ideal, but you have to bear in mind that the 2000 player could boost the 1500 player to 2000 if they logged into their account and played as them, so boosting by teaming up with them using a new account would still be less effective than that.
Me having 53 wins and 9 losses and still being at 2300 disagrees with you. Under the previous system, you needed to reach 1800 (+800 points!) only to reach average Elo. And then another 40 games to reach 2300, gaining 10-20 per game. So after 62 games I believe I am still 300-500 points away from my “true Elo” (at least thats where my friends that have similar 1v1 skill are).
I have been matched with the same Smurfs before and after the change, and nothing has improved.
Looking up their elo and win rate, they have +85% on all maps. Why do people exist like this, they just make a dozen steam accounts and share the game to each of them!? This is ■■■■■■■■ and ruins ranked.
Resetting the ladder and implement what @gnarfk suggested should solve the problem:
Is it? To me it only makes it less effective, but it is still possible.
Less effective than what? Limiting the ELO difference within a team? Maybe. The current patch? No. His solution punishes unbalanced teams. The more unbalanced, the closer the team rating will be to the highest rated player.
Limiting the ELO difference is better at countering smurfs. But it also hurts playing with friends.
Smurfs can still abuse such system, but smurfing itself is less effective to boost the elo of the main account. So it has some effect in limiting smurfing, but the suggested system isnt fully smurf proof. That is what i tried to say.
But in the end there is probably no fully smurf proof system which doesnt hurt the game in other ways.
Playing with a friend who’s got 500 elo less than you is rarely a good experience anyways… the games aren’t very balanced one way or the other most of the time.
I don’t prefer the old system, don’t get me wrong. But now after 11-1 score, you have 1160 tg elo if you start at 1000.
Your are right. But thats not my Point. Maybe i wasn’t clear. I’m talking about premates playing together and one of them is a smurf. If your friends are 2800 and you are a 1000 smurf, the old system got you around 100 elo each win until you are around 2000 elo. → 10 games you will crush the enemy because all of you are 2800. The new system gets you around 16 elo each win, which are 62 games of crushing noobs. I don’t like the old system either, but in this point it was better.
Did they also remove the extra elo during the first placer matches? I havent heard any word about this in their blog. If you are correct and they removed this, then that is bad.
I just checked the rating growth of the smurf partner of the current top rated players. They are gaining more than 30-60 elo per game. So the increased k-factor for the initial games is still there. But then he is also doing matches where he doesn’t queue with his high-elo partner and resigns in 1 minute to get his elo back down again. He intentionally lost 5 of his 10 placement matches. Smurfs have methods of maintaining their low elo anyways.
If we use Mercy9545’s suggestion from the other thread which was suggested by gnarfk above
With a reasonable ∆ factor of 500 for their calculations, the team elo for a 3400 player and a 1000 player would be 2925. They would very quickly face opponents of their own level rather than 2200s.
Even without this, preventing creating parties with wild range of ratings could be a good first step as suggested by some people here. Even if preventing such parties looks too extreme of a measure we could incorporate it in team elo calculations by considering your elo to be the max(your actual elo, best partymate elo - 500)
. In this case the party of people above would be considered as having a 3400 and a 2900 rated players and hence their team elo would be 3150.
Bump. That player is now 3765 having gained 600+ elo already with the exploit. Please fix this? Please PLEASE don’t leave it like this for 18 months again. Of course top players don’t use the TG matchmaking when it’s not competitive…
I suppose this will only stop when he reaches like 6000 Elo and starts getting matched against people his own level (assuming he is 3k).
Currently 3800 + 900 from his ally = 4700 /2 = 2350 so still a long way to go.
Not sure if this is considered a bannable offense such as griefing or if its just a Lawful Evil issue where nothing can be done.