Please every game is a ram rush Feudal

Just get a little bit higher ELO - I’m never getting ram pushed and if it feels rly weak in feudal age. With recent changes rams feel more like a mid late game unit with pop space being 1 to support your push.

The ranged armor change doesn’t affect the feudal age ram push at all - or do you know a feudal age unit doing 17 pierce damage @Exposians ?

I only can see feudal ram pushes working vs an opponent playing super greedy like 2-3 TC opening. I dont even see how it would work at all if you are not far ahead vs civs like Rus (they are CA before your first ram), Mongols(outmassing with stone) or feudal MAA civs.

Honestly rams are not that great. I myself had very hard time and it takes few games to counter.

I enjoy being ram rushed. It happens pretty frequently when I play 2v2 with my friend and we basically win ever game cause they went so hard on feudal and didn’t do enough damage so they just lose when I have castle age HRE knights or MAA or whatever I build that specific game.