Please revert the Organ Gun changes

I made a design where organs are more of an anti-archer uni. I think this makes more sense as portuguese have a lot of options against infantry anyways.
Imo this would make more sense, giving the unit a specific role in the roster of Portuguese. Not a standalone unit, but fitting way better in with the civ. Also the anti-building damage would still keep some of the “siege” classification they got.

Name Organ Gun Elite Organ Gun
Armor Class Siege Weapon Siege Weapon
Armor Class Unique Unit Unique Unit
Armor Class Gunpowder Unit Gunpowder Unit
Produced at Castle Castle
Production Time 21 s 21 s
Production Cost 80 W, 70 G 80 W, 70 G
HP 60 70
Speed 0.85 0.85
ROF 0.75 0.75
Attack 6 Pierce 9 Pierce
Atk Bonus 2 vs Standard Building 3 vs Standard Building
Atk Bonus 1 vs Ram 2 vs Ram
Atk Bonus 3 vs Archers 4 vs Archers
Range 6 7
Accuracy 50% 50%
Melee Armor 2 2
Pierce Armor 4 6
Benefits from Same as Current Same as Current
Upgrade 45 s 1200 F, 500 G

Yeah I think the whole wood from berries idea is reallly werid. And unnecessary. I still have the opinion that the best eco type bonus for the div would be to move the Feitoria from Imp to Castle but limit it to 1. I even made a Theorycraft for that single Feitoria some time ago. It would support a nice castle age agression play quite well, but then fall of later on against standard booms meaning you would need to deal good eco damage with your agression. It would be a unique playstyle only available for that civ especially interesting for players who like to make nice castle age agression without being completely all-in.
And it would keep the early game weakness of the portuguese when they don’t use their archer discount to deal some eco damage to the opponent in return. Not all civs need an early game eco bonus and I think with that archer discount Portuguese can actually survive quite well there IF their midgame offers something special to pull ahead there. I think this stuff makes the games interesting. Other civs are designed around having strong early games, but I think it’s silly to just give all civs early eco bonusses until they are “competitive”. This takes away a lot of the civs identity. And Portuguese always had been a kinda “slow” civ.