Poles: Szlachta Privileges change

I’m still with my original attempt to “fix” the poles I suggested here.

I think szlachta privileges is too powerful in it’s current state but the winged hussars and lechitic legacy doesn’t really make sense atm. Especially when looking at their tools against cav archers, cause they basically have no. And that’s actually total bs, as Poles were constantly pressured by cav archer civs and hold their ground successfully.

It makes no sense Poles have no answer to tatars, magyars and cumans cav archers. Also the mid-game powerspike of szlachta privileges is too strong considering that the maybe strongest time of the Poles should be the very lategame. It’s ok that they have several powerspikes to work with, but imo their highest power should be the lategame. Depending on the situation either with obuch + ranged support, gold reduced knight line or winged hussars - or maybe even a mix of these.

But I actually like the decision of the devs to make Poles a mass > power civ. Especially when considering that they may be the potentially best lategame civ (if the devs decide to fix them properly) - you are still forced to play proactively and the opponent has a theoretical comeback chance if he manages to mass better units and then get better trades if you fail to put enough pressure on him.
Also I find it quite fitting, as poles cav was indeed less heavy equipped than many others. Besides the reality is that the reduced weight allowed the poles to use superior tactics after their reforms which more than compensated for the (intentional) abdication of heavy armour. But Idk how this tactical superiority could be represented otherwise in the game than with special utility like (more speed, more attack, trample damage, bonus damage) if not using gimmicky mechanics. And the obuch (+folwark) is actually already the best “gimmicky” balance for a new civ, not too much but also not neglible. I wouldn’t like to add more of such to the poles.

I think lechitic legacy should be the “enabler” tech for an insanely strong polish cavalry lategame, as I proposed in my first thread how I would “fix” them.