Poll about which area of the world the playerbase wants more civs from

oh ok so i agree w/ u

I donā€™t know if this can be considered offtopic, bit Iā€™ve made a way better poll in the past with tons of options (solely missing Caucasian area which I thought didnā€™t need its own region):

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I wouldnt say Polynesians have much priority, yes


Tongans would be great not going to lie.


ok but we cant so to many civs. i say asia africa most importent next

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they look like for just darkage.
how they can kill a knihgt with sticks? no ofence

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Like Huns could actually face Medieval Knights, which had much better Armour than any Roman Cavalry ever did?
The Huns are the most anachronistic and primitive people the game ever got. If they made it in, almost any civ can. Tongans at least had a sedentary society.


2 wrongs make 1 right now? okā€¦

I only want some heavy infantry civsā€¦ I want some more option than normal xbows and knights. So maybe euro civs are my best bet. A new scottish civ (we have burgundias, so why not?), or swiss, or venetians.

But if I have to choose something outside of europe, I guess India could be very interesting

Mesoamerica is part of North america, rigth?

Asia could have some more infantry civs but outside of Tibet, Tais and Tamils I cannot think of much there

Honestly Celts is an already small umbrella, we dont need more Celtic civs and Swiss were just always kind of there standing menacingly

Venetians is a more solid choice but their territory is small and they seem kind of similar to the Byz or Italians (gameplaywise I mean)

Manzikert iss a good example of how light cavalry archers can win against heavy cavalry. But I donā€™t like huns in this game, and the fact they get paladins make my like them even less. It is too weird for me

34 votes and nobody yet voted for East Africa or South America. A shame, really, Swahili could actualy bring a lot to the game.

Europe and North America are the leading choices, because the majority of the playerbase is Western, as is known.
It is also a fact that North America is the emptiest place in the game, right now, specially when an Algonqian unit already exists in the files, so people are perhaps naturally inclined to accept a few North-Am civs.


Itā€™s funny how people.lile @WoodsierCorn696 complain there is a no ā€˜no new civā€™ option when polls are specifically aimed at what civs would people who want civs want.

aka. The poll is for just those who want new civs, so there is no reason to include a ā€œno civā€ option when the target demographic is only those who want new civs


Would vote for them but I have only one vote and South Asia is honestly the worst case. They need at the very least one more civ.

South Asia already has 5 civs (Indians, Khmer, Burmese, Malay, Vietnamese), so it is not worse off than Africa (3 civs) or South America (1 civ).


Talking mostly about the fact that we are missing Tamils. Representing Tamils with a camel, gunpowder and cav archer civilization is pretty silly not gonna lie

You probably know that I love all these civs but honestly Nubians can just be represented by Ethiopians okay enough (worse than Lithuanians representing Poles but its still an okay replacement) and Somalis are awesome and extremely poweful but at the same time, they are mostly an early renaissance civ while Dradivians are a long lasting extremely influential presence in South India. Swahili we just dont know much about their military and Zimbabweā€¦ Well, I cant make any excuse for Zimbabwe like I can with the others tbh.

South America is a cool region but beyond Chimu and Wari all the civs missing are more confederations rather than Empires.

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Iā€™d like to see a variety of civs, but if they go with geography-themed expansions then I donā€™t want to wait until the third expansion in 2023 to see Vikings, assuming we ever get that far.

Edit: Realized I was in the AOE2 forum. Changed my vote to east (central?) for Tibet

We already have Vikings.

I think hes talking about a Viking campaign