[Poll] Best Civilisation Concept

Well, perfection is something unachievable, we can just struggle to get as close as possible to it.

Designing a fan civ (but a real one too) takes a lot of trials and errors and to make it again and again… then of course not everyone can recognize the effort behind it…

I have been civ designing longer than most personally and I gotta say the ride to the top of the civ crafting charts.

I’ll say never to give up but maybe I’m a harsher judge than most and can be a little crass but my heart means well.

I’ve come up with simpler alternative for the wood bonus, villager carry 100% more wood (or 80%). As for imp UT, units heal 4X faster when garrisoned and monk conversion ignore Heresy and Faith.


First I need to update the [HUB]
BTW everybody can update it when I don’t get to do it-

Then we can have a new poll at some time, but I wouldn’t do it during a major tournament.


I need to work on a new concept to participate… Very pleased to see here my swiss concept!

@SirWiedreich Thank you for the feedback for my Tai concept!

In regards to the bonus mechanics, the lumberjack bonus was a last minute substitution. Originally the bonus was going to be “Lumberjacks also generate gold”, which of course was what Paper Money was changed to for Vietnamese. I had a whole write-up about the history of logging in Thailand and how this bonus made perfect sense, but alas I couldn’t use it, and so I tried to come up with something that was a spiritual successor to that original idea. There’s a lot of complexity to it but I think it could be tweaked to actually work.

There are a couple ways the conversion bonus could be implemented. I suggested those 3 technologies, but you could also make a brand new technology that all civs get. I erred on the side of underpowered, since I thought “units cannot be converted in Castle age” was OP.

Much like how I had to change the lumberjack bonus, the Team Bonus was originally Attack Rate increase for cavalry, which again was given to the Bengalis.

Honestly, I spent most of my time reading on Tai history and then tried making bonuses to fit their history. Maybe with more focus on gameplay, I could improve my bonuses. My goal for bonuses was to be creative, not recycling a current bonus, but still grounded.

Thanks again!


@TommoChocolate Thank you for the feedback!

Goal of the bonuses was to be creative but not gimmicky. I probably got too close to gimmicky with the lumberjack bonus, but it was a last minute replacement for what was originally “Lumberjacks generate Gold” that the Vietnamese now get. Wasn’t crazy about the Monk HP bonus but wanted them to have great monks, so the Healing Range was included. Maybe I could make it “military units +5% HP for every enemy converted up to +50%?” That seems similar to a lot of other bonuses as well.

Whole point of the Team Bonus was to push usage of Unique Units. It might be too strong, could bump it down to something like 15%


@DynasticPlanet5 The mother of all civ concepts right here.