[poll] Cosmetic DLC

Do you have a picture of these regional skins from the cd version of the game?

Yes, take a look:


Monks and carts with regional skin made officially by devs in conquerors expansion (cd version)
Also a bonus:

Carts with regional skin made officially by devs in AOE2DE.

And yes we use this by default not by toggle-ing them, in competitive matches also, and no ā€˜ā€˜readabilityā€™ā€™ was impacted and nobody ever complained about them.


Yeah helmets, weapon or shields change should be enough to make it regional.
For example:

  • middle east and center Asian civs knight could be the same as European but just give them round shields and curved swords.
  • east Asian knights should have no shield and no helmet/specific east-asian helmet.
  • militia line for middle east and center Asian civs should just have the normal helmet changed to a specific regional one and thatā€™s it.
  • militia line for east Asian civs should just have two-handed weapon all the way up skipping the shields (for long swordsman and man-at-arms)
  • militia line for Mesoamerican civs should just drop the metal armor and switch swords with clubs while keeping the same unit movement, size and animations.
  • For scouts they could just change the colour of the horse.
  • Pikeman line for eastern Asian civs should have eastern asian spears instead of halberds and normal spears all the way up for Mesoamerican civs.
  • Mesoamerican and African archers should keep bows all the way up instead of changing it into crossbows.
  • rams should be dressed in the leather of a native animal to each region, so just a color change.

This should be enough in my opinion.

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Thats because you dont mass them and use them to fight.You also missed the different kings monks(in hd) and different sails as regional units.

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  1. But you do mass monks, and you use them specifically in fights :smiley:
  2. You do mass your carts a lot also, just not using them in fights.
  3. How massing units is an argument? having 1 monk or 100 monk requires the same amount of time to recognize what unit it is. Also why do some1 need to recognize a unit when you can just click on it and see itā€™s name :slight_smile:
  4. Regional skins donā€™t even affect ā€˜ā€˜readabilityā€™ā€™ for the sole reason that they donā€™t change the units animations, size or behavior, but just a variation of helmets/flags/miscellaneous. The unit remains the same so it does not require time spending for recognition. (You really donā€™t need any millisecond spent to say that any of those in the picture are trade carts).
    Thatā€™s the difference between regional skins made officially by devs vs mods and unique skins for each unit as other people proposed.
  5. ā€˜ā€˜Readabilityā€™ā€™ is not an issue it self since you donā€™t have to recognize any unit, you just have to click on it and see itā€™s name :smiley:

And even if you really want to recognize it without clicking on it (for some unknown reason) it would require 1 more millisecond to recognize, itā€™s normal for any game to have changes and updates and people that want to play competitive have to adapt, itā€™s a just natural thing to do.
Competitive without challenges and adaptation is not competitive, and games that not evolve will die on competitive scene.

Iā€™m not okay with this paid mods, because (man, I look like a broken record by now) you just need to give independent architecture and units in the base game and let the modders do their job. Also, IA&U is client side, so if you are competitive, you can keep your units as they are but if you donā€™t care that much, dowload a graphics mod that turns japanese spearmen in yarimen

OK, thanks

I understand what youā€™re saying but we can start with the units that donā€™t have this problem like Monks and Villagers; then we can move to other units
I still donā€™t understand why the monks havenā€™t been replaced by regionals when we already have kings and trade carts


there was one african monk icon but the skin was never released unsure why. wiki fandom shows the icon looking nice. tradecarts was very easy to tell right away its a trading unit, monks maybe not so much. but again people can learn and adapt over time for a few skins so it isnt that big of an issue.


What other unit begins to balance itself and sings a strange conversion song? It is a monk or unit bug; it can not be another thing


because trade carts and monks look all largely the same. and are only 1 unit each line. furthermore trade carts especially arenā€™t used massively in a fight.

now look at xbow and arb. now imagine i have an xbow and arb for
east asia, south east asia, south asia, america, africa, west europe, east europe, etc.
see the problem?
now add knights, pikes, skirms, light cav, longswords, etc all to the mix.

I am fine with mods, or cosmetic DLC that are optional and only those who want the skins have to buy them.
but as a change to the base game affecting everyone? no thanks.


thats a beautiful looking icon. im sure they prob have the skins somewhere just not released yet. it should be easy for them to release this as part of the monthly event releases.

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Yes, we can start with unique castles and monasteries and monks and regional villagers (adding more skin colors to the last one would make a big difference).

Then we can have the generic military units slightly changed to the regions + crests of each specific civ on their shields/uniforms.
I personally donā€™t care too much about this option here; I would be pleased with new regional military units (not necessarily the aztec version of the crossbowman, eg, but an atlatl warrior) and new objects/animals/trees etc not only because it would already give modders the necessary material to use, but also for my misgivings about the aforementioned issue of certain units having to be changed too much. The example used was the Aztec crossbowman who would only need to have his weapon changed, but what about the Mameluke or Gbeto for example? After having several generic units reskinned to ensure a more faithful immersion to the history, would everyone here still be satisfied with leaving these as they are? I canā€™t see the devs changing them.

As for the OPā€™s proposal to indicate the UUā€™s becoming elite UUā€™s, I think itā€™s easier to just change some detail of the armor/clothing of the unit in question, something like changing the metallic outline of the shield to gold or adding a cape, for example. I donā€™t think I need a new graphic. And I think the same for the building that trains the strongest unit.

Returning to architecture sets, what would a nomadic set look like? As the nomadic civs adopted in the Castle Age other cultures with their own sets (Mongols ā†’ Chinese, Tatars ā†’ Persians etc), I only see two options: a specific hybrid set for these civs (which for me is outside the aoe2 style) or create an entire set of tent-style buildings that are really distinctive (there would be 3 versions of tents for TC and the market, as well as a tent-castle). Not a big deal for me, but Iā€™m curious.

  1. Eagles are a regional unit, you use it mass and in battle. Nobody ever complained and they are not just a regional reskin they are a complete different regional unit.

  2. The xbow and arb that you mention will be largely the same too. What we ask for is just a minor change on their helmets, that means that they keep the same size, same animation, same movement, same everything.
    What we talk about is just a variation in skin color and helmet models. The biggest change we might want is a change in weapon style but that is the maximum.
    So it will be no different than the difference between carts and monks today.

  3. It is not a mod what we ask, and it is not a change to the base game.
    You right now play the unfinished version, company had no time or money to finish it yet, thatā€™s why there are missing campaigns and civs and also regional skins.
    For example: current militia line for Mesoamericans are just a temporary replacement for what devs will bring in the future when they have time and money to finish the game.
    Devs started with Mesoamericans, then with carts and in the future will finish their game.
    You can talk about ā€˜ā€˜base game changesā€™ā€™ when you will have a complete base game.

except now i have to remember what 8 different xbows, and 8 different arbs look like.
not to mention the knights, light cav, pikes, halbs, spears, and the various infantries too.

but to the base game? that screws over a lot of people.

adding it as an optional dlc? you guys get what you want. and those who donā€™t want it, get what they want.

got a source for this?

again got a source for this? some definitive statement from the devs?

we always have. show me 1 definitive statement from the devs that says they plan to do what you want.
just 1. go ahead.

yeah man, iā€™m going to call bull right now.
weā€™ve seen this happen already time after time after time not just in aoe but in other games.
you might be happy with a change in helmet and skin color but someone else is gonna come along and be like ā€œBut they are still using EU weapons and armor, that makes no senseā€ and so then the crusade will be to change that.

want proof? we literally had people asking at the beginning for regional monks, villagers, and kings.
then people wanted region specific unit skins, but at least as a mod.
and now here you are pushing for even more.

so again.
you want a DLC that has historically accurate skins? go for it man. more power to you.
but in the base game? no thanks.

i mean come on man. seriously? aoe2 is the most played aoe game there is. not just now but even in the past.
not only that, but it is regarded not just as the best aoe game, not just one of the best RTS games, but one of the best games of all time. so who would want to play with innacurate skins? a lot of people.

so again. Optional DLC so those who can have historical accuracy? go for it.
but as part of the base game? no thanks.

Not even sure why you donā€™t want that. you get what you want, and so does everyone else. everyone wins. why is that such a baD thing?


1.For what reason did they made Mesoamericans regional distinct civs with unique monks, carts and eagles in the first place?
2. Devs made the Dynasties of India by splitting Indians in 3 new civs for the historical accuracy reasons.
3. After Dynasties of India they said that there will be more changes like this (historical accuracy updates) in the future.

What all of this sound like to you? For me and for 86% people on this thread as the pool shows, all this things show that devs want a game based on historical accuracy, and every move they made was towards this.
So the target people for this game are the history lovers.

On the other hand, competitive play is not mandatory. Also competitive play was never a target for lazy people that donā€™t want to learn extra few units or that donā€™t want to adapt constantly because a game to be competitive and not die, have to change and evolve constantly.
Aoe2 is played competitive more then AOE3 and AOE4 just because the latest 2 are just not good enough, not because Aoe2 is complete by any mean.

Because you just say that 86% of people here should buy a DLC to toggle (that can get buggy) what should be default in the game, while 14% ā€¦a clear minority should have what they want free and without toggle/untoggle hassle? no thanks!

There are already mods that simplify the game for you.
Why donā€™t you want a mod so you can play the game where absolutely all civs have the same units and no trees and cubes instead of gold/stone mines?
And let our game be finished as it was meant from beginning, why is that not ok for you?
Everyone wins!

Eagles are a new unit line used by meso civis not regional same goes for SL EA BE SE.using the generic trade cart would look silly for a civi without horses ideally they should not even get a guy pulling a cart.
Monk is the only logical regional skin.

Looking at the meso monk and trade cart and saying the devs did not complete regional unit skin sets is just a conspiracy theory you came up with.


A unit used just by civs in the same region is not a regional unit? ā€¦Ok :slight_smile:
Same for the steppe lancers that are regional to center Asia region civs (Mongols, Cumans, Tatars).
Same for elephant riders that are regional to south-east Asia region civs (Burmese, Khmer ,Malay and Vietnamese).
Still want more examples? The devs are building the game based on regionals and historical accuracy.

Also you avoided to reply for points 2&3 of the first part, and also for the second part of the message.
Too many arguments and you only responded to the single one that is not an argument but just a confirmation for the rest of the arguments.

What is the ingame role of the eagle warrior again?

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Darn, came to this thread hoping for cosmetic graphic DLC for things OTHER than civ units and buildings, but was let down.

There are so many things that could be added to AoE2 for flourish, variety, and interestā€¦ but we keep getting more of the same: more civs, more campaigns, more cartoony profile icons.

At this point, Iā€™d say itā€™s amazing that weā€™ve gotten so many civs that Iā€™ve reached my saturation point on civ and campaign stuff, including skins, considering the fact that AoE2 could very well have died. I actually reached my saturation point on that stuff about 5 or 6 years ago with the last AoE2:HD (2013) expansion. Now we have so many civs and campaigns that Iā€™m ready for some other forms of DLC to make the game world more interesting, beautiful, dynamic, etc.

@Europezero could you please stop forcing your opinion onto people.

Can you just accept that some people donā€™t want to use regional skins themselves.
Just ignore them. There are always people that are not interested in some kinds of content.
Just because some people never play campaigns doesnā€™t mean they should not be made.

Donā€™t try to convince people to play with regional skins if they donā€™t want to. They can try them out if they want to if they get released.

@MatCauthon3 donā€™t be afraid.
Even if regional skins would become a game feature in the worst case you could still use a mod to disable them.
But I donā€™t think that will be needed.

Also itā€™s not that hard to learn new skins. I mean there are people that play games like AoE3DE where a DLC can bring nearly 50 new units.
But if you donā€™t want to you donā€™t have too

I personally think there should be ā€œsmartā€ options like having the skins automatically turned on in single player and automatically turned off in multiplayer.