I’m a player from 2007. Since players want to increase the population limit, I also dreamed about this for a long time. But I have an alternative idea to make all settlers at zero (with the exception of strong the Germany SettlerWagon) for the Immigrants technology.
I don’t see any balance problems with this change. And I’ll take a poll.
If you select “No!”, - please explain, why?
- Yes!
- Better make pop limit to 300 (350)
- No! It is un/dis-balance (please comment)
It doesn’t mean anything. You must have a explanation. I expect to hear adequate players.
well for one it would mean that you dont need pop space to queue or train vils, so the game would be even faster then it already is.
You basically have no reason to build a house in age 1 and technically not even like 1 min into age 2 since you have 10 pop open for military
You think 12/10 France was fast, now you dont even need to care about that
It also fundamentally breaks a gameplay loop for aoe, where you start the game, make vils and then have to actually get more pop space when you realise you have hit the pop cap.
You can have a pop increase, there are already mods for it, the base game stays the way it is
I proposed to check this in practice testing in the Preview Update
you can mod this and try it yourself, it doesnt take a preview update.
all you have to do is reduce the vil pop to 0.
It also doesnt take much thinking to see where it leads if you play the game enough
Don’t make the other Age of Empires fans think we’re even more of a black sheep by changing a fundamental part of the franchise…
To basically end this
here is a mod that does what you want
see what happens
the fact that you think anyone actually owes you a debate on such an unhinged proposal says volumes ngl
you can make any settler take zero population space already, its called the delete key
Don’t try to offensive me!
I love this game and I understand in modding.
I discovered the secrets TAD cheat codes that many did not know about!
And (during beta testing of AoE3DE) I proposed the idea of adding a “resource gather counter per second” to the settlers!
arent you also the person that wanted 2 different rates for male and female?
1 Like
Yes. Historically this is the right decision. I’m realist - perfectionist. But I understand why the idea failed - But there are contradictions. In the beta screenshot they wanted to give different portraits for male and female.
Personnellement, cela créerait un déséquilibre entre certaines civs, imaginez par exemple les Allemands avec 99 colons et 20 chariots de colons 0 pop, résultat cette civ pourrai faire mass unités tout en ayant une très bonne économie comparé par exemple au portugal qui n’aurait “que” 99 colons.
################# post:14, topic:246487"]
20 chariots de colons 0 pop
Nope! Exception for Settlers Wagon.
Interesting, why the site designers didn’t make it possible to comment for mods?
Mods really should pre check threads before they get published but oh i forgot the policy here
I didn’t offend anyone and I don’t break the rules!
There’s no rule against stupidity, which is why this is unreportable.
no one said that ^^ also im pretty sure there is maybe already a mod who ignores settler pop. Would just investigate the mod section.