[poll] Return of Rome: How much AoE1 and how much AoE2 do you want?

Well, we may have a few changes regarding building size, such as bigger town centers, and maybe a few new building sets (hopefully one for Phoenicians/Carthaginians, and maybe more if we get new civs).

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Yeah that could happen, but just reworking most stuffto look morr like AoE2 isnt going to happen

Trust me Carthage is more greek like than Phoenicians despite Carthage being Phoenician colony.

bout time AOE1 players hop onboard to AOE2 engine. they have been asking on their end for over a year now and its finally happening. I think the devs know and wanted to grant update to AOE1 and fix bugs but just no resource to do it from management.

now waiting for 16 civs to port to aoe2

Please keep the same building size as it was in the original, 1x1 houses and not 2x2 etc. Will you be able to garrison and will the town centers be able to fire, IMO you should be able to garrison but im unsure about the TCs should fire or not, it will throw off the game balance. In aoe 1 villager economy isn’t as important as in aoe 2 where if u lose 1 villager you coud lose the game.

I’m confused, Houses in AoE are 2×2. The towers are 2×2 rather than 1×1 though - I hope they keep that. Also 3×3 Town Centres and Granaries, so it’s easy to put Farms around them!

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Actually houses in AoE1 are still 2x2 squares

As long as its balanced, I don’t really mind.

AoE2 tile = 1.5x1.5 AoE1 tiles

That means 1.5x the range for everything and 1.5x1.5 = 2.25x the area for each tile.

AoE1 → AoE2

  • Generic Building: 3x3 → 3x3
  • Town Centre: 3x3 → 4x4
  • Farm: 3x3 → 3x3
  • Resource drop-off: 3x3 → 2x2
  • House: 2x2 → 2x2
  • Tower: 2x2 → 1x1
  • Wall: 1x1 → 1x1
  • Wonder: 5x5 → 5x5

So an AoE2 house is as big as an AoE1 Town Centre because 2x2 in AoE2 is equivalent to 3x3 in AoE1.

But the good news. AoE1 buildings still look good in 1.5 scale. You can check out how well ti works by playing the Rome at War mod, and those people only had access to the AoE1DE sprites and not the raw assets the development team still should have access too.

I’m pretty sure that’s something they can’t easily change in the AoE2 engine and honestly the larger scale looks better.


SotL talked about your poll in his latest video :grin:.

Who is SotL?
(Sorry I don’t know many AoE2 youtubers or streamers)

Spirit of the Law

The video was already linked in another thread.

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Congratulations, you’re world famous now.

Oh I’ve heard that name before.

Interesting video though.
I don’t agree with the type of game he want’s but he is a big AoE2 fan and I’m not, so no surprised.

I wasn’t famous before?


You are right, I meant keep the buildings the same size. Do not Make them like AOE 2 or the basic nature of the game will dissapear.

Really you think the nature of the game will banish because to add 1x1 tile to TC, for example?

I wish I knew whose good idea was to make both TC and mill different size from farm to make farm placement difficult only to add Folwark 21 years later. Probably the only one thing where I prefer AOE1 over AOE2.


Yes, as @Skadidesu pointed out, 2×2 in AoE2 is much bigger than 2×2 in AoE1. Although I don’t see changing the tile size as a bad thing personally, providing unit speeds are adjusted accordingly.

It would be pretty annoying if they changed the size of Town Centres or Granaries, to be honest.

It would hurt the nature of the game for sure.
The Town Centre in AoE1 is just a meeting place, not a large fortified buildings like in AoE2 (or later games).

Also AoE2 tiles are larger already.
A AoE2 Town Centre is 4x4 which is equivalent to 6x6 in AoE1 (more then a wonder)
On the other side the AoE1 Town Centre with 3x3 is equivalent to 2x2 in AoE2 (the size of a house)

Making it 3x3 in AoE2 would be the best compromise considering the visuals of the building.

The only building that could use a rescale and maybe redesign is the tower that is 2x2 in AoE1 but the AoE2 towers are 1x1.
But I think even that should stay 2x2.

You need to consider that you couldn’t walk through Farms in the original AoE1. That is something only the Definitive Edition added.
So the fact that Farms and Town Centres and Granaries had the same size didn’t matter as much as it does now.

I don’t trust this to be faithful to the stuff that a civ needs to feel more like it has that aoe2 flavor the way the community is dreaming it will be.

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