[Poll] Should the Ottomans be a European or Asian civilization?

America is European still lol

Even at their weakest the European powers called them “sick man of Europe” NOT sick man of Asia…
why would they do that?


Then what is with " Kayser-I Rum" Title?


Because they were in Europe, and were compared to the European powers.
But it is impossible for a Turkic cultrure to ever be European.

Self-appointed, no one ever called the sultan “Caeser of Rome”, except themselves.


BUT important thing is they considered themselves as European.
Also why can’t Turkic culture be European?
But Hungarian and Romanian cultures can.
Don’t tell me…
you aren’t saying Turkish people can NOT be European EVER?
Don’t tell me only certain culture can be European…
this stinks of prejudice


No, they did not, they considered themselves as masters and conquerors of the Europeans.
That is like saying teh current Americans are the Natives. They are not the Native Americans.

Magyars were not Turkic, and Bulgarians are no longer Bulgars (which were Turkic) and both became Europeans.
Ottomans never became Europeans, and never will be Europeans.

Ottoman prejudice. The biggest Slavemasters in History, have no right to call anyone else “prejudiced”.


no worse than what Portugal did to Africans in that time.

So did Holy Roman Emperors when they considered themselves as masters of Europeans. Ottomans were prideful yes BUT they consider themselves as Europeans that fact dose NOT change.

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Portuguese do not say we are Africans, and we controlled more of Africa than the Ottomans did of Europe.

HRE Emperors were European. Ottomans never were, nor did they consider themselves to be.
No Ottoman can ever claim to be European, truthfully.


that is 100% bigotry. And back then there were no established identity as “Europeans”
and considering HRE were basically Barbarians that invaded Rome and took Roman lands…( HRE WEREN’T Latin )
I think Ottomans have much of a claim to be Europeans as HRE and German states.
If you think otherwise you are just bigotry.


I do not care what you are trying to project here.
Ottomans were an Asian culture, an Asian people.
They were not European, nor would they ever be considered as such, not by themselves or others.


so were Germans and many Germanic races that moved to Rome when it fell.
Why can’t they be Europeans?
what is European anyway?

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Germans are European, Ottomans are not.
Germans were native to Europe, Turks are natives to Central Asia.

To say that Ottomans are European, is like saying the European-Americans are Native Americans. Both of them are occupiers, not natives.


Not really Germans were NOT born in Europe. They migrated from Northern Russia. They moved to Roman lands when Huns attacked them
and back then there were no specific geographical distinction between Asia and Europe anyway.

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Northern Russia is in Europe. Germanians have been in Europe for over 5000 years, Ottomans could not even pull off 500.
There was Germanians in Europe long before the Huns came.

They are European.


funny how Russians didn’t consider themselves to be European until Peter the great decided that west was better suited for them.

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I do not care, ethnically, Russians have always been European. They also adopted a large amount of Roman culture, which is also European.

Like it or not, you can only be an European if you are a native, and have a native culture.

To consider the Ottos as European, then you must also consider the USA and Canada as Native American.


look at here:https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/1uurdw/was_the_ottoman_empire_considered_european_by_the/
They were considered partially European because of lands they owned.

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Worse because it was much longer and many more people

Do you have evidence for that?

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