I do think it is curious that they disregarded Age of Noob’s criticism.
I wonder what exactly their source for interacting with the community is. We know they listen to a lot of competitive players who have early access. But, there aren’t many like Age of Noob, who focuses more on details and elements that history nerds care about. He seems like a humble person that takes care when addressing and bringing up issues, so I don’t think he is seen as an annoyance by the developers.
Yet, he apparently brought this up and they didn’t believe him? something along those lines.
I can’t think of another single figure that represents my interests in a game like this, that has access to the developers. And the only one I can think of, got brushed aside by them. It is really, really bizarre.
From the interaction, it sounded like the developers were dead set on this decision, whether it was from naivity or arrogance, we don’t know. But, I will say that it was bizarre that they even came to this decision to begin with.
I’d really like to know who supported those names. Pros wouldn’t mind. Gameplay is not affected. There are tons of easy, straightforward, to-go options that simply sounds better. It would take a minute to do.
I can’t believe not a single one from the developers, the streamers, or the “community board” (if still exists) ever said “hey that sounds pretty cringe”. There must be strong, adamant supports that leads to this decision.
It’s just already been confirmed in multiple official locations and by multiple people who have seen everything. Them being a riddle just isn’t an opinion, we’ve been shown what they are officially called already.
This could be true and could also be a reason why for example BeastyQT says he is not bothered by these names because he knows that they will change only he is under NDA and can’t officially talk about it yet.
It’s true. It seems that all content makers who are under the NDA do not bothered by these names. ChillyEmpire is very indignant. But he is not under the NDA. It’s all very strange.
Exactly. Something just doesn’t add up, and I just wait for the official announcement to arrive from the team so we can see how everything will be and who knows perhaps all of these complaints maybe has delayed the announcement as they go back to try and see what to do with the names. I’m just speculating here of course but it’s all a bit wierd nonetheless.
Devs have made two of the most hype civs for us. The Japanese and Byzantines were demanded the most. Other 4 civs were made not at the request of the community, but according to the possibility of the developers. But how to make hype about little-known civs? How to get people to demand to add Ayyubids, Mamluks, Orleans or Jerusalem to the game when there are no Vikings or Spanish in the game yet? Now people want to see civs in the game that they didn’t even hear about two of days ago. Think about it.
Yes this could very well end up be one of their market strategies, however something just doesn’t add up why go to such length and update their official website with these variant civilizations with the wrong name?
If this is really a market strategy that they are using to promote these civilizations and then somehow change the names in the last second, it’s the first time I’ve seen anything like this. Seems to me a bit unnecessary to create this much backlash but then again whether it’s good or bad it’s promoting their new content either way so who knows
I want to be clear I think that this expansion has great value for just 15 euros, and I can’t wait to get my hands on it but I’m not so sure about the names will work together with the old civilization name design but also weird marketing strategy if this ends up be true.
I hope you are right they made their Byzantines announcement into a forum game, they have a history in dropping hints like emoji before the released Ottomans and Malians. So their is precedent for them to give hints before actually announcing anything about the variant civs
To my knowledge they didn’t do this back when they were announcing the original civilizations just before AoE4 launched, the names they announced on their website is still the same now two years post launch.
But again perhaps they have changed their way of doing things now, just like we know how they are dropping hints on the forums etc for new civilizations.
Not necessarily, people would be more happy to talk about the great things about this expansion that is kind of being not spoken about due to the name controversy.