[Poll](Updated) Which civs would you like to see in the game? (All popularly requested civs included)

Larger ones probably symbolizes the Empires’ sizes I guess.

If it is to represent area, then why isn’t Slavs big?
And why Egypt is Turk, shouldn’t it be Saracens(Mamluk)?
And Indians symbol should be on Rajasthan.
And Persians should be on Fars.
Am just kidding, nevermind :wink:

Ottomans conquered Egypt in 1512.

Current Indians covers the area not that bad, even through is not a good location.

I mean Persia should be on Iran.

Saracens are based on Saladin’s Campaign in the game. Egypt was under Mamluks for a long time. Also if you take Ottomans into consideration then Saracens shouldn’t exist in game since Ottomans took over Arabia as well.

Indians are a Camel Civ with Sultans research so it covers just the Rajasthan region of Rajputs to the northwest.

Majority of Persian population is in Fars, the area near Irag (South west Iran), North Iran is Transoxiana/Timurid (Tatars)

That would depend on the time frame the civi is designed, from 1500 sinhaleese forces mainly used guns/cannons made locally and later imported from the dutch.if going for earlier periods then the standard asian model was used cavalry elephants chariots and infantry.


Most civs in the game have references of their whole History.
Turks are mostly Ottoman, but have free upgrading Light Cavalry and the best Cav Archers, as a reference to when they were horse nomads.

Ottomans themselves employed good Cavalries: Sipahi - Wikipedia

I disagree not all civi design is like that, Turks are more ottoman than seljuks Byzantiens are more based around the 1200 era with the cataprachts.vikings celts are mainly dark age design, same goes for the chineese. And the top contender for historically innacurate is india.

its hard to represent the whole civi with the aoe tech tree design.You cant represent 5th to 1600 with this type of structure.

They mostly center around the period of greatest power of the civ, but also do have references to the rest of their History.

also, would Sinhalese be more represented by the indian or SE asian architecture?

So i have an idea of a caravanserai that creates camels faster than a stable
however there are so many things that im unsure about, so im going to list 'em all

  1. should the caravanserai be a team unit?
    it could range from allowing everyone to share camel bonuses, to just a little building that’s only useful if you use camels
  2. if it is a team unit, will camels be allowed even if they are not in your tech tree?
  3. what civ suits it best?
    somalians, afghans, rajputs, or kurds?

trade carts?
for your khitan civ,
wouldn’t it make more sense to make the crossbow cav a cav archer upgrade?
and also im not sure there is a civ with two uu’s and a building, so khitans are going to be a revolution
also, unique buildings need alot more love, and always consider adding them in your civ ideas

i think a lil more indian civs are needed
they could be added in an expansion that does not revolve around the indian ocean though
also, isnt china lord of the silk?

No, Trade Cogs, the Ships that can trade at the Docks. Swahili were a maritime trade empire.


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i see, i was asking if you could extend the ability
those guys with horses should at least kick someone!
Portuguese have two uu’s?

No, it is easy to defend Land Trade with the discounted Towers, but Cogs are always more exposed.

Yes, Organ Gun and Caravel.

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true, but useless on land maps
and i guess team games
also, do you think Sinhalese should have Indian or Buddhist architecture?

just looked it up

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I do not think so. With 3 civs, they would already occupy a lot of gameplay bonii space.

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ya but, i feel that we should at least add bengal and/or afghans, or some other one, four civs for one place fits the theme set by the last three expansions
also, Sinhalese people aren’t really indian

All this talk about new Chinese civs and new Meso civs is good but Indians are currently the ones which deserve diversification the most.

The AoE civ designer himself said that Indians could have 8 entirely different civilizations as an expansion in a well documented video.


not entirely
the community wants at least 2 more Indian civs (in this case)

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