It would be cool to not have that problem, but its entirely impractical to solve it.
I think about the only true solution would to be to make restoration an in-play option with everyone’s consent. At least for team games.
Perhaps you should start a new topic about this issue. Though I doubt the team would ever put developer hours specifically towards solving restoration cheating, better support for restoration in general is something that could be argued and maybe the potential for cheating could be improved as a side effect. Support for rejoining a game after a crash would be really cool.
Is poop lorrd finally banned?! I am surprised it took him this long. He is on of the most toxic streamers i have ever seen.
An one week ban is still pretty short. Seems like the devs have had mercy with him. Based on his toxicity he deserve a much bigger ban in my opinion.
He was probably banned for poor conduct. There are lots of things which, done in isolation, aren’t considered bad, but done to excess, become bad, even bannable.
You don’t need to violate the letter of the law to break its spirit. If you’re being a #### 100% of the time, you’re gonna face consequences.
it’s written pretty explicitly in the code of conduct:
Engaging in behaviors to purposefully undermine matches goes against the spirit of the game. This can include, but is not limited to, repeatedly quitting a match early, sending excessive in-game taunts or tampering with the game. This does not necessarily apply to various in-game strategies, for example tower rushing, which are part of the competitive nature of our games.
so it’s way more likely that he got banned for being toxic in chat than some out-of-meta strats
Out-of-meta strats are fine, but strats designed to literally waste enemy time is not fine. There is no difference between hiding a villager behind 10 layers of walls and going AFK and doing the same with Spanish Cannon Galleons at some pond. Poop Lord is known for doing this kind of stuff that arguably is griefing the games, especially when he’s doing it with a team.
TC dropping etc is fine as you’re not really doing it with the intention of wasting everyone’s time and being AFK. Trolling such as staying in Dark Age and only making Militias to fight the enemy in a teamgame probably is (hypothetical example, not saying PL did this), as you’re still wasting everyone’s time by forcing the game into being one player less on your team; however in this case, one could also argue that it’s some new player who doesn’t know any better.
This is all regardless of the fact that it’s not a once-done thing and it’s a pattern of behaviour across several games (if not hundreds?). You don’t get banned for just one game if the gameplay was the problem, really. You have to be repeatedly reported for that to happen. And from what I’ve seen, I don’t really feel sorry for Poop Lord, I wish he got a longer ban actually.
Teasing and delaying games for the sake of doing it are very, very reasonable reasons to be banned. So, saying it was for the last game is just lying, which doesnt help his cause. Though, who cares about facts and truth? It’s important only to make some fuss and pretend to be the victim!
I know in the high level scene people have been temporarily banned from tournaments for doing that, but that’s the community policing it. I’m not sure how the system itself can automatically police that.
That’s a tournament and the tournament organizer can put whatever gameplay rules they want to. The players can then decide if they want to join the tournament or not. The organizer can ban a player from their tournament if they break the rules. There are no specific strategy gameplay rules for ranked games. Walling your ally’s TC or hiding villagers in the corner while going AFK are not actual strategies. They are sabotaging your team to lose or prolonging the game when you already lost.
Yeah yeah, I was referring to the person I was replying to’s specific example. I agree that specific strategy options shouldn’t be banned in rank play. Seeing a Persian Douche or all in tower rush or something occasionally is fine. Honestly if a player runs vills away from their town being destroyed to try to re-boom i’m fine with that as well even if it seems kinda hopeless. If they wall in a corner and just sit there solely to waste time yeah that’s griefing but if they are legitimately trying to get back in the game i’m fine with it.
This is the 5th time he got banned so I assumed that he is not a nice person, however, he still should not get suspended if he did not do the things that are written in the rules. You players have no right to eliminate the players you dislike. Whoever abused report system should get punished too.
IMO, the behaviors such as using troll strategies, being lone wolf in TG are bad sportsmanship, they are hard to be defined in rules. Well, I think trash talking is more like bad sportsmanship too instead of rule breaking because people can spam noob, 20, 27 , 105 which are mostly game supported. Thus, the people with bad sportsmanship shouldn’t get suspended because they did not break any rule.
In some other games, they have a system to value players’ behave score. They let the players with similar behave score play with each other. Probably the developers can think about it if they still care about TG.
If the problem can’t be solved, I will let players report as many as they want, I use steam family share account anyway
I think that ultimately the solution to this problem would be to create a mechanism that follows the philosophy of locks keep honest people honest. I have prospective ideas to facilitate this and improve overall quality of game experience for the greater community, but this is not the place to detail them. They are somewhat intuitive.
Make a Premade team and ban the four most popular maps and Favorite Oasis to guarantee vast majority of games end up with your preferred map. Construct your whole strategy around being annoying and pulling the opponent victims into a 9 hour game that is very frustrating to play. When you win (and along the way) taunt them mercilessly to rob them of the fun they might be having (although it is unlikely they were having fun anyways).
Rinse and repeat and stream it as a method of making money off of ruining other player’s experience (knowingly), Acknowledging that Even if the opponent somehow found a way to win, the opponent is never having fun.
Consider the fact that you have to bully the system in order to force opponents to play this way. Zero percent of your opponents logged into the game hoping to play that style of game.
Proof? Start a lobby and name it “Try to beat Pooplord Nom Strategy 9 hour game likely”. Just wait and see how long your lobby takes to fill up. (I’m betting it never will, other than subscribers who are star struck and want to say they played a game against you)
Normally opponents would just resign and quit. If you don’t want to play that kind of game, just quit and re-queue. The thing that isn’t being considered in any comments above is that Opponents who realize what is going on and don’t want to participate are having a ban held over THEIR heads. They are being forced by the system to play along with his __________ game, or they must leave Ranked and go to Lobbies. If they leave after an hour their teammates can report them for “Leaving when we had a MASSIVE score lead, ruining the game!!!” and they will likely get a ban.
What he is doing is rude, inconsiderate, and selfish. If everyone adopted his philosophy this game would die within six months, or they would be forced to enact really strict policies that would hurt the playerbase even more, and he’d still find a way to exploit those. it’s his whole MO. ((Although It is not illegal or prohibited, just try to imagine any other reasonable measures that could prevent him terrorizing Ranked in this manner.))
The only real way to do it is community reports that they don’t like this. That’s it. Voting off the island is basically the only option people have to protect the community they worked very hard to create. They label his behavior as Griefing, and I don’t know that I really disagree (mainly because he chats and streams his own intentions. He basically admits on his videos that he’s doing it to make opponents hate playing.)
Anyways, just a few thoughts here.
I think, if Strategies like Camping with cannon galeons on oasis or four lakes are possible and have no counterplay, the Problem is either the map or the unit. Generally maps should be Designed so that this kind of Strategies are impossible. Or we might need another wincondition that unlocks after 3 hours in ranked, like you could get a wonder-Victory then.
Still, noone should ever be reported for tc-dropping or playing the you Pudding rush, let alone banned. The report(s) from this game are obviosly report-spamming for no reason. Even if he had stacked up a Ton of reports, a non-valid report should not be able to put it over the edge!
True, but I dont really think the player is also the problem as well if all his gimmick in his stream is exploiting such problem.
E.g. it is definitely in the rule that you hide all your villagers in corners for each game, but I don’t think it is really something unbannable if you do it everyday for a month.
“We play together and engage in respectful behavior even while competing.”
from the code of conduct
so what you are describing is very much against the rules
I think this is a really valid point that’s not been mentioned much either. PoopLord has been actively griefing, with full intentions and admissions, and thus got a very deserved ban. The devs really should have made a harsher punishment to signal that this type of behaviour is not welcome in the community.
It’s similar - but not really - to the way FatSlob played in Voobly. The difference being, if FatSlob were to play in DE (don’t know if he does), it’s a lobby you have to join yourself. PoopLord doing this in a custom unranked lobby would not be a problem. PoopLord doing this in ranked is. If someone was to just troll in a custom game, that might still be bannable if it’s things like mangoneling ally TC and whatnot, but ultimately if you resign nothing is really lost. You can quit whenever and not risk a ban from the system. You do that in ranked, and that no longer is true - you can be banned for not wanting to play out the PoopLord strategy yourself.
I think the fatslob comparison isn’t fair. fatslob played/plays very defensively, but he does attack eventually. I think he has found a strategy he likes and can win with it.
Pooplord on the other hand, deliberately plays to annoy others
As I said, it’s similar but not really to FatSlob, because he doesn’t play ranked at all. But he also had similar complaints before DE to my knowledge, that unassuming people joining the lobbies were in for a rude awakening, though all the special rules were still known before joining the lobbies and you can simply elect to not play in that lobby. You don’t get to pick and choose in Ranked, however.