looking at the [Just for fun] Unique bonuses for hypothetical new civs thread for stuff which seems applicable to Portuguese:
- Economic techs available one age earlier
- Towncenters spawn a Villager when researching a new age, and when they are constructed
- Blacksmith upgrades are automatically researched for free an age after they become available
- +5 Villager HP for each Towncenter technology
- All blacksmith upgrades are available 1 age earlier (probably too strong)
- TCs +10 LOS
- Herdables have +2 LOS
- Every technology is researched 50% faster (except Age up)
- Trash units regenerate hp slowly (can be an imperial unique tech or a bonus)
- Siege Engineers free
- Villagers regenerate
- Lumberjacks don’t need to drop off wood, but start with -100W
- Repairers work 100% faster and repairing costs 25% less
- Farms give 10 food when built
- Wheelbarrow and Hand Cart have double effect on Villagers
- Own Herdables and Wolves are revealed
- Start with 3 Farms and a Lumbercamp
- Gunpowder units +1/+2 armor
- Increased rate of fire for Town Centers (maybe starting in FA or increasing per Age)
Besides all that I’d also agree with a UU buff. My preferred option would be for Organ guns to become much much stronger but also much more expensive. They could be an Onager-replacement.