Possible new way of playing with the Incas?

Oh thx for the zoom, I read too fast and didn’t notice you mentioned both, ooopsie.

Slingers will probably be their version of Musketeers, and Bolas will likely be a ranged Pikeman, Archaic unit.

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Can we speak about the cool fact, that bolas warriors make enemy units slower. That historicaly correct and honestly that might be one of the best units from the incas, they cost 2 pop but being able to slow down units and bonus damage against cav.
The only way to delete this units probably will be cannons
To beat inf just pair them with the musketeer/skirmisher version from the incas


They didn’t joke when they said they would be defensive 11 As of the slinger, I suppose it will be to the macehualtin what the normal skirm is to the strelet.


So they have the Melee units slowdown ability but at Range?

Can be quite OP.

In AoE3, when a unit is under Melee attack, it moves much slower, so it cannot escape easily, and to enforce losses upon retreating armies.

That of a heavy infantry unit might work, however I admit it would feel like a copy of the Skull Knight of the Aztecs, I would like something different to give Native Americans variety.

like most new units in expansions / remakes, it likely will be OP at first and then need some tweaking… like the SL did in AOE2… but im keen to see how this stuff is implemented…

if they dont have very limited access to canons, or lack the powerful aztec units, or sioux mobility they will need things like this to give them an edge vs canon civs and the like…

we havent seen any fire pits so they likely lack even that edge as well…

There is the possibility the Inca don’t have a firepit at all, they said they were european-like in their playstyle and in the trailer we saw a building that looked like the andean version of a capitol. They also had temples. Maybe they just mimic european buildings and have no firepit.


To be honest, the Firepit mechanics does not even fit the Aztecs, they should have had a sacrificial altar, or a Temple and Priest system instead.


But in the leak there is the firepit icon in the inca gameplay


I do not remember that being the Firepit icon, it may just be XP till next shipment.

As I remember the Fire Pit counter was by # of villagers and %

I guess the fire pit is a general rule for Native American civilizations, what embassies are for Asian civilizations.

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You are right, I had not noticed it thanks for sharing

Well, they said that the Natives had been reworked. Maybe the firepit has also changed or now you can see the % that you receive from it (for example units attacks).
If it has been reworked, it would be good, many functions from it were pointless and you needed to sacrifice resources for it.

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I hope they changed the Firepit to Sioux and Iroquois only, and gave Aztecs a Temple with Religious upgrades instead.


You’re right, and I admit I had a slip. In AoE 3, the% effect of the fire pit is also visible.

On the other hand, analyzing the video (minute 3:00), a female voice is heard, it could be a female villager or it could also be a female military unit. The explorer perhaps? I even think that in the Peruvian civilization of the WoL mod there are 2 explorers: a male hero and a female “marscale” who can heal and build buildings, it would be interesting to see this added because probably the authors of the WoL mod were inspired by the influence of Andean women in Inca society (and descendants), another thing that strikes me is that in the shots of the Inca Explorer it is not very legible because it is a thin unit that probably carries a scepter.

Another minor detail is that at minute 3:03 of the video you hear a language that in my opinion is different from Quechua (Amazonian Awajún or Shawi perhaps?). I know something about Northern Quechua and the words they say in those parts of the video are not familiar to me, although I admit that it may also be some other type of Quechua. If they placed Inca military units that speak different languages ​​demonstrating the set of civilizations that made up the Inca Empire, it would be great.

Which reminds me. Wouldn’t it be also great if they placed a hero / explorer portrait on the screen in a similar way as in Warcraft 3?

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No, it would just clutter up the screen, and AoE3 Explorers are nowhere near as strong as War3 Heroes, so you do not need instant access to them at all times, through a screen icon.
They do not even level up or have army-destroying abilities, and your actual units will outshine the Explorer at basically anything from the Fortress Age onward.

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European like?source?

Developer interview, it is all over Youtube.

I watched all interviews and i don’t remember such thing.i watched again and anything again.
Are you mean ign’s interview?