Traditional for a Native American how to build Forts? Admittedly, that phrase provides more than one answer. Maybe they said it on purpose to generate insight.
Incas are quite different from aztec/sioux
Also Incas had great castles,what is the problem?
Might be like the other native civs, in which their recruitement building is also base defence.
Or maybe it’s similar to aztecs noble hut, that is both a defensive building and a barrack.
Because it’s a lot smaller that the european fortresses.
There is a German interview that says Incas are a more defensive traditional civ the aoe II players will feel at home with but yeah there was some creative interpreting from here to saying they will mimic the European tech tree, sorry
It could be like the noble hut for Aztecs but idk it has 5 units isn’t that a bit too much if there is another barracks
They might have done that. The Chinese already use a Han accent for regular units and a Mongol accent for the steppe riders and Manchurian units so I wouldn’t be surprised if the archer unit that is supposed to represent the jungle portion of the Inca empire spoke in an Amazonian language
Maybe,maybe it is a barracks or similar thing
If you look on the map, you can see the fortress icon, as if it were a European civilization. Of course it could be the only European quality that the Incas have, but I am still hoping that the developers will give us some surprises.
When they talk about inca being tradicional it is because inca where on AOE 2.
Don’t try to read that other way.
Actually, it have to be a farm bonus: Incas were expert agriculturalist.
Some info about them is out, their houses generate food
I want to to revive this post:
First of all, hope they could try to put another distinctive to Inca’s flag. Actually, its unnaccurate. Second, like north american native tribes, I hope if you could change a bit the way how Incas use gold… They used it more in a ceremonial way than in a economical way (I LOVED the tumi technology for it).
I think we are in great disagreement there, although they used materials such as gold in a ceremonial way, they had vast knowledge of metallurgy, and many of their weapons were made of alloys such as bronze, in addition, they used metal needles to perform operations. and in general they had a wide handling of metallic tools, I have consulted with Peruvians and they all confirm it, taking mining from the Incas is the most ridiculous thing you could do.
The Incas were renown for Copper and Bronze weapons, they were actually one of the few Americans that had metallurgy, and not just for decorative purposes, unlike the Aztecs.
the Aztecs also had knowledge of metallurgy, the difference was that they were limited to materials such as gold, silver and copper, and most of their extraction and handling was destined for the peoples they had under their control, not directly to them.
The Aztec chimallis (shields) were mostly covered with gold.
The Incas developed better techniques of copper and alloys such as bronze, so its handling was extended to their army
The Aztecs had no knowledge of military metallurgy, and were too set in their ritualist warfare ways, to develop it.
Aztec metallurgy was largely decorational. Gold makes very poor armour, and cannot be weaponized for Melee Combat.