Proposal balance change for August patch

Sadly shotels can’t eat living units (even Mayan Eagles), cost almost 2x gold as a champion

compared to the woad raider they are garbage

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Villagers are alive as far as I know. And shotels can take them out in 2 hits in Imp, 3 in castle, for less cost than Lith cav. And come on, Royal Heirs are already 300f 300g, buffing like you proposed would make the tech almost as cheap as Madrasah (!!!) for a much better effect.

they had that at one point, and apparently it was too strong, so it was removed in Rajas

in that case, maybe we should give every civ camels, since you know, only 13 civs i believe have camels, and their pikes and halbs can get ran around.

Ethiopians literally got a better eco bonus and eco then some other civs out there.

so what about the civs that have worse ecos then ethiopians?

shotels are clearly not intended to be units you use for engaging the enemy army. they literally have no health. but they have high damage and mobility. raiding unit through and through.


35G for a raiding unit?!

Not worth it.

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shrug, that’s up to you to decide. but my point was, you were making it sound like they are supposed to be units you use to attack an enemy army. that isn’t true in the slightest. if they were, they’d have more health.

With my proposed changes they would be better/more cost effective at raids (become the true raider unit), but they wouldn’t be better against (in terms of pop efficiency) living units

If a unit can do only one thing, it should be very good at it, not just decent

Hera’s tier list: D-tier (second worst)

Viper’s tier list: C-tier (second worst)

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It’s also a huge buff for a civ that isn’t in a bad spot right now.

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You said that 2 weeks ago they need a minor buff

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a MINOR buff. -15 gold and -200 gold on the UT is not MINOR.


furthermore, that was before the forum made it crystal clear they want civs balanced around Arabia, where Ethiopians do better then their average score.

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Still balancing according to winrates.

When did you see Ethiopians 1v1 arabia in a big tournament? They are unchanged since 2018 january

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if we didn’t balance according to winrates, explain why the civs that got buffs were all terrible according to winrates?

does it matter? they are in a better spot then some civs out there, who don’t see much use at all.

picked 50 times. more then any other civ in the tournament.


one versus one The game should be balanced according to 1v1, not teamgames

Did you see Ethiopians in Hidden Cup/NAC on Arabia?

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i saw them more times then i saw some other civs. i don’t know if it was on arabia, but at least they see tournament use.
which is more then i can say about other civs out there.

like i said. SMALL MINOR BUFF.
not the huge buff you want lined up.

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They were picked once in NAC3, the same as Vietnamese.

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and twice in hidden cup 3.
small minor buff. not shaving off nearly half the cost of their unique unit and changing their unique tech to be so cheap even my sister can afford it.

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What if Burmese got 2/2 armor and Vietnamese got +100 hp from their unique techs? Their elephants were non existent before the splash damage nerf so maybe this would give more incentive. This wouldn’t affect 1v1 play as much as TG. Also it would only help if these civs were pocket which people right now play them mostly as flank. They don’t have the best win rates so I don’t see it as making them OP.
Burmese got their +1/2 tech nerfed but that was when BE had 2 more attack and 50% splash damage.


What Ethiopians could get is just a rebalance per age of the free resources. Like +100/150/200 or +100/200/300.

The unit is intended as infantry with fast creation time. Which is balanced by high gold cost. Still, imo, the unit is too fragile for such a high gold cost. At least I would try -5g. Or an equivalent cost reduction to let Ethiopians to be less hard countered by goths. But shotels are not supposed to be a go to strategy. Just something you train if you need immediate support

BE have been nerfed quite a lot in the last patches. I guess this is due to Khmer becoming a top pick. Considering that el dorado provides +40hp to eagles, +50 hp for viets is not that great. +1/2 for burmese was nerfed in a completely different scenario, so now it is fine do give it back. Burmese lost arambai strength and elephants have been nerfed…


If they wanted to nerf Khmer then nerf their speed bonus which is their main strength. They already get +3 attack. Make their BE 5% faster in castle age and 10% faster in imperial age as a start. Or more drastic would be take husbandry away and still give 15% faster elephants.

Nope, making burmese elephants basically immune to arrows is for sure not a good idea. I think they’re being somewhat slept on in teamgames anyway right now - probably because Khmer is a lot better at getting to them, while Burmese would usually play completely different units (like Arambai) and possibly switch to elephants in the very late game. But in (high level) teamgames you prefer to have a civ which goes for cav at all stages of the game, as your ally will then go for ranged at all stages of the game.

Arbalests deal 10 damage. Burmese elephants having 9 instead of 8 pierce armor would reduce their damage by 50%. A lot of other ranged units deal 11 damage. That’s still a 33% decrease.

But putting it into actual numbers should make the point even better:
With +2 pierce armor from the UT a Burmese elephant would be able to take 160 (!!!) more shots from Arbalests (they’d be like Skirms, just with a better fire rate), 53 more shots from heavy ca/longbows/rattans… and 27 more shots from Elite Mangudai/Camel Archers/Magyar CA.
We’re talking about a single elephant here.

I think elephants should be in a good spot right now, once people accept that they’re basically a pure lategame unit (except for the rare cases where 2-3 elephants in early Castle Age can be useful). They’re still very dominant in those lategame situations. They don’t need to be more than that.

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