Devs please we need three idea the British civilization’s rev civ card Jacobite rebellions and Spain crossbowmen ’card riflemen Miquelets These suggestions are they should be relatively easy to implement without posing significant game balance concerns
Based on the pictures of these three individuals, Scottish soldiers are preparing to resist British rule by using the highlands charge ability as a large button icon. The Devs have decided to transform the revolutionary card of British civ from the Jacobite
rebellions into a revolutionary flag, with more cards, unique units, and buildings undergoing changes
I’d love to also see something of the English Civil featured
I agree - personally I think all Euros should have access to Royal House embassy wagons (like the current German Electors and French shipments), with the Brits having access to the Hanoverians.
As an aside, I’d totally support the Hanoverians’ Drummer unit being a normal, general unit for all (it seems odd not to have at least a drummer present in all European-style armies). Obviously you’d need to replace that unit with something …