Public Update Preview - January Update

I kinda hate that only Georgian Hussars got a change like that. This could be a change to make Asian units speak more languages. And to give Aztecs actual Nahuatl voice lines (for whoever doesn’t know, the language Aztecs speak in AoE2 and AoE3 is either made up or a combination of multiple Mayan dialects, not proper Aztec language).

I got conspiracy theory, perhaps the reason Samurai receive 14 range siege damage because Skirmisher needs to be “the” counter of all siege-infantry unit like Arrow Knight last patch. Hence samurai got that card to solidify it as siege-infantry.

Same with Inca Huaraca, their range is too far for Skirmisher to comfortably shots them.

I know it sounds stupid, but eh… :man_shrugging:

Devs, here’s what needs to be done for Malta. All it amounts to is a very small early game buff and a small late-game buff.

  • Reverting the 2% XP penalty.
  • Making the Age IV Sentinel card a little better by reducing the cost increase to 35%, adding another 10% to stats (so 55%), and adding +2 range to Sentinels (including melee)
  • Decreasing the cost of hospitaller by 5c and train time by 2s.
  • Improve Auberges card by making Commandery units train 10% faster as well.
  • Decrease depot cost to 60c 60w and decrease build time by 3s. This is still an overall nerf from before.
  • Giving fixed gun +1% HP per card just like other siege units. This is still an overall nerf from before.

For Russia, all you need to do is:

  • Reduce the cost of the villagers batch by 5f. 260f → 255f
  • Increase Poruchnik Age II card to 6 Poruchnik (you’re already doing this per the PUP notes)

For the top civs:

For Dutch, all you have to do is:

  • Increase the build time of banks by 5s.
  • Decrease the HP bonus from card from 100% → 50% (you’re already doing this per the PUP notes).

For Ottomans, all you have to do is:

  • Increase the cost of first settler limit upgrade from 100c to 125c
  • Increase the cost of the first settler speed upgrade from 50w to 60w.

For USA, all you have to do is:

  • Decrease starting food by 50f.

For Mexico, all you have to do is:

  • Keep all of the proposed changes in the PUP
  • Increase the time it takes to revolt by 5 seconds.


In principle, that’s right. The Units of Mongolian origin like Keshiks should speak Mongolian, and Foochuan (I changed it arbitrarily because it was censored for some reason when I wrote it in the original spelling) and Iron Troops, of Fukien origin, should speak Hokkien. Also, among the Russian units, it would be more appropriate for the Cossack-styled Units to speak Ukrainian.
For Indians, it’s much more complicated, the Urumi Swordsmen should speak either Malayalam or some other southern Dravidian language, the Outlaws with “Marathan” should speak Marathi, and the “Gurkhas” should use Nepali, and “Rajputs” should also use strictly Rajasthani.

Of course, it would be great if everything could be reproduced properly. However, since these elements do not directly affect the game itself, they are given lower priority. Unless it’s a serious matter, it won’t be corrected, and even if there is an addition, it will be passed to the last turn.

Regarding “Georgian Hussars”, I think it was only changed "incidentally’’ because brand new Georgian Civ. was implemented in 2DE, and it became possible to reuse the Georgian voice line.


Nice British buff(not enough), nice Haude ram buff, nice Aztec buff and nice Dutch nerf.

Haude like this will need a buff in late game i guess.

Otto still being loved.

Hand mortars questionable buff.

Malta kinda ok, but still is hated andd…
RIP Italy once again. Looking forward to the next patch in July. Someone’s trolling in dev team.
Japan needed nerf, not a buff.

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Devs, here are six ideas for enhancing the British civilization. These suggestions are not overly radical, and they should be relatively easy to implement without posing significant game balance concerns.

In my view, the British civilization could benefit from additional content, particularly considering its low win ratio. While I appreciate the new Grenadier card, I don’t believe it alone will significantly improve the Brits’ win rate. I’m not suggesting that implementing my six ideas will completely address all of the British issues, but it could serve as a positive starting point.


Would it be possible to get carabiniere as a recruitable unit? Maybee you could tie it to the guardia di finanze card which seems to never be sent.

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The Japan have been a ‘cavalry civ’, now also an ‘artillery civ’,why not they stay in the age of Bakufu,why they still have to suffer the Meiji restoration ?
Oh I see ,in aoe3 japan indeed don’t need the Meiji restoration :laughing:
But seriously , although it’s quite fun ,I think they need more tag to debuff them(look at my poor Malta ,they are the one deserve more love)

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Devs please we need three idea the British civilization’s rev civ card Jacobite rebellions and Spain crossbowmen ’card riflemen Miquelets These suggestions are they should be relatively easy to implement without posing significant game balance concerns



A more appropriate nerf would have been for artillery to disembark in limber mode instead.

Too little to compensate the nerf from last patch.

ok I guess.

No, just no.

The problem of dutch isn;t bank HP, it is the amount of banks they can build without any real downside, due to the previous buff to the church card.
And this nerf is very unlikely to fix the sim city defense that dutch gets essentially for free.

a 3 vil card in age2, yeah right.

never in the past 17 years or so have I heard anyone complaining about this ability. Like never.

Guess I could get behind one of those individually, but not both at the same time.

I’m sorry, what>?

Azaps don’t need to outrange musketeers in age2. I seriously don’t understand why they have 14 range with the option to go to 18.

I don’t think the gold buff was needed.


somebody know what this is relating to? i checked the homecity card “assassins” and “agents” but they dont get masks

[normal spy]

[agent; gets a beard, has a pair of keys on the backside of the jacket aswell]

[assassin; only gets a sword / long knife]
other spy related cards like the ones for portugese/russians/ottoman or knowlton rangers have no changes either.
those skins are not new, what am i missing?

So they nerfed my Main… Indonesia…

Now I’m going to drop this game…



Advanced Arsenal: Card added.

Sumatran Elephants (infinite): Also adds 1 population space cost to War Elephants.


Tags for ships are a good idea, but this particular tag and the reason behind it is not good.

First of all, Training Ships is a dumb name and it doesn’t even fix the mess of tags since Monitors are also siege units and still get dunked on by Culverins, and now also Hand Mortars (who will be doing 420 damage per shot to them).

The approach to adding new tags needs to be top down, with a framework of how they interact figured out before they are added. Not scrambling to add tags that fix how a poorly thought out multiplier broke a bunch of unit counters.

For ship tags, something like this could cover them:

Boat - Canoe, Catamaran, Dinghy, etc
Medium Ship - Caravel, Junk, War Canoe, etc
Ship of the Line - Battleship, Frigate, War Dhow, etc
Transport Ship - Galleon, Fluyt, etc
Bombardment Ship - Monitor, Cannon Boat, etc
Demolition Ship - Fire Junk

This could be a basis for a counter system on the water that could flesh it out and actually make it fun. Adding tags willy nilly to fix ill advised Culverin multipliers is going to leave naval tags in such a mess that it’s going to be hard to clean up if there’s ever a push to rework naval gameplay.

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im happy with this. mortarships have easily the range to avoid culvs and “training ship” communicates exactly what the tag is supposed to mean. with your tag system all portugese ships would be transport ships after the “naval infantry” card… also transport ship would suggest no other ship being able to transport units

edit: but i would be more than happy to have a more fleshed out naval gameplay, so have to agree with your bottom line :slight_smile:

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Why Nerfing Hauds? No one complains About the Tomahawk and Wc Attack. Its almost 18 Years of Warchiefs Launch and no One ever complained that.
The Florest Prowler Damage Nerf 2 patches ago is pure nonsense. It weakned the Age 3 play of the Civ since in this Era they are the principal troop in unit composition in Age 3.


“Training ship” isn’t a thing. It’s like calling heavy infantry “anti-cav infantry”. It’s technically accurate, but not a real historical role or distinction. No one’s drilling their Musketeers and Hussars on a Galleon. These ships have that role because it represents their large capacity for carrying troops. They’re not the only ship that can transport, but they are the best because of their high health and resistance to building fire. People should be able to figure out very quickly that all ships can transport, but it’s less obvious that Galleons are better at it and a Transport Ship tag would indicate that.

Monitors can outrage Hand Mortars, but the stacking multipliers is still an obviously unintended oversight. It’s ridiculous for 3 Hand Mortars to be able to one shot a ship that costs almost twice as much as them.


Why Put a limit in a Age 4 Card wich cost gold to send and you ONLY can make 20 of them Lol. Increase the Limit to 36(Since you will receive 3 Embassies and Akan limit per settlement are 12) Ou Dont do Nothing lol.

because giving dutch a cheap guard ups, already vet spammable as all hell a to s tier musk while being backed by their boom was creating issues of balance when the civ was designed around skirm goon and also got better heavy cav pops and easier access to make more banks. plus you got blueguard, which is decent too and cooler looking imho. oh and cheaper natives card effected them too. sometimes, its ok for cards to be niche and this now is moreso to combo with natives which dutch had little before. sounds reasonable to me

Tbf the 12 it ships are popless and don’t count as part of the build limit. So you can get a good 32 mass of them once.


Tags are not the place for immersion. They should communicate their role, thats all. Historical names make it sometimes more confusing than need be.

Light/heavy cav ingame are very different to real life. And it sparked a lot of (pointless) discussions on this forum already.
A lot of heavy inf is pretty alround; anti-cav inf wouldnt really hit the nail, training ship does. Calling them transport ship would be as historical incorrect as the whole heavy cav thing… so lets keep it simple, but correct